Subject Index

Note: Boldface page references indicate definitions or the beginning point of a substantial treatment. Page numbers in those scopes are not separately listed under that term.


context view, 221

drawing, 220

specification, 210

24/7 operation, 338, 359


display, 221

model, 214

perception, 216

specification, 211

6-bit byte, 76, 92

8-bit byte, 76, 92, 314, 319, 322

abstract data type, 334

access method, 332, 340, 342

ACM Turing Award

to John Cocke, 249

to Ted Codd for relational database concept, 248

acoustic analysis, 109

acoustic simulation, 225

Ada programming language, 179

Advanced Computer Architecture, Brooks’s course, 134

adverbs, specifying, 212

agile method, 180

Air Force (U.S.), 210

Air Force Studies Board, 42

air-traffic control, 57, 179

Airbus 380 airplane, 91, 99, 379

Airbus UK, Division of BAE Systems, 91, 251

airline reservation system, 318

Algol, 232, 335

alphabet, lowercase, 8-bit byte, 319

alternative branch, 17, 190, 192

amateur designer, 168

ambassador, 91

Amdahl Corporation, 323, 341

American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T), 233

analysis software, 66

Ancient Airs and Dances (music), Respighi, 149

annotation, 197

APL programming language, 72, 124, 141, 348

Apollo space program, 325

appeal procedure, 362, 364

Apple (Computer) Inc., 70

iPhone, 177, 233

iPod, 177

Macintosh interface, 142

Apple I computer, 150

Apple II computer, 232

Appletalk, 232

application set, 134, 335

apprentice, 178

architect, 41, 43, 45, 204, 223

building, 153

chief, 115, 344

chief, giving full authority to, 344

computer, 121, 168

naval, 176

system, 130


control, 343

diagram, 78

program, 254

sketch, 76

style, 253


building, 135, 140, 176, 204

computer (see also computer architecture), 120, 141, 142, 155, 313

computer, general-purpose, 133

computer, special-purpose, 134

definition of, 348

of a design, 4, 347

multiple concurrent, 326

operating system, 161

team, 76

arithmetic unit, 157

Army (U.S.), 210

Art Institute of Chicago, 151

Artechra Ltd., 84


general-purpose, 133

special-purpose, 133


constraint, 128

intelligence, 16


concept, 128

design, 10

as-built, 193

assembler software, macro, 333, 335

assessment of design case, 271, 293, 306, 323, 341, 351, 362

assumption, 168, 173, 179

assumption, implicit or explicit, 114

Atlantic Systems Guild, 240

atomic bomb, 232

attribute branch, 17, 189

audio display, 224

authority, 94

autosteroscopic display, 222

Baby (Manchester early computer), 158

backtracking, 16

backtracking, automatic, 223

BAE Systems (UK), 91, 92, 198, 199, 251

ballistic missile, 232


cultural, 93

space, 93

time-zone, 93

batch operation of a computer, 115, 169, 172, 332, 335

Bauhaus architecture, 163

Bazaar Model of designing, Raymond’s, 54

beach house, 120, 259


name, 339

too-early, 44

bloat, feature, 42, 48, 115

blueprint, 149

Board of Directors, Triangle Universities Computation Center, 357, 360

Boehm’s Spiral Model, 51

Boeing 777 airplane, 94

Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche Helicopter, 39, 40

bold decisions, in design case, 257, 260, 280, 298, 314, 332, 348, 356

bold leader, 238

book, design of, 347

boss, skeptical, 77

box, organization chart, 238

Box Structure Method, 111

brainstorming, 74


alternative, 190

attribute, 189

branching, 171, 172

branching thought-trail, 224

breakthrough, 188, 192

bridge collapse, 168

brilliance, design, 245

Brooklyn Bridge, 244

Brooks house, 1990s remodeling of, 188, 279, 297

Brown & Root (now Kellogg, Brown & Root), 78

budgeted resource, 14, 119, 224, 254

budgeted resource, in design case, 260, 266, 273, 285, 289, 302, 304, 350, 351, 352, 356

