

about this book, 24

action photography, 217

air travel, 166

AlienBees studio strobe, 39

angled camera technique, 87, 223

aperture priority mode, 186

Aperture program, 67

aperture settings. See f-stops

autofocus feature

moving the AF point, 192

turning off for macro shots, 175


B&H Photo store, 72


black, 68

collapsible, 63

color saturated, 68

flash, 16, 24

lighting, 65, 66, 69

macro photography, 179

out-of-focus, 77, 215

portrait, 77, 85

stands for, 38, 63

studio, 38, 63, 65, 6869

white, 65, 69


bridal portraits and, 139, 211

flower photos and, 123

outdoor portraits and, 80

backup gear, 137

battery grips, 79

battery packs, 150

Black, Dave, 27

black backgrounds, 68

black flags, 64

black reflectors, 64, 70

black-and-white images

shots conducive to, 199

wedding photos converted to, 154

bounce card, 19

bouncing light, 18, 51, 97

Bowens Jet Stream Wind Machine, 60

bridal portraits

backlighting, 139, 211

bridal gown in, 149

photo recipes for, 211, 215

posing the bride, 148, 149

profile shots, 152

See also wedding photos

budget categories for gear, 3

Buffalo Tools Industrial Fan, 60

bulb mode, 118

business cards, 147


Cactus wireless flash system, 11, 45

Camera Raw, 143, 198


histogram display in, 196

magnification factor of, 124

moving the AF point on, 192

orientating for portraits, 78, 82, 152

silencing beep on, 138

two-camera strategy, 140

WHIMS acronym for checking, 190

See also Canon cameras; Nikon cameras

candid portraits, 92, 93

Canon cameras, 3

battery pack, 150

dedicated flash units, 6

EOS Utility software, 67

exposure compensation controls, 117

full-frame versions of, 124

macro lenses, 181

moving AF point on, 192

ring flash, 182

second flash controls, 31

wireless flash, 1415

Capa, Robert, 195

Captured by the Light (Ziser), 155

casual group shots, 90

chairs for portraits, 101


Pro II softbox, 47

Super Pro Plus Strip, 52

choppy water, 126

church photos, 146, 147, 210

cityscapes, 163, 219

clipped highlights, 196

closeness of studio lights, 59

close-up lens attachment, 181

close-up photography. See macro photography

cloudless skies, 128, 213

clusters for group portraits, 90

collapsible background, 63


background, 68

reflector, 70, 104

Commander mode, 13, 30

composition, 200

landscape, 110, 118, 122, 131, 132

portrait, 76, 86, 87

wedding photo, 147

Conair Travel Smart LadderKart, 141

continuous lights, 46

continuous mode, 217

cost categories for gear, 3

counting down for portraits, 92

couple portraits, 91


dappled light, 103


landscape photos shot at, 126, 208, 213

travel photos shot at, 165

dead trees/stumps, 133

dedicated flash

advantages of, 6

gear recommendations, 6, 7

Denny Manufacturing, 55

depth of field

food photography and, 167

macro photography and, 174, 177

outdoor portraits and, 77

diffusion dome, 17, 33

diffusion panel

inside of softboxes, 62

outdoor portraits using, 84, 215216

softening light using, 20, 84, 215216

tip for shooting through, 21

digital cameras. See cameras

Digital ProTalk blog, 155

di-GPS unit, 168

directional light, 9, 212

distracting element removal, 131

drag-the-shutter technique, 16

dramatic light, 34


landscape photos shot at, 116, 222

travel photos shot at, 165


ears, lighting, 94

editing your photos, 201

egg crate grid, 55


Midi-Octa softbox, 47

Monolight strobes, 39

Rotalux softbox, 42

environmental portraits, 81, 85

equipment. See gear recommendations

erasing memory cards, 194

exposure compensation, 117, 196

extension tubes, 183


focusing on, 176

minimizing shadows under, 105

twinkle added to, 19


facial fixes, 98

famous landmarks, 164

fans, studio, 60

fast lenses, 145, 169

feathering light, 61, 94


neutral density, 222

polarizer, 109, 112, 162

fisheye lenses, 114

flash, 135

battery packs, 150

bounce card, 19

Canon, 6, 1415

dedicated, 67

drag-the-shutter technique, 16

dramatic light from, 34

