Page references followed by e indicate an exhibit; followed by fig indicate an illustrated figure.


Acem Insurance (pseudonym)
Acquisitions: collaborations to facilitate ; cultural
assessment in mergers, joint ventures and,
192-198; cultural realities about;
culture traps and; dialogue for
bridging differences in; as disconfirmation source
; multicultural problem of; as possible change
mechanism. See also Joint ventures;
Adhocracy culture type
Alpha Power Company: culture change management process taken by
; employee and union subcultures of; employee involvement in
change process at; environment,
health, and safety (EH&S) issues,
; environmental committee (EHSC) of;
environmental quality review board (EQRB) of; error-detection and
correction systems used by; parallel
learning systems used by;
survival and learning anxieties sources
Amelio, G.
American auto industry
AMOCO Oil: British Petroleum merger with ; cognitive redefinition example at; Texas City disaster and; transformative change failure by
AMOCO Oil case study: AMOCO culture
workshop held during; background
information on; culture themes
identified during workshop;
examining the culture-deciphering process
Artifacts: categories for identifying;
comparing espoused values with;
description and examples of
Assessment: cultural intelligence;
“discretionary time units” used in; self-analysis. See also Cultural assessment
Assessment survey: pitfalls to avoid when using; types of information gathered from
Assumptions: on adult learning; AMOCO assessment workshop identification of; deeper underlying cultural; Delta sale culture report on; Naval Research Labs. See also Shared tacit assumptions
Authority: as communication issues,
cultural behavior related to,
as internal integration issue,
; learning anxiety related to fear of losing; multicultural issues related to; organizational definition of


Bargaining response
Barley, S.
Beckhard, R.
Bell, G.
Bell System
Blaming culture
Blending cultures: collaborations to facilitate ; as merger culture option; resistance to
British Petroleum
Burger Chef


Carpet Fresh (Airwick product)
CEOs. See Top management
Challenger disaster
Change: Alpha Power’s experience with ; Ciba-Geigy’s moderate core culture; DEC’s experience with drastic culture; of dysfunctional elements in core culture; leadership and change agent roles in ; lessons to learn about; possible mechanisms of; realities about process of cultural; reviewing of dynamics of; transformative change model on. See also Cultural evolution; Resistance to change; Transformative change model
Change agents (team): characteristics and motivation of; steps taken by
Change involvement program: Alpha Power’s time-out program as part of; employee involvement in equipment redesign in ; labor/management safety committees and; task forces as part of; union safety committees and
Change managers: characteristics and management of; creating psychological safety by; facilitating cognitive redefinition; imitation/ identification vs. scanning/trial and error by; implications of transformative change for; parallel learning systems used by; positive role modeling by; refreezing role of; structural and process interventions by . See also Leadership; Management; Top management; Transformative change model
Change team steps: 1. determining necessity of change; 2. defining the ideal future state; 3. assessing the present state and planning; 4. managing the transition
Charismatic leadership
China: authority norms in; groupism society of
Chrysler-Daimler Benz merger
Ciba-Geigy (C-G): Airwick acquired by ; bias toward science and research at; command-and-control typology of; cultural artifacts of; cultural intelligence assessments at; dysfunctional elements of core culture at ; espoused values of; managed evolution through promoting of hybrids ; moderate core culture change at ; multicultural problem experienced at; open communication facilitated by; paternalistic philosophy reflected in; relationships, rank, and authority at; Sandoz merger with ; sense of mission and identity of; shared tacit assumptions of; Swiss-German values incorporated at
Citicorp-Travelers merger
Clan culture type
Cognitive redefinition: description of; imitation/identification vs. scanning/trial and error for; transformative change through
Collaborations: benefits of forming team for; cultural blending work of ; cultural realities about; initial selection for participates in ; joint training prior to and on the job for; leadership style and attitude of; multicultural issues for ; providing knowledge and training for; regular process reviews of . See also Multicultural organizations
Command-and-control typology
Common language/thinking: description of cultural; examples of internal integration through
Communal culture type
Communication: authority issues of multicultural ; common language/thinking required for good; culture traps barrier to; disasters due to failures of; multicultural organization issues related to; of positive vision. See also Dialogue
Conflict resistance
Corrections. See Error-detection/correction systems
Cross-cultural differences. See Multicultural problem
Cultural analysis: deeper underlying assumptions used in; external survival issues used for; internal integration issues used for
Cultural artifacts: categories for identifying ; comparing espoused values with ; description and examples of
Cultural assessment: cultural realities of; deciphering of; mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and role of ; organizational use of; review of issues related to; self-analysis used for; using survey for. See also Assessment
Cultural assessment case studies: AMOCO Oil; Delta; Naval Research Labs
Cultural assessment survey: pitfalls to avoid when using; types of information gathered from
Cultural assumptions: deeper underlying; shared tacit organizational
Cultural dimensions: deeper assumptions ; external survival issues ; internal integration issues ; popular view of
Cultural dynamics (mature company): change team and change management process ; involving employees in change and; during mid-life crisis and decline; ownership move to general management structures; parallel learning system for change in mid-life; structural and process interventions for change
Cultural evolution: DEC’s dysfunctional ; during founding and early growth of start-ups; mid-life organizations and; start-ups and development of; succession management and. See also Change; Organizational evolution; Transformative change model
Cultural evolution change processes: 1. natural evolution of general/specific adaptation ; 2. guided evolution through insight and planning; 3. managed evolution through promotion of “hybrids,” 136-138; 4. managed evolution by aligning critical subcultures
Cultural intelligence
Cultural learning: creating psychological safety for; disconfirmation process and; simplifying model of ; stages of; survival anxiety (or guilt) and ; two principles of change and . See also Transformative change model
Cultural realities: about cultural influence on organization functioning; about deciphering culture; leadership consideration of; about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations ; about process of culture change ; about timing of culture assessment and change; about what culture is
Cultural typologies: acquisition strategy fitting existing; blaming; command-and-control ; democratic; networked culture; popular view of inventories and
Culture: deep, broad, stable elements of ; deeper underlying assumptions of; definition of ; description of organization ; leadership appreciation of realities of; leadership as intertwined with; merger options related to ; national and ethnic bases of; new leadership and four responses to; non-negotiable values as essence of; significance and lasting effects of; stages of growth and significance of; types of. See also Multicultural problem; Organizations; Shared tacit assumptions; Subcultures
Culture clash. See Multicultural problem
Culture decipherers: culture assessment exercise using; description of qualified ; realities about deciphering process of
Culture levels: 1: artifacts; 2: espoused values; 3: shared tacit assumptions ; illustrated diagram of threeig
Culture resistance: mergers and; psychological basis of; survival/learning anxieties and ; understanding. See also Multicultural problem
Culture traps
Culture/leadership interaction: alignment of subcultures and; collaboration facilitated through; cultural elements embedded through; cultural realities for; disconfirmation triggered by charismatic; samples of