bug, program, 55

building, 155, 204

design, 135, 140

design disciplines, 45

bureaucracy, 234, 250

Burroughs B5000 family, 25

business data processing, 316

By-Laws of Triangle Universities Computation Center, 364


6-bit, 76, 92

8-bit, 76, 92, 314, 319, 323

calendar, mental spatial model of, 33

Cambridge University, 158, 198, 322

Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 236

career, academic, 256

case studies, Part VI

cathedral, 54, 57, 59

CATIA CAD software, 91

CAVE virtual environment installation, 222

CDC 6600 supercomputer, 70, 244, 252, 325

cell phone, 129, 232


configuration, 360

control, formal, 69, 79

design, 94

order, 44, 45

changes, design, in design case, 268, 269, 292, 319, 342

character of a designed object, 11

charter, project, 47

check sorter, 340

checking, hardware, 320

Chicago Manual of (English prose) Style, The, 148, 149

chief architect, 71, 115, 344

chief architect, giving full authority to, 344

chief designer, 81, 239

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), 364

of owning university, 360, 362

of TUCC, 361

churches, London (Wren’s), 128

Civil War (U.S.), 109

clarity of style, 141, 147

classes, object-oriented, 121, 122

Classical Manuscripts (music), Kreisler, 150, 151

clean architecture, 94, 140, 142

cleanroom software technique, 108, 111

co-evolution model of designing, 44, 53

co-located team, 64, 90

COBOL, 170, 232, 321, 333, 335

code control system, 82

code generation, 143

coherence, a component of design goodness, 70

collaboration, Part II

aids, 91

co-located, 98

computer-assisted, 82

design, 80

manners, 95

pattern, 98

remote, 95

collaborative design tools, 83

collaborative working, computer-mediated remote, 98

collaborator, design, 67, 95

collaboratory, scientific, 100

collection of exemplars, 160, 161

Comanche Helicopter, Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66, 40, 46

command, to a CAD system, 208

committee design, 80

Committee on Pre-Milestone A System Engineering, 39, 42

Common Lisp programming language, 141


channels, informal, 93

cost, 68

technology, 90, 95, 315

comparative analysis, 160, 161


program, 147, 339, 348

upward and downward, binary, 314, 318, 325, 333, 334

Compendium software, 185, 195, 196

compensation, 247

competence, assuming, 253

competition, 324

competition, design, 75, 85, 248, 319, 328

compile time, 335, 339

compiler, 332, 333, 335

multiple, 335, 337

optimizing, 249, 255

completeness, 144


design, 115

software, 121

composability, 141, 144

comprehensibility, 145


center, 355

engineering, 134

computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 66

computer architect, 121, 168, 253

computer architecture, 67, 70, 73, 94, 120, 133, 141, 155, 253, 254, 313, 334, 347

general-purpose, 133

special-purpose, 134

Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Hennessy and Patterson, 351

Computer Architecture: Concepts and Evolution, Blaauw and Brooks, 149, 347


center, scientific, 178

descriptions, 351

design, 161

family, 333

first-generation, 157, 358

graphics, 204

graphics model of a design, 45

graphics simulation, 223

science, 67

science building, 135

scientist, 82, 203

second-generation, 158, 315, 324, 333

stored-program, 157

third-generation, 158

“Computer Zoo,” 24, 352


collaboration, 82

design (CAD), 80, 197, 224, 254, 298, 307


academic, 356

administrative, 356

center, campus, 363

interactive, 356

purpose of, 355

scientific, 134

Concepts and Facilities, OS/360, Witt, 344


design, 45, 74, 81

integrity, 9, 41, 46, 56, 64, 69, 80, 115, 119, 120, 124, 145, 151, 205, 239

concurrent engineering, 180

conferencing, face-to-face, 97


change, 340, 360

of a computer, 189

I/O, 130, 324

topology, 131

consensus, 233, 234

consistency, 69, 70, 72, 142, 146, 148

console, operator’s, 337

constitution, 120

Constitution of the United States, 109

constraint, 14, 27, 41, 68, 82, 109, 120, 123, 127, 131, 133, 250, 254, 341

artificial, 128, 135

misperceived, 130

constraints, for design case, 262, 286, 300, 318, 351, 360

construction drawing, 45, 223


in design case, 260, 280, 298, 314, 333, 335, 349, 357

view, 221, 225

contract, 39, 44, 52, 54, 57, 58, 132

contract, fixed-price, 45, 57, 39, 85

contracting point, 57

contractor, 39

contractors, multiple, 85

control block, in a software system, 25, 342

control card, for a program scheduler, 171, 172

Control Data CDC 6600, 158

Control Data Corporation (CDC), 252, 325, 337


of book writing, 347, 352

of computer architectures, 349

conversion from older computers, 319

coop education program, 245

corporate processor manager (IBM), 316

Corporate Product Procedure (IBM), 234

correctness-proving, 106, 107


as budgeted commodity in design, 121

development, 121

estimate, 224, 236

hardware, 158, 318

lifetime, 132

of living, 90

manufacturing, 121

software, 321

surrogates, 327

varieties, 121

cost-plus contract, 44

cotton-picking machine, 67

Cray 1 supercomputer, 244, 252

Cray Computer Corporation, 252

Cray Research Corporation, 252

Cray supercomputers, 158

creativity, 51, 82

criteria for goodness in computer architecture, 9

critical-path project scheduling, 196


of design, 252

of exemplar designs, 160

critique of the Rational Model, 29

critiqued practice, as pedagogy, 244, 252

cryptanalysis, 158

cultural barrier, 93, 97

curricula, design, 180

“Cut to plan; bang to fit,” 68

cutaway view, 223

Data Declaration (DD) statement, 171


format, 143

management, operating system component, 335, 338, 341

processing, 318, 320, 336, 356

structure, 335

type, abstract, 334

data-streaming co-processor, 158

database, 67, 323

David, Michelangelo, 127, 128

De Architectura, Vitruvius, 9, 139

debug, 107, 115, 336, 341

DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), 159, 323

DEC PDP-11, 324

DEC PDP-8, 159

decimal datatype, 8


bold (see bold decision)