gear recommendations, 6, 7

gels used with, 2627, 28, 68

ISO adjustment for, 33

lighting backgrounds with, 66

lowering power of, 25, 28

mounting anywhere, 23

natural looking, 25

Nikon, 6, 1213

off-camera, 8, 9, 21, 66

pop-up, 5, 10, 28

range/distance of, 3233

Rear Sync, 24, 28

ring, 182

second units, 2931

snoot for, 34

softening, 8, 1718, 2021, 28

stand for, 22

studio, 3945

sunset portraits and, 35, 214

triggering systems, 11

web resource about, 21

wedding photos and, 144, 146

wireless, 1015, 2931

See also studio strobes

flash heads, 43

flash sync cords, 9

flat lighting, 57

flower photography, 123

fluorescent lights, 46

foam core, 64

focusing tips

landscape shots, 120

locking focus, 191

macro shots, 175, 176

moving point of focus, 192

out-of-focus backgrounds, 77

fog or mist photography, 117

food photography, 167, 209, 221

foreground elements, 132

formatting memory cards, 194

Fortney, Bill, 112, 121, 125

freezing motion, 153, 186, 217

frozen water in waterfalls, 127


for blurring backgrounds, 77

for low light conditions, 145, 169

for macro photography, 177

for silky-water effect, 115

for studio photography, 56

full-frame cameras, 124


gear recommendations

backup gear, 137

battery packs, 150

budget categories for, 3

collapsible backgrounds, 63

dedicated flash, 6, 7

diffusion dome, 17

diffusion panel, 20

explanation of, 58

fans, 60

flash gels, 26

light meters, 48

light stands, 22

ring flash, 182

softboxes, 47, 52

strip banks, 52

studio strobes, 39

travel photography, 158

webpage with links to, 3

wireless triggering systems, 11

See also cameras


colored backgrounds using, 68

how to use, 26, 28, 68

SI look with, 27

Gitzo Traveler tripod, 158

glass reflections, 162

gold reflectors, 70, 104

Gossen light meters, 48

GPS units, 168

gray backgrounds, 65

gray skies, 122, 133, 161

green gels, 26

group portraits, 8890

casual shots, 90

clustering people for, 90

outdoor light for, 88, 223

posing people for, 89



blowing, 60

lighting, 5255

hair lights, 5255

gear used for, 52

positioning, 53

preventing spill from, 55

strip banks as, 52

testing position of, 54

hard light, 59

headroom in portraits, 76, 86

height of studio lights, 58

high vantage points, 170, 219

highlight clipping, 196

histogram, 196

Hobby, David, 21, 28

Hoodman HoodLoupe Professional, 111

horizon line, 130

horizontal orientation, 78, 82, 152

hot shoe flashes, 7

hotel room views, 162


image size settings, 189

image stabilization (IS), 174

Impact Air-Cushioned Light Stand, 22

internal diffusion panel, 62

ISO setting

choosing correct, 187

flash distance and, 33

light meters and, 49


JPEG mode, 143, 188, 189

Justin Clamp, 22, 23, 29

K website, 2


labeling memory cards, 202

landmark photography, 164

Landscape orientation, 78

landscape photography, 107133

choosing subjects for, 110

choppy water in, 126

cloudless skies in, 128

crooked horizon line in, 130

dead trees and stumps in, 133

distracting elements in, 131

fisheye lenses for, 114

flowers and, 123

focusing for, 120

fog or mist in, 117

foreground elements in, 132

full-frame cameras and, 124

gray-sky days and, 122, 133

harsh, midday sun in, 129

LCD monitors and, 111

lightning and, 118119

panoramas, 113

photo recipes for, 208, 213, 222

quality of light in, 121

rainbows and, 112

removing “junk” from, 131

seven deadly sins of, 125133

streams, 109, 115

sunsets, 108, 116

twilight images, 116

water reflections, 109

waterfalls, 127

weather and, 115

winter time, 120

Lasko Cyclone Pivoting Floor Fan, 60

Lastolite TriGrip Diffuser, 20, 84

LCD screen on cameras

accessory for viewing in sunlight, 111

shooting tethered vs. using, 67

lens cap, 197

lens compression, 83

lens hood, 162


extension tubes, 183

fisheye, 114

macro, 181

super-fast, 145, 169

telephoto, 83

travel photography, 158

wide-angle, 81, 208, 210, 222


bouncing, 18, 51, 97

