Chapter 19. Power-Aware Modeling Revisited

Although the power-aware model for the TDMA system developed in Chapter 18 supports some predictive analysis in the absence of virtually all design detail, the power model is quite naive and the values discovered will not remain accurate as design decisions are made. The power-aware model is revisited here in several different ways to explore new analysis possibilities.

Technology-specific functional models allow representation of the TDMA algorithm in a manner most appropriate for a specific technology. Although the function of the TDMA remains the same, moving from hardware to software certainly changes the algorithm and implementation. New models for TDMA functions represent technology-specific implementations for functions in a manner similar to that for technology-specific power consumption models.

Using decomposition to represent the TDMA model structurally adds design detail and allows refinement of the power consumption model. By modeling power consumption in individual components, power consumption is more precisely modeled. Using facets to structurally model constraints as well as functions results in clean, focused structural specifications.

Finally, combining decomposition with technology-specific functional and power models adds yet more detail to the power model. Implementation technology for each component is included, as well as system architecture. Again, structural modeling of constraints as well as function supports highly decoupled models.

Technology-Specific Functional Models

The first technique explores the use of different functional models for different technologies. In the original model, the CMOS, FPGA, and software models all used the same functional model. At the requirements level, this is appropriate. However, as the design is refined it becomes quite apparent that the functional implementations differ from technology to technology. Thus, power consumption will vary in ways that cannot be accounted for in the original model.

To construct this new model, three new functional models must be developed. These new models need not be written in the same domain as the original model, but care must be taken to use domains that can be linked back to analysis tools. For the purposes of this example, CMOS, FPGA, and software models are developed in the discrete_time domain. Following are interfaces for these models:

facet interface CMOS_TDMA(i:: input real; o:: output real)::discrete_time is
end facet interface CMOS_TDMA;

facet interface FPGA_TDMA(i:: input real; o:: output real)::discrete_time is
end facet interface FPGA_TDMA;

facet interface SW_TDMA(i:: input real; o:: output real)::discrete_time is
end facet interface SW_TDMA;

These models are composed with the technology-specific power models using combinators in the same manner used in Chapter 18. When the combinator generating simulation models is applied to these models, the result is an analysis model with more detail, due to the inclusion of technology-specific information.

CMOS_TDMA(i:: input real; o:: output real) :: discrete_time is
 CMOSpowerLimit_dt(i:: input real; o: output real) *
 CMOS_TDMA(i:: input real;o:: output real);

FPGA_TDMA(i:: input real; o:: output real) :: discrete_time is
 FPGApowerLimit_dt(i:: input real; o: output real) *
 FPGA_TDMA(i:: input real;o:: output real);

SW_TDMA(i:: input real; o:: output real) :: discrete_time is
 SWpowerLimit_dt(i:: input real; o: output real) *
 SW_TDMA(i:: input real;o:: output real);

Configurable Components

An interesting variant on the technology-specific model uses a case expression to allow a single, parameterized model to be configured as any of the technology-specific models. Using a constructed type to indicate the technology type and case expression to choose the model is the approach taken here.

First, the technology data type is defined, allowing selection of the technology type. The data type defines an enumerated type with three values associated with one technology:

technology :: type is data
 cmos :: cmosp |
 fpga :: fpgap |
 sw :: swp
end data;

Remember that this data type must be visible outside the new TDMA facet. Thus, it cannot be defined locally to the TDMA facet. Using a package to define a module including both definitions is the most appropriate approach.

Next, the model is defined by adding a new parameter, t, oftype technology. This parameter of kind design allows configuration of the component and serves as the selection variable in the case expression:

TDMA(t:: design technology i:: input real; o:: output real;
   clk :: in bit; uniqueID::design word(16);
   pktSize:: design natural) :: discrete_time is
case t of
{cmos()}-> CMOS_TDMA(i, o, clk, uniqueID, pktSize) |
{fpga()}-> FPGA_TDMA(i, o, clk, uniqueID, pktSize) |
{sw()}-> SW_TDMA(i, o, clk, uniqueID, pktSize)
end case;

The technology selection parameter is of kind design because it cannot change during evaluation. If a reason existed to change technologies at run-time, the parameter restriction could be removed. Such a model would be useful for analyzing the process of moving an operational system from one technology to another to understand run-time risks.

