
Graphs are a powerful tool available to assist you in analyzing any binary. If you are accustomed to viewing disassemblies in pure text format, it may take some time to adjust to using a graph-based display. In IDA, it is generally a matter of realizing that all of the information that was available in the text display remains available in the graph display; however, it may be formatted somewhat differently. Cross-references, for example, become the edges that connect the basic blocks in a graph display.

Choosing the proper graph to view plays an important role in optimizing the use of graphs for analysis. If you want to know how a particular function is reached, then you are probably interested in a function call or cross-reference graph. If you want to know how a specific instruction is reached, then you are probably more interested in a control flow graph.

Some of the frustration that users have experienced in the past with IDA’s graphing capabilities is directly attributable to the inflexibility of the wingraph32 application and its related graphs. These frustrations were addressed in part with the introduction of an integrated graph-based disassembly mode. IDA is primarily a disassembler, however, and graph generation is not its primary purpose. Readers interested in dedicated graph-based analysis tools may wish to investigate applications designed specifically for that purpose, such as BinNavi,[63] produced by Halvar Flake’s company Zynamics.[64]

[64] Note that Zynamics was acquired by Google in March 2011.

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