Chapter Seven

Site Visits

No matter how well written a proposal might be, no matter how carefully you read it, and no matter how thoughtfully it is negotiated between you and the grantseeker, the fact remains that the idea embedded within the proposal is still seen through a glass, dimly. Proposals can give you only a glimpse of what a project, once funded, might be like. A proposal cannot convey the personalities of the people who will be responsible for the project, their passion, their spirit, and their dedication. It cannot convey a sense of the physical setting where the project would play out, nor does it tell much about the partnership (or lack of same) between the applicant and those whom it is trying to help. The best way for you to gain a greater understanding of these important considerations is to visit the offices of the applicant, the places where the project would be implemented, and the people whom it would affect.

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