This new TDMA model can be included in a design and the technology type parameter can be used to indicate the type of component to include. The value of this approach is being able to quickly reconfigure a model to check properties for different technology types. For example, the following term represents the FPGA implementation of the TDMA component:

tdma_comp: TDMA(fpga,i,o, clk, x"F0F0", 1064);

This definition assumes that i, o, and clk are items visible in its scope.


The second technique explores decomposing the functional model into a structural model. This technique increases accuracy by looking at finer grained state changes and thus finer grained power consumption. Figure 19.1 shows an abstract block diagram of the TDMA receiver. Six interconnected components are defined, driven by a single clock. As the TDMA receiver is a single processing block, its architecture is largely dataflow in nature. Data flowing into and out of components is complex, representing the in phase and quadrature components of the signal.

TDMA block diagram.

Figure 19.1. TDMA block diagram.

The definitions in Figure 19.2 are for the individual components comprising the structural block diagram from Figure 19.1 defining interfaces and functional elements. These definitions are no different than the functional models written for the original model. What is happening is that the functional definition is being pushed deeper into the design representation. This will always result when making design decisions.

Example 19.2. Model interfaces for TDMA components.

facet interface resampler
 (i:: input complex; o:: output complex; clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
end facet interface resampler;

facet interface carrierRecovery
 (i:: input complex; o:: output complex; clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
end facet interface carrierRecovery;

facet interface decimator
 (i:: input complex; o:: output complex,clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
end facet interface decimator;

facet interface bitSynchronization
 (i:: input complex; o:: output complex ,clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
facet interface bitSynchronization;

facet interface errorCorrection
 (i:: input complex; o:: output complex,clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
end facet interface errorCorrection;

facet interface messageProcessor
 (i:: input complex; o:: output complex ,clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
end facet interface messageProcessor;

The structural design in Figure 19.3 accomplishes three modeling tasks. First, each component model is composed with the CMOS power consumption model and instantiated within the component. The result is a collection of specification products representing each component’s function and power consumption model. Next, interconnections are made between individual components and from components to the TDMA receiver interface. Finally, the power associated with the TDMA receiver is calculated by summing the powers from the individual components.

Example 19.3. TDMA with power calculation.

facet TDMAstruct
 (i::input complex; o::output complex; clk::input bit)::discrete_time is
  export power;
  power :: real;
  ec2mp,bs2ec,d2bs,cr2d,r2cr :: complex;
  gammaSBDT(f:state_based)::discrete_time is
    (state_based_infinite_state.gamma . infinite_state_discrete_time.gamma);

  c1: resampler(i,r2cr,clk)
      * gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(i,r2cr));
  c2: carrierRecovery(r2cr,cr2d,clk)
      * gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(r2cr,cr2d));
  c3: decimator(cr2d,d2bs,clk)
      * gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(cr2d,d2bs));
  c4: bitSynchronization(d2bs,bs2ec,clk)
      * gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(d2bs,bs2ec));
  c5: errorCorrection(bs2ec,ec2mp,clk)
      * gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(bs2ec,ec2mp));
  c6: messageProcessor(ec2mp,o,clk)
      * gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(ec2mp,o));
  power' = power + c1.power + c2.power + c3.power
         + c4.power + c5.power + c6.power;
end facet TDMAstruct;

The result of this construction is somewhat different than earlier models in that it does not include the power constraint. The power value exportedfromthe model is the consumed power, not a power limit. There are two ways to include the power constraint. One is to simply compose the TDMA model with the power constraint at the component level. This is achieved using the state_based power constraint model and constructing the product with the structural TDMA after moving the state_based model to discrete_time:

TDMA(i:: input complex; o:: output complex; clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
  TDMAstruct(i,o,clk) *

An alternative approach is to budget power across components and add the power constraint model to each instantiated component. The distinction is that when composing the structural model with the the system power constraint, analysis will only reveal a problem at the systems level. It will not indicate the component or components causing the problem. By budgeting the power constraint across components, analysis will reveal problems at the component level. Unfortunately, the model from Figure 19.4 is unwieldy and defeats the separation-of-concerns goals that Rosetta promotes. An alternative mechanism exists to form the product model using a products of structural facets.