continuous, 46

dappled, 103

directional, 9

dramatic, 34

feathering, 61, 94

hair, 5255

hardness of, 59

modeling, 43

outdoor, 80, 84, 103

pop-up flash, 5

positioning, 5759

quality of, 121

softening, 8, 1718, 2021

strobe, 3945

window, 9597

Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It (Kelby), 73

light meters, 4849

background lighting and, 69

gear recommendations, 48

how to use, 49

light stands, 72


background, 65, 66, 69

group portrait, 88

landscape photography, 121

macro photography, 180, 182

portrait, 80, 84, 94, 9597

See also flash


automatic shots of, 119

manually shooting, 118

Lightning Trigger, 119


distracting element removal, 131

GPS info displayed in, 168

noise reduction feature, 151

tethering feature, 67

white balance adjustments, 143

line-of-sight triggering, 10

locking focus, 191

Long Exposure Noise Reduction feature, 204

LumiQuest Soft Screen, 28


macro lenses, 181, 218, 221

macro photography, 173183

backgrounds for, 179

depth of field in, 174, 177

equipment for, 181

extension tubes for, 183

focusing for, 175, 176

f-stop used for, 177

indoor setup for, 180

lighting for, 180, 182

magnifying glass for, 179

photo recipes for, 209, 218, 221

point-and-shoot, 178

shutter button and, 176

tripods used for, 174

water drops in, 181

magnification factor, 124

magnifying glass, 179


Justin Spring Clamp, 23

Mini Clip Clamp, 20

manual mode, 56, 186

Mathews black flags, 64

McNally, Joe, 81, 133, 205

memory cards

erasing, 194

labeling, 202

mini pre-flash, 10

mist or fog shots, 117

modeling light, 43

Moment It Clicks, The (McNally), 205

monolights, 43


panning to create sense of, 217

wedding zoom effect of, 153

mounting flash units, 23

music for travel photos, 170


natural-looking portraits, 92, 93, 101

neutral density (ND) filter, 222

nighttime photography, 204

Nik Software, 154

Nikon cameras, 3

battery pack, 150

dedicated flash units, 6

exposure compensation controls, 117

full-frame versions of, 124

macro lenses, 181

moving AF point on, 192

ring flash, 182

second flash controls, 30

tethering software, 67

wireless flash, 1213, 30

noise reduction, 151, 204


Oben CT-3500 tripod, 158

off-camera flash, 8

flash sync cord for, 9

lighting backgrounds using, 66

studio strobes vs., 39

web resource about, 21

See also wireless flash

Olympus cameras, 3

one-light studio setup, 50

outdoor portraits

dappled light in, 103

depth of field for, 77

gold reflectors for, 104

group photos as, 88, 223

lighting for, 80, 84, 103, 215216

outdoor weddings, 151

out-of-focus backgrounds, 77, 215

overcast days

landscape photos and, 122

travel photos and, 161


panning, 217

panoramas, 113

paper, seamless, 38


moving in close to, 195

travel shots including, 159160

See also portraits

People magazine, 81

photo recipes, 207223

for action photography, 217

for architectural photography, 210, 220

for food photography, 209, 221

for landscape photography, 208, 213, 222

for macro photography, 209, 218, 221

for portrait photography, 211212, 214216

for travel photography, 219220

for wedding photography, 211, 215216, 223

Photoflex Litedome softbox, 47


black & white conversions, 154

distracting element removal, 131

noise reduction feature, 151

spot/speck removal, 198

white balance adjustments, 143

Photoshop Elements, 154

Photoshop Lightroom. See Lightroom

PocketWizard wireless flash systems, 11, 45

point-and-shoot macro photography, 178

polarizer filter, 109, 112, 162

Pony clamps, 72

pop-up flash

problems with, 5

suggestions for using, 28

wireless flash triggered by, 10

portrait orientation, 78

portraits, 75105

angled shots as, 87

backgrounds for, 77, 85

battery grips for, 79

bridal, 139, 148, 149, 152

camera orientation for, 78, 82

composition of, 76, 86, 87

couple, 91

dappled light in, 103

depth of field for, 77

diffusers for, 84

environmental, 81, 85