design, 187

design, for a computer architecture, 348

operating, for Triangle Universities Computation Center, 360

tree, 24, 187, 348

tree versus design tree, 193


power, 356

burden of, 146

decisions, design, in design case, 262, 286, 305, 319, 338, 351, 360

decomposition of design problem, 30, 144

Defense Science Board, 40

Delft protocols, 83


in design case, 271, 306, 325, 341, 351

Virtuvius’s design criterion, 8, 139, 145

DeltaSphere Inc., 223

Department of Defense (U.S.) acquisitions process, 42

depth perception, 216

depth-first search, 16, 187

desideratum, for a design, 14, 23, 26, 57, 68, 73, 109, 120, 134, 254


3-D, 213

adaptive, 10

alternate, 79

alternative, 224, 254

artistic, 10

building, 204

by committee, 71, 84

committee, 80

competition, 75, 85, 319, 328

concept, 6

conceptual, 45

decision, for a computer architecture, 348

decision tree, 187

development, 45

disciplines, technical, 155, 176

exemplar-based, 160

functional, 204

house, 204

innovative, 232

integrated, 194

language, spatial, 207

mechanical, 204

meeting, 197, 198

methodology, 106

modular, 194

organization, 355

original, 10

paradigm, solo, 244

paradigm, team, 244

problem, intractable, 280

process, 5, 17, 123, 157, 244

process, action-centered, Denning and Dargan’s, 57

process, speed and ease of, 195

program, architectural, 27

rationale, 156

reasoning, appositional nature of, 30

review, 77

routine, 10

schematic, 121

software, 106, 135, 161

space, 95, 187, Part VI

space, working outside of the, 28

spatial, 135

style, 95, 246

team, 17, 114, 119, 148

theory, 30

theory of, 153

trajectory, 254

tree, 15, 24, 280

tree versus decision tree, 193

verification, 108

Design of Design, The, Glegg, xv

Design Research Society, 9

Design Studies journal, 9

Design Thinking Research Society Symposium 7, 6, 10

design-build process, 44, 46


airplane, 176

chief, 239

formal education of, 244

great, Part V, 231, 249

lone-ranger, 81

designer-computer interface, 204

designer-implementer link, 177

designers, in design case, 261, 281, 298, 314, 343, 349, 357

“Designing Software for Ease of Extension and Contraction,” Parnas, 195

Desktop (Macintosh), 142


cleanroom, 111

distributed, 92

incremental, 179

device-independent input-output, 340

diagnosis of faults, 199

diagramming tool, generic, 197

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 155, 159, 323

Digitek Fortran compiler, 124


CEO of TUCC, 361

of Triangle Universities Computation Center, selection of, 261

university computation center, 363

discipline, for a design team, 122

disciplines, multiple, 77

disk, 324, 335, 356

accesses, 122

residence of an operating system, 337

Disney World, 151, 164

display, 220

audio, 224

context, 225

design, 225

haptic, 225

test cases, 225

workbook, 223

distributed development, 92

divergence of computer architectures, 349

divorce, of designers from users and implementers, 175

documentation, 55, 82, 148

maintenance, 156

shared, 95

DoD Standard 2167A (DoD-STD-2167A), 32, 36


construction, 46, 223

house, 225

view, 220

dream system for designing houses, 219, Part IV

“dreariness of labor and the loneliness of thought,” 82

DRed (design rationale capture software), 197

dual ladder of promotion, 247

Duke University, 151, 179, 357

Dutch Golden Age, 145

ease of extension, 145

ease of learning, 144, 145

ease of maintenance, 145

ease of recollection, 145

ease of use, 144, 145

economy of scale, 359

EDSAC (Cambridge early computer), 158


architectural, 244

formal, 180, 244

medical, 244

technical, 248

Electric Boat Division, General Dynamics, 78, 83

elegance, 142

empirical measurement, 182

empiricism, 105

emulation, 321, 323, 334

“Energy” (Sayers’s term for component of creating, same as “Implementation”), 4


airplane, 91

manufacturing, 198

mechanical, 176


computation, 134, 316, 324

concurrent, 180

drawing, 180

product, 199

software (see software engineering)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK), 198