Example 19.4. Structural TDMA receiver model with power budgeted to individual components.

facet TDMAstruct
  (i:: input complex; o:: output complex; clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
   export power;
   power :: real;
   ec2mp,bs2ec,d2bs,cr2d,r2cr :: complex;
   gammaSBDT(f:state_based)::discrete_time is
    (state_based_infinite_state.gamma . infinite_state_discrete_time.gamma);
  c1: resampler(i,r2cr,clk)
      * (gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(i,r2cr)
         * static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(1e-6))));
  c2: carrierRecovery(r2cr,cr2d,clk)
      * (gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(r2cr,cr2d)
         * static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(2e-6))));
  c3: decimator(cr2d,d2bs,clk)
      * (gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(cr2d,d2bs)
         * static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(1e-6))));
  c4: bitSynchronization(d2bs,bs2ec,clk)
      * (gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(d2bs,bs2ec)
         * static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(3e-6))));
  c5: errorCorrection(bs2ec,ec2mp,clk)
      * (gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(bs2ec,ec2mp)
         * static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(1e-6))));
  c6: messageProcessor(ec2mp,o,clk)
      * (gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(ec2mp,o)
         * static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(1e-6))));
end facet TDMAstruct;

Figures 19.5 through 19.7 structurally model function, power constraints, and power consumption for the TDMA receiver model. These models are separate in the same sense that the original TDMA models were separate. Using the product, they are easily composed in the same manner as the individual models:

Example 19.5. Structural TDMA receiver model.

facet TDMAfunction
  (i:: input complex; o:: output complex; clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
   export power;
   power :: real;
   ec2mp,bs2ec,d2bs,cr2d,r2cr :: complex;
  c1: resampler(i,r2cr,clk);
  c2: carrierRecovery(r2cr,cr2d,clk);
  c3: decimator(cr2d,d2bs,clk);
  c4: bitSynchronization(d2bs,bs2ec,clk);
  c5: errorCorrection(bs2ec,ec2mp,clk);
  c6: messageProcessor(ec2mp,o,clk);
end facet TDMAfunction;

Example 19.6. Structural model of power budgets for TDMA components.

facet TDMApowerBudget()::discrete_time is
   export power;
    power :: real;
 c1: static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(1e-6)));
 c2: static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(2e-6)));
 c3: static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(1e-6)));
 c4: static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(3e-6)));
 c5: static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(1e-6)));
 c6: static_state_based.gamma(powerConstraint(1e-6)));
 power = c1.power + c2.power + c3.power
       + c4.power + c5.power + c6.power;
end facet TDMApowerBudget;

Example 19.7. Structural model of power consumption for TDMA components.

facet TDMAconsumption
  (i:: input complex; o:: output complex)::discrete_time is
    export power;
    power :: real;
    ec2mp,bs2ec,d2bs,cr2d,r2cr :: complex;
    gammaSBDT(f:state_based)::discrete_time is
      (state_based_infinite_state.gamma . infinite_state_discrete_time.gamma);
  c1: gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(i,r2cr));
  c2: gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(r2cr,cr2d));
  c3: gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(cr2d,d2bs));
  c4: gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(d2bs,bs2ec));
  c5: gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(bs2ec,ec2mp));
  c6: gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(ec2mp,o));
  power' = power + c1.power + c2.power + c3.power
         + c4.power + c5.power + c6.power;
end facet TDMAconsumption;
TDMA(i:: input complex; o:: output complex; clk:: input bit)::discrete_time is
     * gammaSBDT(TDMAconsumption(i,o,clk)
       * static_state_based.gamma(TDMApowerBudget()));

This model is semantically identical to the previous model. The product operation is applied to each of the terms comprising the original structural models. Term labels are used to determine how the operations are applied. The product operations are distributed across like-named terms. For example, the c1 term resulting from the product is defined as:

* gammaSBDT(TDMAconsumption.c1
        * static_state_based.gamma(TDMApowerBudget.c1));

Other terms are handled similarly, resulting in exactly the model defined earlier.

