
image  A

image  B

Backup automation

    in large databases

        filesystem snapshot

        hidden secondary

        volume managers, disk layout

    local datastore

        backup script



    remote (Cloud-Based) datastore

        backup storage options


image  C

image  D

Databases. See also Updating data

    collection renaming

    database referencing

        DBRef standard


        findOne() function

        reference data manually

    dropDatabase() function

    drop() function

    forward natural order

    index-related functions


        constraining query matches

        ensureIndex() function

        hint() function

        max() function

        min() function

        multiple keys (multi keys)

        query data

    insert data collection

    insert() function



        queries (see also Conditional operators)

        aggregation commands

        capped collection

        count() function

        createCollection function

        distinct() function

        dot notation

        find() function

        findOne() function

        group() function


        natural order

        regular expressions

        single documents

        sort, limit and skip functions

        validate() function

    remove data

    remove() function

    renameCollection() function


    show collections command

    show dbs command

    system.indexes collection

    use command

    viewing available

Data model

    building index

    designing database

        capped collection


        collections definition

        counter field

        createCollection() function

        database model

        document definition


        embedding vs. referencing information

        _id key

        nonrelational and schemaless

        nonrelational approach

        nssize parameter

        relational approach

        relational database model

        schema design

        timestamp field

    impact performance, indexes


image  E

image  F

image  G



    chunks collections


    command-line tools

        chunk sizes

        Filename key

        file’s length

        file_text key

        id Key

        list command

        MD5 hashing algorithm

        mongofiles command

        put command

        symbolic links

        uploadDate key

    delete command

    delete data

    driver handling

    file retrieval, MongoDB

    find() command

    fs.delete() method

    fs.files collection

    get method

    local filesystem


    metadata collections

    mongofiles tool

    put method

    python driver


        database connection

        import library

        PyMongo driver

    retrieving files

    search command

    storeUpload() function

image  H

image  I

image  J, K

image  L

image  M

Modifier functions

    findAndModify() function

        field parameter

        new parameter


        query parameter

        remove parameter

        sort parameter

        update parameter

    fsync argument, update()

    fsync argument, update() [PHP]

    multiple argument, update() [PHP]

    options parameter, update()

    save() function

    update() function

    update operations

        $addToSet operator

        $each and $push operator

        $inc operator

        $pullAll operator, pullAll operator

        $push operator

        remove each occurrence, $pull operator

        remove element, $pop operator

        $rename operator

        $setOnInsert operator

        $set operator

        $unset operator



    active cluster problems

    aggregation framework

    analytics and complex data structures


        addUser() function

        change user credentials


        delegated credentials

        enable auth

        mongo console

        in PHP application

        read-only permissions

        remove() function

        user roles

    auto-sharding scenario




        JSON document

    binary data store

    collection implementation

    database definition

    data model

    data replication

    documents, indexing

        composite indexes

        unique index

    dynamic queries

    ebay_results key

    Fedora and CentOS versions

    geospatial indexing



    JIRA Tracking System

    JSON (see Java Script Object Notation (JSON))

    keys and values

    key generation/creation

        complex information

        ISBN number

        primary key

        unique key

    lack of transaction support

    map and reduce functions

    massively scalable

    master/master replication

    mongodb-user google groups

    mongoexport utility







    multiple official drivers

    MVCC approach

    MySQL nor PostgresSQL

    New York Times website

    optimal efficiency

    optimization (see Optimization)

    performance vs. features

    PHP driver

        connection and disconnection

        manual language driver

        manually unix-based platform

        phpinfo() command

        unix-based platforms


    profiling tool

    program code

    Python driver




        python-pip package



    query performance (see Query performance)

