
I have deep gratitude for my family: My mom, Lucille Boretz, for her steadiness, strength, and positive attitude; my late dad, Alvin Boretz, who taught me how to be infinitely curious, persistent, and to connect deeply with people; my spouse, Bill, who is my favorite introvert and best friend for more years than we could have imagined. (You still make me laugh [almost] every day.) My daughter Lindsey Goldberg is a loving mom and compassionate health-care professional who continually challenges herself while doing the work she was born to do. She reminds me of my capabilities when I doubt myself. My daughter Jessie Kahnweiler is a fearless, funny, risk-taking role model who understands the angst and joy of writing at a visceral level. (I know your mom characters are inspired by me and not actually me, right?) My son-in-law and uber dad, Adam Goldberg, was kind enough to move closer to his in-laws and pursue his photography career. I am also grateful for my sister, Carrie Boretz, whose photography has carried on the legacy of our dad, who encouraged us to make a difference. My late in-laws, Ruth and Lou Kahnweiler, were always so proud of my work; and my late aunt, Arline Garson, gave me the first books I ever owned. My dear granddaughters, Ava and Millie, get me out of my head and help me rediscover the child inside, all of which helps me to be a better writer.

My assistant, Arlene Cohn, took the disparate parts of this work and turned them into a whole. My dear friend and editor, Maren Showkeir, gently offered suggestions that helped the writing flow. Thanks to both of them for their patience with “last-minute Sally.”

Immense gratitude to Steve Piersanti, my editor and the CEO at Berrett-Koehler. It was my good fortune that, out of the hundreds of proposals you receive each month, you stopped to read and respond to mine a decade ago. You believed that a world that works for all includes introverts. You opened the door, and this journey has taken me around the globe, connected me to thousands of people, and has been gratifying beyond measure.

Managing editor Jeevan Sivasubramanian is one of my greatest fans (as I am his) and put his magic touch on the initial stages of this and my other books. All the BK staff continues to be exceptional, including Kristen Frantz, Johanna Vondeling, Lassell Whipple, Courtney Schonfeld, Leslie Crandell, Katie Sheehan, Mike Crowley, María Jesús Aguiló, Catherine Lengronne, Liz McKellar, Shabnam Banerjee-McFarland, Zoe Mackey, and David Marshall.

I am also so grateful for the support of my BK author friends, an incredible and caring group, especially Dick Axelrod, Emily Axelrod, the late, sweet Mila Baker, Martin Davidson, Rob Jolles, Sharon Jordan-Evans, Crystal Kadakia, John Kador, Bev Kaye, Barbara McAfee, Marcia Reynolds, Bruce Rosenstein, Jesse Stoner, Bill Treasurer, Devora Zack, and the late Jamie Showkeir.

Thanks also to my colleagues Sam Horn, Pete Weissman, David Greenberg, Paul Schempp, Rene Godefrey, Ken Futch, Gene Griessman, Bill Stainton, Tom Nixon, Nick Alter, Richard Ruiz, Lan Bercu, Tom Nixon, Dave Summers, Stephanie Roemer, Dirk Eilert, Darcy Eikenberg, Becky Robinson, Tricia Molloy, and Marty Mercer. While I couldn’t name all the people who supported this project, please know that I am so grateful to all of you.

And finally, a bow of gratitude to the readers of my books who have validated the importance of this work. You have made the effort worth it, many times over, and without you there would be no new edition.

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