Damiler Benz-Chrysler merger
DEC cultural paradigm: bias toward engineering as part of; cultural artifacts of; drastic culture change of; dysfunctional cultural evolution of ; espoused values of; growing dysfunction with growth of, ; guided culture evolution through insight and planning; hybrids promoting evolution of; Intel culture domination of; networked culture typology of; origins and development of; sense of empowerment created by; two diagrams illustrating igig; U.S. cultural values incorporated by
DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation): cognitive redefinition example from; common language/thinking and boot camps at; functional familiarity loss at; HP (Hewlett-Packard) absorption of; mission of; pragmatic assumptions of; “put into the penalty box” error-detection pattern of; relationships, rank, and authority at; shared tacit assumptions of; strategic intent and subcultures of; strategic product-development failure of
Deciphering culture: culture assessment exercise on; description of qualified decipherers; realities about process of
Decision making: four responses to culture by new leadership; when dealing with unknowable/uncontrollable events
Deeper assumptions: cultural analysis consideration of; dealing with unknowable and uncontrollable; how founders and leaders impose their; on human nature; on human relationships; human relationships to nature; national and ethnic bases of culture as; on nature of reality and truth; significance of understanding; on space; on time. See also Shared tacit assumptions
Deeper assumptions assessment: AMOCO workshop identification of; Delta case study on
Delta case study: background information on ; examining the culture-deciphering process in; sales culture report made during
Democratic typology
Dialogue: definition and process of; need for cross-cultural. See also Communication
Dialogue groups: creating; goals and objectives for; guidelines for Disaster/scandal events: Challenger disaster ; as disconfirmation triggers ; examples of; subculture miscommunication as
Disconfirmation: categories of;
charismatic leadership as source of;
disaster and scandal as sources of; education and training sources of ; introduction of new technologies source of; mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures sources of
“Discretionary time units”
Dodging response
Domination of culture


Employees: assessing cultural intelligence of; creating psychological safety for; mature company change dynamics and involvement of; McKinsey model for hiring; survival/ learning anxieties of . See also Training/ education
Employees change involvement: Alpha Power’s time-out program for; in equipment redesign; labor/ management safety committees role in ; task force for; union safety committees role in
Engineering subcultures: AMOCO Oil culture-deciphering case study on; Challenger disaster due overriding advice of; managed evolution and role of
Enron scandal
Error-detection/correction systems: Alpha Power Company safety issue and; as external survival issue; mechanisms and patterns of
Espoused values: comparing artifacts with ; as core of culture; description and examples of; identifying your organization’s; national values incorporated into
External survival issues: means: structure, systems, and processes; measurements: error-detection and correction systems; mission, strategy, and goals as