    RAC architecture

    relational model


    restricted access

        admin access

        role-based authentication system


        installation layout



    structure optimization

    traditional relational (SQL) databases

    Unix-based operating systems

        aptitude (software)

        manual installation



        development release


        previous release

        production release

        stable release



    www:// website

MongoDB backup and restore

    blog database

    -c option


    -d database_name option

    -drop option


    mongodump utility

        -authenticationDatabase arg

        -authenticationMechanism arg

        -dbpath arg


        -o [-out] arg

    mongorestore utility

        -c option

        -d option



MongoDB server

    asserts section




    mongostat utility

    rolling upgrade

    shut down service

    start service


    upgrade process

    validation and repair

        compact command

        errors section


        reIndex() function

        repair command

        repairDatabase() function

        validate option

    version() function

image  N

image  O


    index options


        drop index

        ensureIndex() function

        killOp() function

        reindex collection

        sparse index creation

        text search


        unique key index

    index selection

        explain() function


        logging storage size

        query optimizer


    managing indexes

        compound index creation


        logging systems

        simple index creation

    server hardware performance

        alarming impression

        memory-mapped file

        right database

        working set size

image  P

PHP driver See also Modifier functions

    aggregation framework

    conditional operators

        $all operator, all operator

        $exists operator

        $in operator, in operator

        $lt, $gt, $lte, and $gte operators

        $ne (not equals) operator

        $or operator

        $slice projection operator

    conditional operators multiple expressions

    connection and disconnection

    core MongoDB classes

    count() function


        create() function

        get() function

        manual referencing

    deleting data

        drop() function (PHP)

        justOne option, remove() function

        MongoDB class


        remove() function

    document comparison

    documents matching

    find() function

    findOne() function

    fsync option, insert() function



        delete data


        retrieving files

        storeUpload() function

    hint() function

    index with hint

    insert data

    limit() function

    manual language driver

    manually unix-based platform

    MongoCollection class

    MongoCursor class

    phpinfo() command


    query operators

    regular expressions

    safe option, insert() function

    single document

    skip() function

    sort() function

    unix-based platforms



    connection and disconnection

    Connection() function

    DBRef() function

    delete data

    dereference() function (PyMongo)



        finding data (see also Conditional operators)

        aggregating queries

        create_index() function

        dot notation

        field returns

        find() function

        find_one() function

        hint() function

        import() function

        multiple documents


        single document

        sort(), limit(), and skip() functions

    insert() function

    inserting data

    inventory database

    modifier operators

        existing array ($addToSet operator)

        $inc operator

        multiple values

        $pop operator

        $pull operator

        $push operator

        $set operator

        $unset operator

    modifying data

        arg and doc parameter

        conditional operators

        find_and_modify() function

        fsync argument

        manipulate argument

        multi argument


        save() function


        upsert argument

    MongoClient() function

    PyMongo modules

    regular expression

    remove() function

Python driver


    database connection

    import library




    PyMongo driver

    python-pip package



image  Q

Query performance


    createCollection command

    enbling and disabling


    explain() modifier

        blog posts

        elements return

    mongodb.conf file

    sample blog application

        aforementioned database


        event tag


        odd tags

        querying blog.posts

    slow query


image  R


    arbiter nodes





    primary nodes

    replica set

        active and passive members

        add server


        cluster implementation


        create, manipulate and inspect

        db.isMaster() command

        hidden members

        members structure

        member up and running

        MongoDB Write Concern levels

        from PHP application

        Read Preference options



        rs.stepDown() command

        Settings Structure




        improve redundancy


    secondary node

    split-brain problem


image  S



    configuration server

        addshard command

        cluster status


        isdbgrid command

        listshards command

        removeShard command

        server instances


    Gaelic social network

    hashed shard keys

    industrialization of data



        config server


        user collection




    replica sets

    search engines


    tag sharding

image  T

image  U, V

Updating data

    $addToSet operator


    atomic operation

        ABA problem



        getlasterror method

        locking/complex transactions

        update-if-current method


    field values

    findandmodify() function

    $inc operator


    matched array

    multi argument (update)

    multiple value

    $ operator

    $pop operator

    $pullAll operator

    $pull operator

    $push operator

    removing elements

    save() function

    $set operator

    $unset operator

    update() function

image  W, X, Y, Z

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