eye shadows minimized in, 105

facial fixes for, 98

group, 8890

headroom in, 76, 86

lighting, 80, 84, 94, 9597

moving in close for, 195

natural-looking, 92, 93, 101

outdoor, 77, 80, 84, 88, 103

photo recipes for, 211212, 214216

profile view, 82, 152

reflectors for, 97, 104, 105

seated subjects in, 101

shoulder angle in, 99

slimming subjects in, 100

sunlight and, 80, 84, 103, 215, 216

sunset photos and, 35, 214

talking to subjects of, 102

telephoto lenses for, 83

uneven light for, 94

wide-angle lens for, 81

window light for, 9597


bridal portraits, 148, 149

fixing facial problems through, 98

group portraits, 89, 90

people in travel shots, 160


hair lights, 53

main studio light, 5759

reflectors, 71, 73, 97

subjects for window light, 95

poster board, 64


bridal portraits as, 152

horizontal orientation for, 82, 152

program mode, 186


quality of light, 121

quality settings, 189

Quantum battery packs, 150


racked out lens, 83

radio transmitters, 11

rainbow shots, 112

range of flash, 3233

RAW mode, 143, 188

RAW + JPEG mode, 143

Rear Sync flash, 24, 28

recipes for photos. See photo recipes

red eye, 5


glass, 162

water, 109, 163

reflectors, 7073

black flag, 64

colors of, 70, 104

extra light using, 51

finding “sweet spot” for, 73

minimizing eye shadows using, 105

portraits and, 97, 104, 105

positioning, 71, 73, 97

stands for, 72

window light and, 97

ring flash, 182

Rogue FlashBenders, 34

Rosco gels, 26

Rotalux softbox, 42


Scott’s gear finder

battery packs, 150

dedicated flash units, 6

light meters, 48

ring flash, 182

softboxes, 47, 52

strip banks, 52

studio strobes, 39

wireless triggering systems, 11

See also gear recommendations

seamless paper, 38

seated portraits, 101

second flash units, 2931

Canon controls for, 31

Nikon controls for, 30

second shooters, 142

Sekonic Litemaster Pro, 48

self-timer, 176


minimizing under eyes, 105

position of lights and, 57

shooting tethered, 67

shot list for weddings, 136

shoulder angle in portraits, 99

showing your photos, 201

shutter button, 176, 191

shutter priority mode, 186

shutter release cable, 118, 176

shutter speed

flash photography and, 16

light meters and, 49

sports photography and, 217

studio photography and, 56

zooming related to, 193

Sigma cameras, 3

macro lens, 181

ring flash, 182

silky-water effect, 115, 127, 208

Silver Efex Pro 2 plug-in, 154

silver reflectors, 51, 70, 104


cloudless, 128, 213

gray, 122, 133

twilight, 116

skyline photography, 219

Slik Sprint Pro II tripod, 158

slimming subjects, 100

snoot for flash, 34

Soft Screen, 28


diffuser alternative to, 20

feathered light from, 61

gear recommendations, 47, 52

hair lights as, 52

hot shoe, 212

internal panel of, 62

size of, 47

strip bank, 52

strobe, 40

umbrellas vs., 41

softening light, 8, 1718

bouncing light for, 18

diffusion dome for, 17

diffusion panel for, 2021, 84

positioning lights for, 59

Soft Screen for, 28

softboxes for, 20, 40

Sony cameras, 3, 67

speed rings, 42

Spiderlite TD6, 46

Sports Illustrated look, 27

sports photography, 217

spot/speck removal, 198

square photos, 203


background, 38, 63

flash, 22

light, 72

reflector, 72

stepladders, 141

Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce diffusion dome, 17

Story, Derrick, 148, 202


best conditions for shooting, 115

cutting reflections in, 109

strip banks

gear recommendations, 52

positioning, 53

strobes. See studio strobes

Strobist website, 21

studio photography, 3773

backgrounds, 38, 63, 65, 6869

black flags used in, 64

color gels used in, 68

continuous lights, 46

fans used in, 60

feathered light in, 61

hair lights, 5255

light meters used in, 4849

lighting backgrounds in, 6566, 69

manual mode used in, 56

number of lights for, 50

off-camera flash in, 66

positioning lights in, 5759

reflectors, 51, 7073

resource on lighting in, 73

shooting tethered in, 67