Financial performance
Fisher, G.
Flat-networked culture
Founders: how cultural elements are embedded by; “Jones Food” case example of ; managing succession of; start-up company values created by . See also Top management
Fragmented culture type
Functional familiarity loss


“Gamma Tech” company
General Electric (GE)
General Foods (GF)
General Motors (GM)
Gerstner, L.
Goals. See Organizational goals
Group boundaries: description of; internal integration through
Groupism society: description of; membership loss fear in; space assumptions in


Hall, E.
Harris, R. T.
Hierarchy culture type
Hofstede, G.
HP (Hewlett-Packard): culture domination by; DEC absorption into ; espoused values of; groupist paternalistic philosophy of
“The HP way”
Human nature assumptions
Human relationships assumptions
The Human Side of Enterprise (McGregor)
Hurricane Katrina
Hybrid approach: DEC use of; managed evolution through; to succession management


IBM: DEC’s competition with; leadershipdriven culture change at
multicultural survey of; succession approach taken at
Incompetence punishment fear
Individualistic society: description of;
space assumptions in
Integration teams
Internal integration issues: allocation of rewards and status as; common language and concepts as; group boundaries as; relationships, rank, and authority as


Jacques, E.
Japan: auto industry of; groupism society of; leadership style and attitudes in
Jobs, S.
Joint ventures: blending cultures during; collaborations to facilitate ; cultural assessment role in mergers, acquisitions and; cultural realities about; culture traps and; dialogue for bridging differences in; as disconfirmation source; multicultural problem of ; subculture issues of. See also Acquisitions; Mergers; Partnerships
“Jones Food” case study


Knowledge: collaboration members provided with cultural; physical reality ; social reality


Leadership: alignment of subcultures by ; collaboration; cultural realities for; culture as intertwined with; disconfirmation triggered by charismatic; four responses to culture by new; how they embed cultural elements. See also Change managers; Culture/leadership interaction
Learners: cognitive redefinition by; creating psychological safety in; forces driving
Learning: driving forces of; parallel learning systems for; “quasi-stationary equilibrium” concept of ; stages of change and; two principles of
Learning anxiety: Alpha Power Company’s experience with; defensive responses to; disconfirmation resulting in; psychological basis of; realities about. See also Psychological safety
Levi Strauss


Management: alignment of subcultures by ; mature company’s structure of general. See also Change managers; Top management
Maneuvering response
Market culture type
Mature companies: change team and change management process in; cultural realities of; culture change processes /parallel learning systems of; description of; older maladapted ; from ownership to general management structures of. See also Organizations
McKinsey hiring model
Mercenary culture type
Merger culture options: blending ; conflict resistance and “counter-culture”; domination ; separation
Mergers: collaborations to facilitate ; cultural assessment in joint ventures, acquisitions and; cultural realities about; culture traps and; dialogue for bridging differences in; as disconfirmation source; integration teams to facilitate; multicultural problem of; as possible change mechanism; Sandoz/Ciba-Geigy; subculture issues of. See also Acquisitions; Joint ventures
Mid-life companies: cultural issues of succession and transition to; cultural realities of; culture evolution at ; description and issues of. See also Organizations; Start-up companies
Mid-life crisis/decline: changing dysfunctional elements in core culture and; Ciba-Geigy’s moderate core culture change during; cultural realities about ; DEC’s drastic culture change during ; drastic culture change in DEC during; lessons learned about ; possible change mechanisms to overcome; reviewing change dynamics during
Mission: Ciba-Geigy sense of; DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) sense of; external survival relationship to; organizational assumptions about their; subcultures created through strategic intent and
MIT’s Lincoln Labs
“Monochronic time”
Moral principles
Multicultural organizations: facilitating open communication in; misunderstanding related to authority in; need for effective dialogue in; unique issues related to. See also Collaborations
Multicultural problem: collaborations formed to help with; culture traps as; description and issues of ; dialogue to help solve; unique issues of cross-national. See also Culture; Culture resistance


“NASA Moon Survival” exercise
Natural culture
Naval Research Labs case study: background information on; culture-deciphering in the
Networked culture type
New technology/disconfirmation link
Nuovo Pignone