Engineering Design Centre (Cambridge University), 198

Engineering Research Associates (ERA), early computer manufacturer, 252

entropy, 240

Epcot (Disney World), 151

epistemology, 109

epistemology of practice, 31

error rate, 81

escape hatch, to protect vital interest, 362

essence (Aristotle’s term), 5

esthetics, 139, 204, 216

estimate, cost, 237

estimator (metric used for estimating), 25

ETA 10 supercomputer, 337

Etruscans, 253


biological, 54

computer architecture, 347

of design, representing, 192

evolutionary selection, 53, 55

exemplar, 153, 207, 253, 350

extensibility, 141

exterior view, 222

extraneousness, 143

eye height, 213, 214

EyeBall viewpoint specification device, 213, 222, 225

FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), 130

face-to-face time, 93, 97

facial expression, 97

failure, 167, 173

fallen human, 44, 52

fallibility, 106, 107

fan club, 232

FBI (computer) sytem, 41

Federalist Papers, The, 109, 147

Fetchmail software, 54

firmness, in design case, 274, 323, 341, 351, 357, 362

firmness, Virtuvius’s design criterion, 139, 140

first to market, 67

first-generation computer, 358

fixed-price contract, 45

flow, uninterrupted concentration, 250

follow-on product, 235

forecast, market, 236, 237, 327

“forget the budget,” 289

“Form is liberating,” 127

formal education, 244, 247

formal method, 108

formal model, 331

formal proof, 108

formal specification, 111

formal synthesis method, 181

Fortran programming language, 136, 169, 170, 232, 252, 333, 334, 335, 337

Fortune magazine, 316

free software, 335

Fujitsu, 324, 341


point, 121, 122

set, 144

too rich, 341

functional design, of a building, 204

functional space, in a building, 205

General Dynamics, 78

General Electric (GE), 159

general-purpose design, 127, 133

generality, 70, 72, 135, 144, 173

generation process for operating system (“sysgen”), 332

genius, 231, 243, 249, 250

geometric model, 57

Georgian house architecture, 205

gIBIS (Conklin’s graphical version of Issue-Based Information System), 196, 197, 198

gift-prestige incentive and reward, 55

glass house (mainframe computing center), 233

global communications, 67

global market, 67

Global Positioning System (GPS), 85, 120

global strategy, 99

global village, 89

goal, 14, 68

goal iteration, 22

goal-defining document, 114

goal-setting process, 23

good practice, rules of, 161

Google, 72, 85, 124

Gothic architecture, 148

grant proposal, 120, 123

graph, non-planar, 186

graphical representation, 78

great design, 231, 244, Part V

great designer, 231, 243, Part V

greed, 44

Greeks, 253

GRIP system (UNC molecular graphics system), 179, 203, 216

group review, multidisciplinary, 77, 108

growing yourself as a designer, 252

guess, 116

Handbook of Software Architectures, Booch, 161

hands-free operation, 223

haptic delight, 140

haptic display, 220, 225

haptic display, passive, 310


error, 338

computer, 109

Harvard Mark IV, 107

Harvard University, 107

head-mounted display, 96, 179

heir, project, 224

Hewlett-Packard, 159

hierarchical order, 186, 190, 206

high-level language, 158, 333, 335

highbrow style, 150

highlights and peculiarities of design case, 260, 280, 298, 314, 332, 348, 356

Hitachi, 324, 341


beach, 259

design, 120, 133, 168, 203, 219, 226, 259, 279

remodeling, 279

virtual, 225

wing addition, 279

humble access to supervisor program, 339

humility, 144, 253

hurry to market, 67, 351

I/O (input-output)

attachment tree, System/360, 342

channel, 322, 326

configuration, 326, 332

control, 339

device, 232, 339

device, 8-bit, 99, 324

device, random-access, 211, 337

device-independent, 332, 340

interface, 320, 324, 325, 339

IBIS (Issue-Based Information System), 196

IBM (International Business Machines Corp.), 70, 85, 92, 108, 159, 234, 237, 238, 248, 249, 313, 350, 358

1401, 155, 323

1401S (never delivered), 323

1410/7010 operating system, 171

2311 disk, 337

704, 155, 170

7074, 321

7080, 321

709, 178

7090, 321

8000 series (never delivered), 315, 322

801 RISC computer, 160

9020 System for FAA air traffic control, 130

computer product lines, 315

corporate processor manager, 316

Corporate Product Procedure, 234

Data Systems Division (DSD), 315, 323

Disk Operating System/360 (DOS/360), 334

Future Series (FS, never built), 73

General Products Division (GPD), 315, 323

MVS (Multiple Virtual System) Operating System, 25

Operating System/360 (OS/360), 25, 120, 164, 169, 178, 240, 331

OS/360 Job Control Language (JCL), 169, 339, 340, 342

Research Division, 250

Stretch multiprogramming operating system, 178

Stretch supercomputer, 48, 158, 178, 249, 315, 320, 337

System z/90, 323

System/360 (“mainframe” computer family), 6, 76, 92, 123, 130, 155, 158, 168, 234, 237, 251, 310, 313, 333, 349, 356

