The Why of Disassembly

The purpose of disassembly tools is often to facilitate understanding of programs when source code is unavailable. Common situations in which disassembly is used include these:

  • Analysis of malware

  • Analysis of closed-source software for vulnerabilities

  • Analysis of closed-source software for interoperability

  • Analysis of compiler-generated code to validate compiler performance/correctness

  • Display of program instructions while debugging

The subsequent sections will explain each situation in more detail.

Malware Analysis

Unless you are dealing with a script-based worm, malware authors seldom do you the favor of providing the source code to their creations. Lacking source code, you are faced with a very limited set of options for discovering exactly how the malware behaves. The two main techniques for malware analysis are dynamic analysis and static analysis. Dynamic analysis involves allowing the malware to execute in a carefully controlled environment (sandbox) while recording every observable aspect of its behavior using any number of system instrumentation utilities. In contrast, static analysis attempts to understand the behavior of a program simply by reading through the program code, which, in the case of malware, generally consists of a disassembly listing.

Vulnerability Analysis

For the sake of simplification, let’s break the entire security-auditing process into three steps: vulnerability discovery, vulnerability analysis, and exploit development. The same steps apply whether you have source code or not; however, the level of effort increases substantially when all you have is a binary. The first step in the process is to discover a potentially exploitable condition in a program. This is often accomplished using dynamic techniques such as fuzzing,[1] but it can also be performed (usually with much more effort) via static analysis. Once a problem has been discovered, further analysis is often required to determine whether the problem is exploitable at all and, if so, under what conditions.

Disassembly listings provide the level of detail required to understand exactly how the compiler has chosen to allocate program variables. For example, it might be useful to know that a 70-byte character array declared by a programmer was rounded up to 80 bytes when allocated by the compiler. Disassembly listings also provide the only means to determine exactly how a compiler has chosen to order all of the variables declared globally or within functions. Understanding the spatial relationships among variables is often essential when attempting to develop exploits. Ultimately, by using a disassembler and a debugger together, an exploit may be developed.

Software Interoperability

When software is released in binary form only, it is very difficult for competitors to create software that can interoperate with it or to provide plug-in replacements for that software. A common example is driver code released for hardware that is supported on only one platform. When a vendor is slow to support or, worse yet, refuses to support the use of its hardware with alternative platforms, substantial reverse engineering effort may be required in order to develop software drivers to support the hardware. In these cases, static code analysis is almost the only remedy and often must go beyond the software driver to understand embedded firmware.

Compiler Validation

Since the purpose of a compiler (or assembler) is to generate machine language, good disassembly tools are often required to verify that the compiler is doing its job in accordance with any design specifications. Analysts may also be interested in locating additional opportunities for optimizing compiler output and, from a security standpoint, ascertaining whether the compiler itself has been compromised to the extent that it may be inserting back doors into generated code.

Debugging Displays

Perhaps the single most common use of disassemblers is to generate listings within debuggers. Unfortunately, disassemblers embedded within debuggers tend to be fairly unsophisticated. They are generally incapable of batch disassembly and sometimes balk at disassembling when they cannot determine the boundaries of a function. This is one of the reasons why it is best to use a debugger in conjunction with a high-quality disassembler to provide better situational awareness and context during debugging.

[1] Fuzzing is a vulnerability-discovery technique that relies on generating large numbers of unique inputs for programs in the hope that one of those inputs will cause the program to fail in a manner that can be detected, analyzed, and ultimately exploited.

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