Mixed Technology Systems

The final model combines the use of separate technology models and structural modeling. Figures 19.8 and 19.9 show functional and power decomposition of the receiver, respectively. Note the use of different models for different implementation technologies. Formation of the product model is identical to that in the previous example and results in a yet more accurate model.

Example 19.8. Structural model of power consumption for TDMA components using mixed implementation technology.

facet TDMAconsumption
  (i::input complex; o::output complex)::discrete_time is
     export power;
     power :: real;
     ec2mp,bs2ec,d2bs,cr2d,r2cr :: complex;
     gammaSBDT(f:state_based)::discrete_time is
       (state_based_infinite_state.gamma . infinite_state_discrete_time.gamma);
  c1: gammaSBDT(FPGApowerConsumption(i,r2cr));
  c2: gammaSBDT(CMOSpowerConsumption(r2cr,cr2d));
  c3: gammaSBDT(SWpowerConsumption(cr2d,d2bs));
  c4: gammaSBDT(FPGApowerConsumption(d2bs,bs2ec));
  c5: gammaSBDT(SWpowerConsumption(bs2ec,ec2mp));
  c6: gammaSBDT(SWpowerConsumption(ec2mp,o));
  power' = power + c1.power + c2.power + c3.power
         + c4.power + c5.power + c6.power;
end facet TDMAconsumption;

Example 19.9. Structural TDMA receiver model using mixed technology components.

facet TDMAfunction
  (i::input complex; o::output complex; clk::input bit)::discrete_time is
     export power;
     power :: real;
     ec2mp,bs2ec,d2bs,cr2d,r2cr :: complex;
  c1: FPGAresampler(i,r2cr,clk);
  c2: CMOScarrierRecovery(r2cr,cr2d,clk);
  c3: SWdecimator(cr2d,d2bs,clk);
  c4: FPGAbitSynchronization(d2bs,bs2ec,clk);
  c5: SWerrorCorrection(bs2ec,ec2mp,clk);
  c6: SWmessageProcessor(ec2mp,o,clk);
end facet TDMAfunction;

Mixed technology models are particularly useful when performing hardware/ software co-design. Such models may be automatically produced by synthesis tools and analysis results may be used to select the best implementation approach. Synthesis combinators also take advantage of these models by applying technology-specific synthesis techniques to individual functional components.

Wrap Up

The objective of this case study is to explore alternatives to the initial power-aware case study and discuss refinement of system-level models. In this chapter, heterogeneous design is truly explored for the first time by allowing for different functional models for components using different implementation technologies. Additionally, the option of implementing different system functions simultaneously using different implementation technologies can be explored.

The introduction of technology-specific functional models has the greatest potential for increased modeling detail. As noted in Chapter 18, software uses a different underlying computational model and changes states in very different ways, as compared to hardware implementations of the same function. Technology-specific function models make it possible to define and analyze such systems. Using configurable models to select from among alternative technologies makes it simpler to configure and analyze models.

Structural decomposition is an important refinement step in any system design process. As design detail is added to functional models, it also propagates to constraint models. In effect, the constraint models follow design decisions, allowing more detailed and precise analysis. This evolution is vital as requirements flow through the design process or performance requirements become stale artifacts of initial design decisions.

When system components can be implemented using different technologies, we begin to explore the benefits of heterogeneity. Allowing models for components to be configurable over several implementation fabrics dramatically improves understanding of trade-offs among performance requirements and implementation fabrics. Using simulation, the system impacts of design fabrics and their interactions can be explored. If significant resources are brought to bear, one can imagine finding optimum or near-optimum implementations.


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