System/360 Model 20, 234

System/360 Model 30, 323

System/360 Model 75, 325

System/360 Model 91, 325

System/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, 90, 323

System/360 name origin, 336

System/370 computer family (descendant of System/360), 323

z/90 computer family (descendant of System/360), 136

z/OS operating system, 115, 232, 169

“IBM’s $5 billion gamble,” 316, 324

IBM Laboratory

Böblingen, German, 92, 234, 240

Boca Raton, FL, 70, 251

Boulder, CO, 92

Endicott, NY, 92

Hursley House, UK, 70, 92

La Gaude, France, 92

Lexington, KY, 92

Lidingö, Sweden, 92

Poughkeepsie, NY, 92

San Jose, CA, 92

Uithoorn, Netherlands, 92

IBM System/360 Principles of Operation (programmer’s manual), 7

“Idea” (Sayers’s term for component of creating, same as “Architecture”), 4, 5

Implementation (component of creating), 4, 5, 134, 143, 325, 348


incremental, 107, 111

technology, 134, 177

microprogrammed, 321, 326

multiple concurrent, 327

over-specified, 177, 327

implementer, 42, 77

incidental (or “accidental” task component), 5

incremental building of software, 226

incremental development, 179

incremental implementation, 107, 111


book, 187

register, 141

industrial design, 140

industrial-strength operating system, 338

informal communication channel, 93

informal culture, 156

innovation, 70, 92, 162, 238

insight, 355


cache, 255

format, 123, 143

integrated circuit, 158, 333

integration, system, 68


8080A, 144

microprocessor style, 156

intellectual property, 55

“Interaction” (Sayers’s term for component of creating), 4

interaction with users, 179

interactive computing, 356, 359

interactive debugging, 178

interactive graphics, 179, 204

interdisciplinary negotiation, 71


between system components, 68, 344

clean, 94

definition of, 94

designer-computer, 204

standard I/O, 92, 320

two-handed, 207

user, 143

interior view in architecture, 213, 222

Internal Revenue Service (computer) system, 41

international engineering group, 97

international venture, 91

interruption, program, 320, 335

introvert, 246

investment, financial, 359

Iron Bridge (Shropshire, UK), Pritchard and Darby’s, 66

“iron sharpens iron,” 82

“Issue of Fundamental Importance,” 361

iteration, 17, 111, 171, 172

iteration between problem and solution space, 53

iterative design, 179, 182


computation unit, 335

concurrent execution of in scheduler, 339

two-person, 81

Job Control Language (JCL), 169, 339, 340, 342

John Deere, 67

joint computer center, 355

journal, 254

journal reviews of exemplars, 160


of ownership, 95

of work, 95

Kenwood House, UK, Adam’s, 136

kernel, formal proof of operating system, 110

keyboard, 212

keyboard equivalent of menu commands, 208

keypad, numeric, 213

kinetic depth effect, 97, 216

kitchen design, 178, 297

La Sagrada Familia cathedral (Barcelona), Gaudí’s, 151


concept, distinct, in programming language, 124

high-level, 170

imperative, 207

scheduling, 170

layering of drawings, 221, 308

laziness, 162

lead time, long, 46

learning/teaching cost, 68

Leatherman (multipurpose tool), 163

lessons learned, 173

lessons learned from design case, 276, 294, 310, 327, 344, 352, 363

library, program and declaration, 343

library of exemplars, 154, 155, 206, 226


of a computer architecture, 136

cost, 132

product, 134

Lilac word-processing software, 226

limiting resource, 120

line authority, 316

linearization of general graph, 186

linker software, 339

Linux operating system, 54, 55, 56, 164, 177

Lisp programming language, 141

locality, 212

Lockheed F-117 (Nighthawk stealth fighter), 70

log of design trajectory, 186, 223, 280, 308

London churches (Wren’s), 128

lone-ranger designer, 81

look and feel, of an interface, 80

Lotus software, 142

lowbrow style, 150

lower-case alphabet, 319

Lufthansa Flight 2904 disaster, 110

MacDraw software, 72

MacPaint software, 72

macro assembler, 333, 335

macro assembler, OS/360, 170

macro-operation, 335

mainframe computer (see also IBM System/360 computer family), 117, 313, 333

maintenance, 25, 77, 78, 120, 132, 156, 186, 262, 275, 276, 317

majority vote, in organization, 361

management style, 250, 252

manager, project, 123, 239

Manchester University (UK), early computer successes, 158

Manchester Atlas, 159

manipulation, of virtual objects, 207

manual, user, 149

manufacturing, 72, 77, 91, 176, 198

manufacturing cost, 121

“Many hands make light work—Often; but many hands make more work—Always,” 68

Marine Corps (USMC), 40


forecast, 236, 315, 333

mechanism, 55

marketer, 42, 77

marriage, 65, 81

mass market, 71, 179

massing, in architectural design, 204

mathematical linguistics, 67

matrix organization, 348

McGraw-Hill Construction, 224

mechanical engineering, 16, 204


as refuge from labor and thought, 63

face-to-face, 93

whole-team, 93

Memex (Vannevar Bush’s information system), 186


addressing capacity, 317

bandwidth, 120, 123

dump, 336

magnetic core, 318

management, automatic, 168

size, 122, 129

size configurations for OS/360, 332, 334

mentor, 244, 245, 246

menu, 208, 209

menu, customizable, 212

merge sort, 232

meta-design, 4

metaphor, 142

microcomputer, 156, 157

microdecision, 146

microprogrammed implementation, 321

Microsoft, 246

Excel spreadsheet, 142

PowerPoint, 85

Project software, 196

Visio, 197

Visual Basic programming language, 141

