About the Authors

Michael Hale Ligh (@iMHLv2) is author of Malware Analyst’s Cookbook and secretary-treasurer of the Volatility Foundation. As both a developer and reverse engineer, his focus is malware cryptography, memory forensics, and automated analysis. He has taught advanced malware and memory forensics courses to students around the world.

Andrew Case (@attrc) is digital forensics researcher for the Volatility Project responsible for projects related to memory, disk, and network forensics. He is the co-developer of Registry Decoder (a National Institute of Justice–funded forensics application) and was voted Digital Forensics Examiner of the Year in 2013. He has presented original memory forensics research at Black Hat, RSA, and many others.

Jamie Levy (@gleeda) is senior researcher and developer with the Volatility Project. Jamie has taught classes in computer forensics at Queens College and John Jay College. She is an avid contributor to the open-source computer forensics community, and has authored peer-reviewed conference publications and presented at numerous conferences on the topics of memory, network, and malware forensics analysis.

AAron Walters (@4tphi) is founder and lead developer of the Volatility Project, president of the Volatility Foundation, and chair of the Open Memory Forensics Workshop. AAron’s research led to groundbreaking developments that helped shape how digital investigators analyze RAM. He has published peer-reviewed papers in IEEE and Digital Investigation journals, and presented at Black Hat, DoD Cyber Crime Conference, and American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

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