OD (organizational development)
Older maladapted company. See Mature companies
Olsen, K.: culture and leadership by ; DEC espoused values established by ; DEC growth and loss of control by; resignation from DEC by; shared tacit assumptions passed on by; strategic product-development failure and; U.S. values exhibited by
Operations subcultures
Organizational evolution: culture significance during stages of; DEC cultural paradigm shifts during. See also Cultural evolution
Organizational goals: external survival relationship to; identity and assumptions about
Organizational processes: cultural assumptions about; external survival relationship to
Organizational strategies: external survival relationship to; identity and assumptions about; subcultures created through mission and
Organizational structure: change management interventions related to; creating psychological safety through; cultural assumptions about; external survival relationship to
Organizational systems: creating psychological safety through; cultural assumptions about; error-detection and correction; external survival relationship to; how founders and leaders impose their values on ; reward-and-status system
Organizations: culture learning, evolution, and change mechanisms of; deciphering your company’s; deeper assumptions underlying ; external survival issues of ; founding and early growth of ; “functional familiarity” loss of; implications of national culture to; internal integration issues of; shared tacit assumptions of; subculture influence on functions of; succession management in. See also Culture; Mature companies; Mid-life companies; Start-up companies
Outward Bound


P&G (Procter & Gamble): conversion into low-cost producer; parallel learning systems used in; shared strategic intent of; shared tacit assumptions of; slow and lasting changes made by
Palmer, R.
Parallel learning systems
Partnerships: blending cultures during; subculture issues of. See also Joint ventures
Passing the buck
Personal identity fear
Physical reality knowledge
“Polychronic time”
Positive role models
Practice fields
Prince Albert syndrome
Psychological safety: creating; imitation /identification vs. scanning/trial and error for. See also Learning anxiety


“Quasi-stationary equilibrium”


Rank: as internal integration issue; learning anxiety related to fear of losing ; organizational definition of
Reality/nature assumptions
Refreezing change stage
Relationships: as internal integration issue ; organizational definition of Religious principles
Resistance to change: mergers and; psychological basis of; survival/ learning anxieties and ; understanding. See also Change; Transformative change model
Reward-and-status system: as internal integration issue; newcomer introduction to; organizational definition of


Sandoz/Ciba-Geigy merger
Schein, E. H.
Sculley, J.
Self-analysis: inferring organization culture from; insights gained from
Separation of culture
Shared tacit assumptions: assessing your organization’s; barriers to changing ; as cultural level; culture as defined by; how founders and leaders impose their; implications of. See also Assumptions; Culture; Deeper assumptions
Shared tacit assumptions assessment: AMOCO workshop identification of;
Delta sale culture report on;
Naval Research Labs
Social reality knowledge
Societies: groupism; individualistic
Space and time assumptions
Start-up companies: cultural realities of; culture learning, evolution, and change mechanisms of; description and issues of; how founders and leaders embed cultural elements in; “Jones Food” case example of . See also Mid-life companies; Organizations
Strategies. See Organizational strategies
Structure. See Organizational structure
Subculture issues: of mergers, partnerships, and joint ventures; UN helicopters disaster (1994) as
Subcultures: Alpha Power Company; blending to face common problem; Challenger disaster; description of; dialogue for bridging different; engineering; “functional familiarity” between; managed culture evolution by aligning critical ; managing alignment of multiple ; mission and strategic intent creating ; operations; organization function influenced by; “silos” or “stove pipes”; top management . See also Culture
Succession management
Support groups
Survival anxiety (or guilt): Alpha Power Company’s experience with; defensive responses to; disconfirmation and; psychological basis of; realities about change and
Systems. See Organizational systems


Temporal values
Temporary incompetence fear
Texas City Refinery disaster
Theory X
Theory Y
Three Mile Island -degree feedback
Time and space assumptions
Top management: alignment of subcultures by; bringing in hybrid ; cultural elements embedded by ; disconfirmation triggered by charismatic; four responses to culture by new; succession management and. See also Change managers; Founders; Management
Top management subculture: culture as intertwined with; DEC’s drastic changes in; managed evolution and role of
Training/education: collaborations ; creating psychological safety through formal; disconfirmation triggered by ; informally done through “family” teams. See also Employees
Transformative change model: on creating psychological safety; on resistance to change; simplifying the ; stages of learning/change in ; on two principles of learning and change in. See also Change; Cultural evolution; Cultural learning; Resistance to change
Transformative change stages: learning through cognitive redefinition; refreezing to seek new equilibrium ; unfreezing creating motivation for change
Travelers-Citicorp merger
Truth/reality assumptions
Typologies. See Cultural typologies


UN helicopters disaster (1994)
Unfreezing change stage: creating psychological safety during; disconfirmation component of; survival anxiety/learning anxiety during
United States: auto industry of the ; individualistic society of; organization culture based on values of
Unknowable/uncontrollable events
U.S. Army
U.S. Marine Corps’s “Can do” slogan


Values. See Espoused values


Wall Street economic crisis
Welch, J.


Young organizations. See Start-up companies
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