Windows, 232

Word, 156

Word document, 96

MIL-STD-498, U.S. Department of Defense, 36

milestone, 39, 43, 47, 54


assault plan, 120

weapon system acquisition, 42, 72

mind, 203, 219

MiniCad software, 308

minicomputer, 157, 233

minicomputer revolution, 357

Minneapolis I-35W bridge collapse (2007), 168

miscommunication, 177

misperceived constraints, 130

mistake, 167

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 159, 322, 338

MIT Whirlwind, 155

MITRE Corporation, 130

mock-up, 45, 78, 298, 307, 310


sound, 225

starting, 224, 226

modeling, computer, 66

models, library of, 210

Models of Designing, Part I

Modern English Usage, Fowler, 148

modular design, 194

Monticello (Jefferson’s home), 139

Morse code, 145

mouse input device, 220

multi-person discussions, 81

Multics, 164, 338

multidisciplinary review, 77

multiple designers, 226

multiprocessing, 321, 338

multiprogramming, 332, 337

naïve technologies, 66

name-space, 159

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), xiii

National Medal of Science, awarded to Cocke and Gomory, 250

National Medal of Technology (awarded to Capability Maturity Model in 2005), 240

National Research Council, 42

National Science Foundation, xiii, 358

natural language, 142

natural selection evolutionary process, 54

Nautilus, U.S.S., submarine, 65

Navy (U.S.), 210

network management, 173

North Carolina, 356

Computer Orientation Project (NCCOP), 356, 361

Museum of Art, 151

North Carolina State University (NCSU), 357

School of Design, 254

notebook, 252

Notes on the Synthesis of Form, Alexander, 194

noun specification in computer interface, 210

noun-verb rhythm, 207

numeric keypad, 213

Oak Park Church, Frank Lloyd Wright’s, 146

object-oriented programming, 179, 342

objectives, 42, 73, 109, 123, 133, 160, 254

in design case, 261, 283, 285, 299, 316, 336, 350, 358

discovered, 284

Office of the Future, Fuchs’s, 89, 98

olfactory display, 220

OmniPlan software, 196

one-liner (APL program), 141, 150

open-source design, 54, 177, 226

operating system, 67, 122, 156, 161, 317, 320

batch, 169

evolution, 338

first-generation, 332

in control, 337

industrial-strength, 332

multiprogramming, 178

second-generation, 333

secure, 108

tape-based, 172

time-sharing, 159, 164, 168, 178, 240, 331

Operating System/360 (OS/360), 7, 42, 115, 120, 122, 141

operation set, 143

operator, computer, 332

operator’s console for computer, 178

opportunities, in design case, 262, 292, 300, 317, 350, 359

optimization, 120, 255


design of, 108, 355

multi-project, 83

originality, 82, 162

ornamentation, 146

orthogonality, 70, 72, 143

overview chart, 199

owner, of a design, 79


of a design, joy of, 95

of a design, sequential, 95

paging, 159

pair programming, 81, 85

Panama Canal, 244


shift, 171, 173

solo design, 244

team design, 244

parsimony, 72, 135, 140

participatory design, 70

partitioning of a task, 68, 91, 92

partitioning of a task, cost of, 68

Pascal programming language, 232

pattern, system-structure, 156, 252

Pavilions (University of Virginia), Jefferson’s, 151

perception, 3-D, 216

performance, 141

parameter, 43

range, 335

simulator, 122


curve, quadratic, 356, 359

ratio, 120, 141, 318, 359

peripheral processor, 325

personal computer (PC), 70, 232, 323

philosopher of technology, 54

pipe, in UNIX and Linux, 55

pipelined data path, 144

pipelining, instruction, 249

pitch axis, 213

PL/I programming language, 170, 335, 337, 343

Platonic ideal, 6, 7

pointing, 208

politics, 91

postulating unknown user and use characteristics, 116


decision-making in an organization, 356, 362

dissipation, 121

Praeludium and Allegro in the style of Pugnani (music), Kreisler, 150

precedent, design, 154, 253, 301, 350

presentation, 97, 181

prestige incentive, 226

pricing, 132, 236, 237, 315

pride, 44, 162

problem, separable, 190, 192


house design, 187

improvement, 237

processes and procedures, standardized, 43

processor, peripheral, 325


definition, 236

development environment, 76

engineering, 199

fight, 76, 315, 323

follow-on, 327

line, 234, 315

procedure, 232

software, 111

special-purpose, 127

professional responsibility, 320


architectural, 27, 45, 121, 254

development, 121

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), 196, 200

programmer, 176

programming language, 124, 135, 140, 142, 161, 169, 170, 171, 172, 335

programming language, specialized, 336

progressive discovery and evolution of requirements, 52, 54, 57

progressive refinement, 205, 217, 224

progressive truthfulness, 204, 224


course, in education, 181

management tool, 196

manager, 123, 239

projection, 3-D to 2-D, 211

proof, formal, 107, 108, 140

propriety, property of a design, 70, 72, 143


of great designers, 250

of operating system, 338

prototype, 48, 57, 78, 107, 182, 205, 344

punched card, 170, 171, 172

purchaser, 72, 77

Python programming language, 232

quality control, statistical, 111

radiation-treatment, design of, 180

random-access I/O, 122, 232, 318

random generation, evolutionary process, 54

Rational Model of designing, 13, 52, 54, 58, 187

Rational Model of designing, critique of, 21

rationale-capture culture, 198

rationale for design decision, 156, 185, 223, 308, 314

rationalism, 105

rationed resource (see budgeted resource)

