Part 1
Getting to Know Your House
Of course, your house is more than the sum of its many parts: it’s your home. But even before you start the little jobs that will make it look better or run more smoothly, you need to know some basic information.
First of all, the right tool makes common repairs easier and quicker, and you should acquire a basic assortment. Also, if you’re going to do repairs yourself, you need to do them safely. There are a few important rules for keeping you, your family, and your home safe when doing repairs, and they’re simple to learn. Next, you need a few basic supplies that you can use for a variety of repairs, as well as a couple of things that will serve you well in small emergencies. And finally, if your house has electric power, a gas supply, and running water, you need to know where the main controls for each system are located, and how to start and stop them.
Even if you were never a Scout as a kid, the organization’s motto is a good one: “Be prepared.” By the time you finish Part 1, you’ll be equipped and ready for lots of the little glitches and mishaps that homeownership is sure to send your way.
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