softboxes, 40, 47, 62

speed rings, 42

strobes, 3945

umbrellas, 41

studio strobes, 3945

firing, 4445

gear recommendations, 39

how many to use, 50

modeling lights and, 43

off-camera flash vs., 39

positioning, 5759

softboxes for, 40

speed rings for, 42

types of, 43

umbrellas for, 41

wireless, 45

See also flash

“Sun Over Your Shoulder” rule, 80


avoiding dappled light in, 103

gold reflectors used in, 104

landscapes in harsh, 129

portraits taken in, 80, 84, 103, 215216, 223


flash portraits and, 35, 214

photo recipe example of, 222

secret to shooting, 108

twilight photos and, 116

super-fast lenses, 145, 169

sync cords, 9, 44


talking to subjects, 102

telephoto lenses

macro photography and, 181

portraits and, 83

tethered shooting, 67

theme assignments, 171

TIFF file format, 188

tilted camera technique, 87, 223

tonal contrast effect, 210

travel photos, 157171

air travel and, 166

cityscapes, 163, 219

dawn and dusk, 165

extra batteries for, 166

famous landmarks, 164

finding views for, 161

food shots, 167

GPS units for, 168

high vantage points for, 170, 219

hotel room view for, 162

minimizing gear for, 158, 166

music to go with, 170

overcast days and, 161

people included in, 159160

photo recipes for, 219220

shots of yourself in, 168

super-fast lenses for, 169

theme assignments for, 171

tripods used for, 158, 163

trees, dead, 133


camera bags used as, 169

ISO setting using, 187

lightning shots and, 118

macro photography and, 174

travel photography and, 158, 163

Tungsten white balance, 27

twilight photos, 116, 163

twinkle in eyes, 19


umbrellas, 41


vertical orientation, 78, 79

vertical shutter button, 79

vibration reduction (VR), 174

video training clips

black & white conversions, 154

Canon wireless flash setup, 15

distracting element removal, 131

neutral density filter use, 222

Nikon wireless flash setup, 13

See also Web resources


warming gels, 28


avoiding choppy, 126

drops in macro photos, 181

frozen in waterfalls, 127

reflections on, 109, 163

silky-water effect, 115, 127, 208

still water shots, 126, 213


landscape photos and, 115, 122

travel photos and, 161

Web resources

about this book, 2

Digital ProTalk blog, 155

gear recommendations, 3

Strobist website, 21

travel photography, 159

wedding shot lists, 136

See also video training clips

wedding photos, 135155

backlighting, 139

battery packs for, 150

black-and-white, 154

bridal portraits, 139, 148, 149, 152

church setting in, 146, 147

creating a shot list, 136

equipment backups for, 137

flash used for, 144, 146

low light lens for, 145

outdoor wedding tip, 151

photo recipes for, 211, 215216, 223

preparing to shoot, 145, 152

RAW mode used for, 143

reducing noise in, 151

resources for professionals, 155

second shooter of, 142

silencing camera beep for, 138

stepladder for, 141

two-camera strategy for, 140

“unofficial” shooters of, 148

zoom effect for, 153


5-in-1 Reflector, 20

Collapsible Background, 63

Spiderlite TD6, 46

Strip softboxes, 52

WHIMS acronym, 190

white backgrounds, 65, 69

white balance settings

adjusting in Camera Raw, 143

combining gels with, 27

finding on your camera, 116

white reflectors, 51, 70

wide-angle lenses, 81, 208, 210, 222

windblown hair effect, 60

window light, 9597

positioning subjects for, 95

reflector position for, 97

setting up and shooting in, 96

winter time photos, 120

wireless flash, 1015

Canon camera, 1415, 31

channel settings, 15

Nikon camera, 1213, 30

pop-up flash and, 10

second flash units, 2931

studio strobes, 45

triggering systems, 11

videos on setting up, 13, 15

See also off-camera flash

wireless shutter release, 118


yellow gels, 26, 27

Yongnuo YN-560 II flash, 6, 7


Ziser, David, 147, 148, 149, 152, 155

zoom effect, 153


blurring backgrounds by, 77

shutter speed related to, 193

Zucker, Monte, 97

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