If you’re thinking of selling your home without a real estate agent, there’s a good chance you’re getting a lot of feedback—much of it questioning your good sense. To wit …
• You can’t sell your home without an agent (it’s illegal or something like that).
• You’ll never get any buyers (the agents have them all hidden away, as everyone knows).
• You’ll never get through all that paperwork (it’s all written in some dead language, like Sanskrit).
And so on.
If it sounds like some people are a bit misinformed, you could not be more on the mark. The fact is, the number of people selling their home without a real estate agent is growing all the time. And armed with the material we’ve provided in this book, you’re poised to join them.
We’ve crafted this book to offer a systematic, step-by-step approach to walk you through every issue and element attached to selling your home without an agent. From powerful sales strategies to every last scrap of paperwork you’ll need, we’ve got you covered. In fact, we’ve gone well beyond that. For one thing, we conclude each chapter with several Internet sites that address some of the topics we discuss. They’re designed to augment the material and provide you with additional resources—whether it’s information, interactive search engines, calculators, or other useful tools.
One of the nice things about writing a book such as this one is that we’re able look back a bit and examine the successes and frustrations of those who’ve gone before us. In so doing, we see what’s worked and what has not. While we pay exhaustive attention to those tips and strategies that others who have taken the FSBO route have put to good use, we also focus on those common mistakes that can trip up any sale. Just as important, we go in-depth to show you ways to avoid those problems.
Although, naturally, you’re free to read as you wish, we urge you to try to make your way through most, if not all, of this book before getting started with the sale of your home. While we’ve generally arranged things in chronological order, examining the topic as a whole puts all the individual parts into perspective and balance. And that can help you map out your thinking and planning in the most organized and thoughtful way possible—from the first moment you consider selling your home without an agent to the instant the last dab of ink has dried on the final sales documents.

How This Book Is Organized

This book is presented in five sections:
In Part 1, “The Nuts and Bolts,” you get your first glimpse into the world of selling your home without a real estate agent. We help you decide whether a FSBO is right for you. If it’s a match, we move on to other basics, including getting your home in shape, others you’ll work with in selling your home, and the importance of setting the right price.
Part 2, “Let The Selling Begin!,” moves us into the actual mechanics of the sales process. Starting with advertising strategies—including how to write the best newspaper ad ever—we discuss open houses, tips, and techniques when buyers come calling, and what to do if you want to move your sales effort onto the Internet.
Part 3, “Setting Up the Deal,” does just that. Here, you’ll be getting a handle on the nuts and bolts of the sale itself. You learn about the do’s and don’ts of fielding offers, negotiation strategies, the basics of home loans and mortgages, and alternatives you can consider to sweeten the financial terms of your sale.
Part 4, “That Sweet, Sweet Closing and What Comes After,” leads you through the closing stages to the closing itself. First, we discuss the mechanics of the home inspection and various other tests that may take place. That can lead to some problems and misunderstandings, so we address those next. But, after those are ironed out, we enjoy the details of the closing itself (accompanied by the not-so-palatable tax discussion that follows).
Not every home is perfect. Part 5, “The Problem House: The Less Than Perfect Buyer and Other Final Details,” hits on some issues you may encounter in your sale and strategies to work them out. Ranging from the home that just won’t sell to the buyer from, shall we say, the fiery regions below, you’ll be well-prepared to meet most any challenge.

Bonus FSBO Features

Not surprisingly, certain parts of our discussion warrant additional attention. To make sure nothing gets lost in the shuffle, we’ve included four special boxes throughout the text highlighting key points, terms, and other details.
Selling Smarts
Certain sales ideas and strategies are particularly effective. Here’s where you’ll find them.
Tools of the Trade
These point out and explain important real estate and home sales terms you’ll want to know.
Sales Snafu
Here, we highlight potential problems and pitfalls that many home sellers encounter and, of course, ways to head them off.
FSBO Facts
Not every part of selling your home on your own is as obvious as it might first appear. Here, we point them out and show how you can put them to your advantage.

Special Thanks to the Technical Reviewer

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Selling Your Own Home was reviewed by an expert, who double-checked the accuracy of what you learn here, to help ensure this book gives you everything you need to know about selling your home yourself. Special thanks are extended to Doug Jones.
Doug Jones has been a residential and commercial developer and broker in Indiana for 12 years. Doug specializes in urban “in-fill” projects that require a bit of imagination, diplomatic skills, and stick-to-it-iveness to get the projects done. You can see examples of his work at Doug is a 1990 graduate of Indiana University and got his “MBA of Sorts” while serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa.


All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be or are suspected of being trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Alpha Books and Penguin Group (USA) Inc. cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
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