
I am a relative latecomer to the world of databases, starting with MySQL in 2006. This followed the logical course for any computer science undergraduate, leading me to develop on a full LAMP stack backed by rudimentary tables. At the time I thought little about the complexities of what went into SQL table management. However, as time has gone on, I have seen the need to store more and more heterogenous data and how a simple schema can grow and morph over time as life takes its toll on systems.

My first introduction to MongoDB was in 2011, when Peter Membrey suggested that instead of a 0 context table of 30 key and 30 value rows, I simply use a MongoDB instance to store data. And like all developers faced with a new technology I scoffed and did what I had originally planned. It wasn’t until I was halfway through writing the code to use my horrible monstrosity that Peter insisted I try MongoDB, and I haven’t looked back since. Like all newcomers from SQL-land, I was awed by the ability of this system to simply accept whatever data I threw at it and then return it based on whatever criteria I asked. I am still hooked.

—David Hows

Our Approach

And now, in this book, Peter, Eelco Plugge, Tim Hawkins, and I have the goal of presenting you with the same experiences we had in learning the product: teaching you how you can put MongoDB to use for yourself, while keeping things simple and clear. Each chapter presents an individual sample database, so you can read the book in a modular or linear fashion; it’s entirely your choice. This means you can skip a certain chapter if you like, without breaking your example databases.

Throughout the book, you will find example commands followed by their output. Both appear in a fixed-width “code” font, with the commands also in boldface to distinguish them from the resulting output. In most chapters, you will also come across tips, warnings, and notes that contain useful, and sometimes vital, information.

—David Hows

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