Desktop Behavior During Initial Analysis

A tremendous amount of activity takes place within the IDA desktop during the initial autoanalysis of a newly opened file. You can gain an understanding of this analysis by observing various desktop displays during the analysis process. Desktop activity you may observe includes the following:

  • Progress messages printed to the Output window

  • Initial location and disassembly output generated for the disassembly window

  • Initial population of the Functions window, followed by periodic updates as the analysis progresses

  • Transformation of the navigation band as new areas of the binary are recognized as code and data, blocks of code are further recognized as functions, and, finally, functions are recognized specifically as library code using IDA’s pattern-matching techniques

  • The current position indicator traversing the navigation band to show the regions currently being analyzed

The following output is representative of messages generated by IDA during the initial analysis of a newly opened binary file. Notice that the messages form a narrative of the analysis process and offer insight into the sequence of operations performed by IDA during that analysis.

Loading file 'C:IdaBookch4_example.exe' into database...
  Detected file format: Portable executable for 80386 (PE)
    0. Creating a new segment  (00401000-0040C000) ... ... OK
    1. Creating a new segment  (0040C000-0040E000) ... ... OK
    2. Creating a new segment  (0040E000-00411000) ... ... OK
  Reading imports directory...
    3. Creating a new segment  (0040C120-0040E000) ... ... OK
  Plan  FLIRT signature: Microsoft VisualC 2-10/net runtime
  autoload.cfg: vc32rtf.sig autoloads mssdk.til
  Assuming __cdecl calling convention by default
  main() function at 401070, named "_main"
  Marking typical code sequences...
  Flushing buffers, please wait...ok
  File 'C:IdaBookch4_example.exe' is successfully loaded into the database.
  Compiling file 'C:Program FilesIdaProidcida.idc'...
    Executing function 'main'...
  Compiling file 'C:Program FilesIdaProidconload.idc'...
  Executing function 'OnLoad'...
  IDA is analysing the input file...
 You may start to explore the input file right now.
  Python 2.6.5 (r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 21:48:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
  IDAPython v1.4.2 final (serial 0) (c) The IDAPython Team
  <[email protected]>
  Using FLIRT signature: Microsoft VisualC 2-10/net runtime
  Propagating type information...
  Function argument information has been propagated
 The initial autoanalysis has been finished.

Two particularly helpful progress messages are You may start to explore the input file right now and The initial autoanalysis has been finished . The first message informs you that IDA has made enough progress with its analysis that you can begin navigating through the various data displays. Navigating does not imply changing, however, and you should wait to make any changes to the database until the analysis phase has been completed. If you attempt to change the database prior to completion of the analysis phase, the analysis engine may come along later and modify your changes further, or you may even prevent the analysis engine from doing its job correctly. The second of these messages, which is fairly self-explanatory, indicates that you can expect no more automatic changes to take place in the desktop data displays. At this point it is safe to make any changes you like to the database.

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