The What of Disassembly

In a traditional software development model, compilers, assemblers, and linkers are used by themselves or in combination to create executable programs. In order to work our way backwards (or reverse engineer programs), we use tools to undo the assembly and compilation processes. Not surprisingly, such tools are called disassemblers and decompilers, and they do pretty much what their names imply. A disassembler undoes the assembly process, so we should expect assembly language as the output (and therefore machine language as input). Decompilers aim to produce output in a high-level language when given assembly or even machine language as input.

The promise of “source code recovery” will always be attractive in a competitive software market, and thus the development of usable decompilers remains an active research area in computer science. The following are just a few of the reasons that decompilation is difficult:

The compilation process is lossy.

At the machine language level there are no variable or function names, and variable type information can be determined only by how the data is used rather than explicit type declarations. When you observe 32 bits of data being transferred, you’ll need to do some investigative work to determine whether those 32 bits represent an integer, a 32-bit floating point value, or a 32-bit pointer.

Compilation is a many-to-many operation.

This means that a source program can be translated to assembly language in many different ways, and machine language can be translated back to source in many different ways. As a result, it is quite common that compiling a file and immediately decompiling it may yield a vastly different source file from the one that was input.

Decompilers are very language and library dependent.

Processing a binary produced by a Delphi compiler with a decompiler designed to generate C code can yield very strange results. Similarly, feeding a compiled Windows binary through a decompiler that has no knowledge of the Windows programming API may not yield anything useful.

A nearly perfect disassembly capability is needed in order to accurately decompile a binary.

Any errors or omissions in the disassembly phase will almost certainly propagate through to the decompiled code.

Hex-Rays, the most sophisticated decompiler on the market today, will be reviewed in Chapter 23.

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