Chapter 8
Start Your Journey

Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly.

— Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

This book is about a new topic, a new approach to business management and the management of ourselves at work. But is your understanding of energy new, or did this book give you a language and approach for accessing what you intuitively understood? Either way, it's now up to you to decide if you will put your understanding, along with the tools and strategies offered in this book, into practice in your business. We've been living under the limitations of surface‐level management for a long time. There is a way to surpass those limitations, if you choose it.

As we come to the closing chapter of this book, I am reminded of the opening story about my early encounter with energy while rowing with my crew team in college. To me, rowing is a perfect metaphor for business. We all have an oar to pull. The better we pull our oars, and the more aligned we are in our motions and energy, the faster our boat goes. The sound of bubbles under the hull as the boat lifts and hydroplanes is exhilarating, but no more exhilarating than being part of an aligned team in business that is much greater than the sum of the individual team members. If we pay attention to energy, much can and will happen.

Working collaboratively is the future work of people in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This may be our chief domain and our place of unique human contribution among robots and AI. As we have seen, there is much more to collaboration than meets the eye. We must build our businesses to create collaborative environments. We must develop our people with deep collaborative skills and encourage them to make collaboration a lifelong practice. And we must continuously seek the alignment of people and energy that is the hallmark of effective collaboration.

The benefits of managing the energy of business are potentially huge. Imagine less conflict, greater harmony, increased efficiency, expanded innovation, better productivity, business growth, and a jump in financial performance. All of these things, and more, are possible. Managing energy is not a business fad. Whether people choose to apply it or not, energy will continue to flow in business and in life. Whether we choose to unlock energy or ignore it, the truth of energy will remain.

In this book we've focused on how to help make businesses and the people in them work better and prepare for the future. But there is an even deeper aspect to this that I've held back on until now. Perhaps it is obvious, but it needs to be said. Managing energy is a kinder and more loving way to build, run, and participate in business. While that motive may or may not be your cup of tea, many are eager to help move business, and the world, in that direction. As Dr. Masaru Emoto (2005) showed us in his research on messages in water, the energy around us, and within us, has a significant effect on our well‐being. We are affected by our environment and by those around us, and we, in turn, affect them. Just as water grows into beautiful crystals when exposed to loving energy, people at work blossom when the energy is positive.

As people in business, we have great responsibility. Companies, governments, and schools run most of the world. We have the opportunity to set an example for others. The rest of the world watches and waits for what we will do. Each of us alone will decide how we will manage ourselves and our parts in the business. We're on a collision course, but there is a way out, a way that can truly make a difference in the world. We are at the dawn of a new era. Let's fly!

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