As founder and president of, the world’s leading for sale by owner website and one of the largest real estate sites in the country, I jumped at the chance to assist in the creation of this extremely helpful book.
When it came to business, I had two passions in life, real estate and the Internet. As a serial entrepreneur, I have founded several Internet companies and managed my own portfolio of residential real estate. I must say I did get an early start. I was only 17 years old when I made my first real estate purchase. It definitely took some fancy negotiating and a small loan from my mother. So I thank God my mother and father believed in me because everyone else thought I was crazy to be making this kind of investment and commitment at such a young age.
Well, that first investment turned out great and that’s what led me to my passion for real estate. During the next few years, I bought and sold real estate and realized that by selling my properties without the use of a real estate agent, I would greatly increase my profits by pocketing the 6% commission I would have normally given to an agent. This was my early experience with the For Sale By Owner method and I was intrigued and excited with the whole concept. I always thought, “Why would anyone do anything different when it really wasn’t very difficult at all?”
Then came my second passion, my fascination with the Internet and its never ending possibilities. I could see the writing on the wall and predicted the Internet would change the way millions of people did so many things, from finding a date and booking travel to buying stocks and researching homework assignments. It was an endless stream of possibilities and my mind would run wild and I just loved it.
That’s when it hit me. What if I combined my two passions into one concept? What if I utilized the Internet to create a For Sale By Owner marketplace utilizing my knowledge and experience buying and selling real estate By Owner? It was the single best idea I have ever had. I could help hundreds of thousands of people sell their own home and save them hundreds of millions of dollars. So I did just that with the creation of and to date has helped consumers save over a billion dollars in would be commissions.
This is why I jumped at the chance to play a role in the creation of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Selling Your Own Home because I knew that I’d be part of another outlet that would help so many people successfully sell their own home and save thousands of dollars that they can now use for so many other great things.
This book is not only a guide but it’s also an education in the For Sale By Owner real estate marketplace. This Complete Idiot’s Guide will not only teach you everything you need to know about selling your own home, it will give you the tools and resources needed to help make the process simple and effective.
I truly believe that if you educate yourself by reading this guide and implement the strategies and services outlined, your rate of success will greatly improve and you, too, will be one of the many people who have saved thousands in would-be commissions.
Damon Giglio, Founder & President No Commission, Lots of Help.
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