RCA (Radio Corporation of America), 323

real-world experience, 82

real-world team design, 96

realization of a design, 5, 325, 347

recruiting great designers, 245

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC), 157, 159, 249, 255

redundancy of human language, 142

regression testing of software, 107

relational database, 248

reliability, 77, 111, 130, 317

remodeling, house, 279

remote access, 332

remote job entry, 356

Report Program Generator (RPG) software, 333, 335

representation of design, 186


creep, 42

design, 33, 39, 54, 57, 190

discovery of, 289

statement, formal, 27

system-level, 39

top-level, 42

Requirements Traceability Matrix, 43

requirements-setters, 42


monograph, 349

problem, 226

Research Triangle (region of central North Carolina), 359

Research Triangle Park, NC, 357

resolution procedure, 80, 81

review, design, 77, 80, 81, 181, 198

revolution, 235

microcomputer, 159

minicomputer, 159

RISC, 159

technology, 157

rework, 94

rhythm, noun-verb, 207

RISC (see Reduced Instruction Set Computer)

RISC I (Berkeley computer), 160

risk, 48, 57, 59

robustness, 41, 338

rocking about yaw axis, to aid depth perception, 216

roll axis, motion about, 213

Rolls-Royce plc, turbine engines provider, 198, 199

Roman architecture, 253

rotation of assignments, 246

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), 240


of good practice, 161

protection from, 250

sabbatical leave, 249

Salisbury Cathedral, iv, xiv

sampling, 116

sandwich education program, 245

Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral (Florence), 75

satisfice, 16, 18, 34, 82

scale model, 45

scenario (see use case)


project, 94, 123

urgency, 42

scheduler, operating system component, 171, 335, 338, 342, 169


language, 169

time, between compilation and execution, 170, 171, 339

schematic design, 120

scientific computing, 67, 134, 178, 316, 318, 320, 336, 356

scope of object selection, 210

screen size, 220

scripting language, 169, 171

search engines, 67

search of design space, 15, 53, 128, 153

Second Life virtual world, 101


menu, 212

object, 209

self-expression, 162

semantics, 94, 210

sensitivity analysis, 116

separable problems, 192

separation of policy and operations, 360

sequence, writing, 351

shampoo, 66

shared whiteboard, 97

shipyard, 68, 180

short course, education, 247

Siemens AG, 324

Silicon Valley CA, 90

simulation, 107, 108, 213

simulation, computer graphics, 225

simulator, 334

executable computer, 348

performance, 122

sin, 39, 43

Sitterson Hall (campus building, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 165

situation awareness, 221

size (of work surface), 220

sketch, 211, 252, 254, 308

Sketch Graphics Acts software, 99

skill, specialized, 90

skunk works, 70

Slinky toy, 163

sloth, 44

Small Homes Council, 305

SmartDraw software, 196, 197

social justice, 70

sociological advance of minicomputer, microcomputer revolutions, 159

sociological status, in dual ladder, 247


custom application, 156

engineering, 16, 22, 32, 67, 92, 106, 122, 135, 155, 176, 204, 225, 231, 236, 244, 252

