
• Book overview and key learning points

• Book audience

• How this book is organized

Book overview and key learning points

The Basics of Information Security will provide the reader with a basic knowledge of information security in both theoretical and practical aspects. We will first cover the basic knowledge needed to understand the key concepts of information security, discussing many of the concepts that underpin the security world. We will then dive into practical applications of these ideas in the areas of operations, physical, network, operating system, and application security.

Book audience

This book will provide a valuable resource to beginning security professionals, as well as to network and systems administrators. The information provided on can be used to develop a better understanding on how we protect our information assets and defend against attacks, as well as how to apply these concepts practically.

Those in management positions will find this information useful as well, from the standpoint of developing better overall security practices for their organizations. The concepts discussed in this book can be used to drive security projects and policies, in order to mitigate some of the issues discussed.

How this book is organized

This book is designed to take the reader through a logical progression for a foundational understanding of information security and is best read in the order of the chapters from front to back. In the areas where we refer to information located in other chapters in the book, we have endeavored to point out where the information can be found. The following descriptions will provide an overview of the contents of each chapter.

Chapter 1: What is information security?

In this chapter, we cover some of the most basic concepts of information security. Information security is vital in the era in which data regarding countless individuals and organizations is stored in a variety of computer systems, often not under our direct control. We talk about the diametrically opposing concepts of security and productivity the models that are helpful in discussing security concepts, such as the CIA triad and the Parkerian hexad, as well as the basic concepts of risk and controls to mitigate it. Lastly, we cover defense in depth and its place in the information security world.

Chapter 2: Identification and authentication

In Chapter 2, we cover the security principles of identification and authentication. We discuss identification as being the process by which we assert the identity of a particular party, whether this is true or not. We talk about the use of authentication as the means of validating whether the claim of identity is true. Also covered are multifactor authentication and the use of biometrics and hardware tokens to enhance surety in the authentication process.

Chapter 3: Authorization and access control

In this chapter, we discuss the use of authorization and access control. Authorization is the next step in the process that we work through in order to allow entities access to resources. We cover the various access control models that we use when putting together systems such as discretionary access control, mandatory access control, and role-based access control. We also talk about multilevel access control models, including Bell LaPadula, Biba, Clark-Wilson, and Brewer and Nash. In addition to the commonly discussed concepts of logical access control, we also go over some of the specialized applications that we might see when looking specifically at physical access control.

Chapter 4: Auditing and accountability

We discuss the use of auditing and accountability in this chapter. We talk about the need to hold other accountable when we provide access to the resources on which our businesses are based or to personal information of a sensitive nature. We also go over the processes that we carry out in order to ensure that our environment is compliant with the laws, regulations, and policies that bind it, referred to as auditing. In addition, we address the tools that we use to support audit, accountability, and monitoring activities, such as logging and monitoring.

Chapter 5: Cryptography

In this chapter, we discuss the use of cryptography. We go over the history of such tools, from very simple substitution ciphers to the fairly complex electromechanical machines that were used just before the invention of the first modern computing systems and how they form the basis for many of our modern algorithms. We cover the three main categories of cryptographic algorithm: symmetric key cryptography, also known as private key cryptography, asymmetric key cryptography, and hash functions. We also talk about digital signatures which can be to ensure that data has not been altered and certificates which allow us to link a public key to a particular identity. In addition, we cover the mechanisms that we use to protect data at rest, in motion, and, to a certain extent, in use.

Chapter 6: Laws and regulations

In chapter, we discuss a number of issues that pertain to laws, regulations, compliance, and privacy. We cover how a great number of laws and regulations exist that may be pertinent to computing, as well as how such things can vary heavily from one country to the next. We talk about issues regarding regulatory compliance and industry compliance, and how these might affect businesses and organizations operating in a wide variety of industries. Lastly, we investigate the issue of privacy overall, including privacy rights and how privacy issues may come into play when conducting business.

Chapter 7: Operations security

This chapter covers operational security. We talk about the history of operational security, which reaches at least as far back as the writings of Sun Tzu in the sixth century BC to the words of George Washington, writings from the business community, and formal methodologies from the US government. We talk about the five major steps of operations security: identifying critical information, analyzing threats, analyzing vulnerabilities, determining risks, and planning countermeasures. We also go over the Laws of OPSEC, as penned by Kurt Haas. In addition to discussing the use of operations security in the worlds of business and government, we also address how it is used in our personal lives, although perhaps in a less formal manner.

Chapter 8: Human element security

In this chapter, we have go into several issues that pertain to the human element of information security and why the people that staff our organizations to pose a security challenge that cannot be directly addressed with technical controls in every case. We cover items that we might want to discuss with users including protecting data, passwords, social engineering, network usage, malware, use of personal equipment on corporate networks, clean desk policies, and policy and regulatory knowledge. We also talk about what we can do to make our security awareness and training programs better, and the steps that we can take to make this information impact the behavior of users.

Chapter 9: Physical security

In this chapter, we discuss physical security. We address the main categories of physical security controls, to include deterrent, detective, and preventive measures, and discuss how they might be put in place to mitigate physical security issues. We talk about the foremost concern in physical security, ensuring the safety of our people, and talk about how data and equipment can generally be replaced, when proper precautions are taken, though people can be very difficult to replace. We also cover the protection of data, secondary only to protecting our people and how this is a highly critical activity in our world of technology-based business. Lastly, we discuss protecting our equipment, both outside of and within our facilities

Chapter 10: Network security

In this chapter, we examine how we might protect our networks from a variety of different angles. We go over secure network design and segmentation properly, ensuring that we have the proper choke points to enable control of traffic and that we are redundant where such is needed. We look into the implementation of security devices such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, the protection of our network traffic with VPNs and security measures specific to wireless networks when we need to use them, and make use of secure protocols. We also consider a variety of security tools, such as Kismet, Wireshark, Nmap, honeypots, and other similar utilities.

Chapter 11: Operating system security

In this chapter, we explore hardening as one of the primary tools for securing the operating system and the steps that we take to do so. We also review the additional security-related software that we might use to secure our systems including anti-malware tools, software firewalls, and host-based intrusion detection systems in order to protect us from a variety of attacks. Lastly, we touch on some of the security tools that we can use from an operating perspective, including port scanners such as Nmap, vulnerability analysis tools like Nessus, and exploit frameworks, such as Metasploit.

Chapter 12: Application security

In this chapter, we consider the various ways in which we might secure our applications. We go over the vulnerabilities common to the software development process, including buffer overflows, race conditions, input validation attacks, authentication attacks, authorization attacks, and cryptographic attacks, and how we might mitigate these by following secure coding guidelines. We talk about web security, the areas of concern on both the client side issues and server side of the technology. We introduce database security and cover protocol issues, unauthenticated access, arbitrary code execution, and privilege escalation and the measures that we might take to mitigate such issues. Lastly, we examine security tools from an application perspective, including sniffers such as Wireshark, fuzzing tools including some developed by Microsoft, and web application analysis tools such as Burp Suite in order to better secure our applications.


Writing this book was an adventure for the author, as always. Hopefully you enjoy the end result and that your view into the world of information security is expanded. The security world can be an interesting and, at times, hair raising field to work in. Welcome and good luck!

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