Chapter 1. Preliminary Concerns

The term "software bug" is a common term that even beginning computer users know to be a defect or imperfection in a software application. Software users have become accustomed to finding problems with software. Some problems have workarounds and are not severe, whereas others can be extremely problematic and, in some cases, costly. Sadly, as users, we have come to expect this from software. However, in recent years the quality of software has generally increased as software teams spend countless hours identifying and eliminating these problems before the software reaches the user. The process of identifying these bugs is known as testing.

There are many different types of testing that can be performed on your web applications, including functionality of the application, security, load/stress, compliance, and accessibility testing.

If you are new to testing, don't worry: we will explain the fundamental concepts and guide you to the correct actions you'll need to consider for each type of testing discipline. If you already have experience with testing applications, then this book will identify the key areas of the ASP.NET family and pair them with the correct approaches and the tools available to successfully test your web application.

This book is not intended to be the definitive guide to any particular type of testing, but a thorough overview of each type of web testing discipline. Its goal is to get you started using best practices and testing tools, and provide you with resources to master that particular testing discipline. It's our aim as authors to help the reader navigate to a section of this book and learn what and how they should be testing at any point in the development of a web-based application.

Although existing books cover different testing disciplines in depth, this book is unique because it applies today's best testing approaches to the ASP.NET family, including WebForms, ASP.NET MVC Framework, Web Services, Ajax, Silverlight, and ADO.NET Data Services, ensuring that the key technologies relevant today are able to be tested by the reader.

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