engineering laboratory course, 181, 200

failure, 338

mass-product, 156

process, 111, 231, 331

product, 111, 231

support package, 333

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 231, 236

Solid Logic Technology (SLT), 318

solo design paradigm, 244

sort program generator, 336

sound intensity plot, 225

Soviets (USSR), 324

space barrier, 93

spacecraft, 120

Spanish Architecture Museum (Barcelona), 151

spatial design, 135

special-purpose artifacts, 127, 133

specialization, 67, 90

specialization, technological, 93


3-D, 211

architectural, 223

costly, 148

formal, 111

hierarchical, 148

software design document, 48

view, 223

Spiral Model, Boehm’s, 44, 51, 57

Spitfire (World War II aircraft), 70, 84, 232, 244

SPOOL (simultaneous peripheral operation on-line), 335

SPREAD Report, of IBM committee, 316, 321

St. Paul’s Cathedral (London), Wren’s, 69, 164

Staatsbibliothek of Berlin, 153

stability, financial, 358

stack architecture, computer, 76, 319, 322

staff authority, 316

stakeholder, 47, 73


industry, 59, 161

industry software development, 59

of living, 90

quality, 111

standardization, 43, 68

statistical quality control, 111

stealth airplane, 232

stress analysis, 109

structural engineering, 204

style, 139, 153, 162, 205, 245, 248

style, corporate, 156

submarine, 78, 80, 232

subroutine, 149, 171, 172, 336

Sunniberg Bridge, Menn’s, 63

supercomputer, 121, 154, 158, 252, 315, 325, 357

supervisor, component of operating system, 335, 338

surrogate for cost, 121

Sweets File and Network, 224

synchronization of tasks, 80

synonym dictionary, 210

syntactic analysis, 210

synthesis rules, 161


architect, 73, 94, 130, 131

generation process, 342

integration, 94

residence, operating, 337

Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse (1940), 167

tailoring processes as necessary, 43

talent, 93, 238

tape, magnetic, 178, 335, 356

task, sequential execution of in scheduler, 339

Task Architect software, 195

taste and instinct, 70

taxonomy, 206


design paradigm, 64, 71, 82, 114, 119, 148, 244, 320

design, real-world, 111

two-person, 81

Technical Rationality (Schön’s term), 31, 35, 244

technological sophistication, 66

technology, telecollaboration, 98

telecollaboration, 64, 79, 89, 350, Part II

telecommunication, 64, 91, 92, 93

telephone, for collaboration, 96

teleprocessing, 173, 316, 318, 332, 338, 341, 356, 359

terminal, 169, 171, 338, 341

test cases display, 225


dynamic stress, 109

regression, 107

software, 55, 111

user, 107, 179

text, specifying, 212

third-generation computer, 333, 359

thought-stuff, 108, 207

thought-trail, branching, 224


compile, 339

design, plenty, 280, 293, 294, 307, 310, 318, 327, 344, 350, 351

development, 42

run, or execution time, 339

scheduling, in compile, schedule, execute sequence, 339

specification, 210

time-sharing, 115, 332, 338

toolsmith, 98

Toothpick (viewpoint specification device), 215

top-down design, 204

topology, configuration, 131

Tower of Babel, 163

Track Changes (feature of Microsoft Word), 96

tracking (of budgeted resource), 119, 120, 123

traffic pattern, 215, 298, 299, 306

trajectory of a design, 185

trans-Atlantic interaction, 92, 95

transcription scheme, 189, 196, 197

transistor-diode logic, 159

translation software

media, 336

format, 336


controlled for layers, 221

property of a design, 144

“Tree and Leaf,” Tolkien, xiv


of decisions, 189

of decisions versus tree of designs, 193

of designs, 15, 189

representation, hierarchical, 186, 221

search, 34, 303

Triangle Universities Computation Center (TUCC), 355

two-dimensional access, 96

two-handed interface, 207, 211

two-person interaction, 82

two-person jobs, 81

U-2 (spy plane), 70

unanimous consent, 361, 362

unbundling of software and hardware pricing, 344

UNC Effective Virtual Environments Research Project (EVE), 297

Unilever plc, 66


University of Michigan, 159, 248, 322

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), 200, 297, 357

University of Pennsylvania, 157

University of Toronto, 207

University of Utah, 96

University of Virginia, 151

UNIX, 56, 164, 177, 232, 244

uno animo (with one mind), 81, 239

use case, 117, 135, 178, 205, 289, 295, 301, 310, 311


in design case, 272, 293, 306, 324, 341, 351, 363

Virtuvius’s design criterion, 139


analysis and profile, 178, 181

association, 335, 337

outside, 182

representative, 176

set, 116

testing, 107

and use model, 113, 134, 335

user-designer link, 177


function, 10, 68

software, 332, 335

value, added, 298

value/cost ratio, 44

venture, international, 91

verb, 171, 173

verb specification, 208

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Standard VDI-2221, 30, 32

verification, design, 108, 109, 111, 181

version control, 80, 223

veto, in an organization, 234

video teleconferencing, 93, 96, 97

videotape, 74


2-D context, 220

3-D, 221

context, 221

detailed, 221

direction specification, 214

drawing, 220

exterior, 215, 222

interior, 213, 221

of library of objects, 221

ocean, 260, 266, 273

of specifications, 223

workbook, 223

View/360 beach house, 7, 15, 259

View-Graph slides, 85

viewing parameters, 213

viewpoint specification, 213

virtual design studio, 64

virtual environment (VE), 23, 178, 180, 298, 305, 307, 310

virtual environment (VE) model, 78, 297

virtual memory, 157, 159, 322, 323, 325, 333, 341, 342

virtual team, 64

virtual worlds (networked), 101

Visicalc spreadsheet, 142

visual representation

of design, 78

of model of design process, 52, 54

vital interest, 359, 363

vocabulary, common, 179


command, 208, 209

recognition, 209, 212

voting, in an organization, 360

walkthrough, virtual environment, 23, 80, 109, 213,

Waterfall Model

of designing, 16, 30, 34, 41, 44, 52, 196

Royce’s critique of, 31

weakness in OS/360 design and design process, 342

web of knowledge, 186

whirligig model of designing, 54

whiteboard, 33

whys, 156, 185, 223, 253

wicked problem, 16

WIMP interface (Windows-Icons-Menus-Pointing), 154, 208, 210

windows, multiple concurrent, 220

Women’s Reserve Naval Service (WRENS) (UK), 145

workbook display, 223

workstation, house design, 219

yaw, 213, 222

You Are Here, 214

“You bet your company,” 316

ZEBRA computer, 150

zoo, computer, 348, 351

zoom viewing parameter, 221

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