
My supportive wife, Mary, who had faith that I would complete this book, and provided support through proof reading and feedback.

My computer savvy daughter, Molly, who gives me confidence that my passion for using data to make a better world will continue. Molly has an eye for both clear writing and practical use of data.

My friend, Stephan Hodges, who provided great feedback and ideas. Stephan’s experience as a writer and computer expert made for a better book.

My friend, Tony Fike, who gave me great support and inspiration. Tony is passionate about data and using it to make a positive impact on the world.

Allen Messerli, the lead visionary behind the successful 3M Global Enterprise Data Warehouse, who helped me to understand the business case and benefits of the Enterprise Data Warehouse.

My friends and advisors: Judy Hauritz, Jeff Jung, Daniel Smith and Joel Wittenmyer. They gave me insights into specialized aspects of project management and data warehousing.

Allianz Life, Synchrono, 3M, IBM, Mayo Clinic and other organizations that have given me opportunities to learn through experience.

My publisher, Steve Hoberman, who is inspiring with both his knowledge and passion for using data to make the world a better place, and for his support in producing this book.

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