Appendix III
Microphone Diagrams

The following microphone diagrams were copied from actual documents used by networks and production companies to produce small and large sporting events. There is not one single way to set up microphones at an event. These diagrams show some of the most common microphone diagrams.

Many of these diagrams show the basic microphone setup. Microphones can be added to them as needed. A few of the diagrams show many microhpones as used in a world championship.

Baseball: Audio Diagram


Mic Type Location Coverage

1 Long shotgun On camera, low third POV and close-up of base runners
2 Long shotgun Near camera behind home plate Batter and umpire sound
3 Long shotgun on camera On camera, low first POV and close-up of base runners
4 Long shotgun on camera On camera, left field POV and close-up
5 Boundary On camera, center field Field ambience
6 Boundary On wall in outfield Pick up outfield sounds
7 Boundary Behind home plate Stereo image of home plate
8 Shotgun Grandstands Stereo crowd fill

Basketball: Audio Diagram


Mic Type Location Coverage

1 Long shotgun with operator Near court Play action
2 Lavaliere Under net Close proximity of net
3 Long shotgun on camera Near court POV and close-ups
4 Lavaliere In vicinity of bench Team ambience
5 Short shotgun On pole or stand in front of audience Stereo crowd fill

Soccer/Football: Audio Diagram


Mic Type Location Coverage

1 Parabolic with operator Side of field Play action for quadrant
2 Short shotgun Behind goal Play action goal area
3 Long shotgun on camera On camera POV and close-ups
4 Lavaliere Bench area Coaches and athletes
5 Short shotgun On pole or stand in front of audience Stereo crowd fill

Tennis: Audio Diagram


Mic Type Location Coverage

1 Short shotgun Mid court, aimed at playing area Athlete’s close-up
2 Boundary Mid court, aimed at playing area Athlete’s close-up
3 Lavaliere In seam of net Close proximity of net
4 Short shotgun On pole or stand in front of audience Stereo crowd fill
5 Short shotgun Back court in X/Y configuration Close-up, back court sound
e Long shotgun On camera POV and close-ups
7 Lavaliere In vicinity of referee Judge’s call

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