Chapter 2

Unlocking Success: The 4 Ps Process

The 4 Ps Process

For introverts who want to strengthen their role as a leader, myriad steps and strategies are available to choose from. How do you get a handle on what to do without getting overwhelmed?

Consider a framework called the 4 Ps Process. It is an easy- to-remember road map that builds on research done with thousands of successful introverted leaders. With application to almost any leadership scenario, the four steps that address the six challenges outlined in Chapter 1 are preparation, presence, push, and practice. (See Figure 1.)

An Overview of the 4 Ps


Preparation is the first step. It is the series of actions that plays to the introvert’s “sweet spot” by doing what comes naturally. Examples include writing thoughtful questions prior to a meeting, reading the résumé of a job candidate before interviewing them, or researching a client prior to a sales meeting. Preparation gives you confidence to handle situations as they emerge.

FIGURE 1 The 4 Ps Process



Presence, the second step, refers to being present in a way that allows you to be with people. Because you’re not preoccupied with the past or worrying about the future, you are engaged, and others see you that way. You can glean more from an experience. Examples of presence include glancing up from your laptop when a team member asks you a question, calling out a keen observation at a meeting, or switching gears during a presentation when the audience is not responsive.


Push is the third step. This likely puts you outside of your comfort zone. Examples of push include attending a professional event when you’d rather stay home, initiating a conversation with a coworker or someone you don’t know well, or approaching your boss for a raise.


Practice is the fourth step. You seize opportunities to practice new behaviors. Virtuoso violinist Joshua Bell and great Olympic champions, such as gymnast Simone Biles, practice continually, even if they’re already at the top. Engaging in conversational ice-breakers, facilitating meetings, and telling stories all can take a great deal of practice to master.

Using the 4 Ps

Apply It to a Current Challenge

After you complete the Introverted Leader Quiz in Chapter 3, review your results and talk with your manager, coach, or mentor to decide what skills are working for you and which you most want to address. For instance, if you are having a challenge being heard in meetings, you might want to make being heard in meetings your goal. Then turn to Chapter 6, Leading and Participating in Meetings, and review the suggestions there. Using the tips from the chapter, you might craft a plan like this in applying the 4 Ps.

My Goal: Be heard in meetings.

Prepare Prepare questions and possible talking points. Get there early.

Presence Speak up in the first five minutes.

Push Make your key points.

Practice Try these techniques at your next meeting and note the results. What worked? What will you do differently next time to be even more effective?

Coach Others

The 4 Ps Process can also be useful when coaching others. Together with the person you’re coaching, decide where the P opportunity is, then craft a plan to develop their skills.

Use the 4 Ps for Ongoing Challenges

Once you have mastered a skill, apply the 4 Ps Process to a current challenge. You can always find a new situation to address. The 4 Ps Process might also be used as a barometer to track progress. It can help you to plan some different steps to take in an upcoming scenario.

Questions to Help You Apply the 4 Ps


1. How has preparation helped you in the last month?

2. How can you prepare now for an upcoming leadership or people scenario?


3. Who do you know who exhibits strong presence? What actions do they take? What positive impact does this have on you and others?

4. What distractions can you eliminate to be more present?


5. How have you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone this past week? What was that like? What impact did it have?

6. How might you consider pushing yourself this week? What step could you do to feel some necessary discomfort?


7. What people or leadership skill have you been practicing? Give an example.

8. What strength can you enhance by practicing this week?

Some 4 Ps Case Examples

Many strong examples of introverted leaders who’ve successfully applied elements of the 4 Ps Process can be found throughout the book; but to get you started, here are a few examples of leaders consciously upping their skills.

• Carolyn, a young digital media leader, uses preparation to buffer her anxiety before presentations. She crafts extensive notes, including specific phrases she will use. Carolyn finds that if she writes these down beforehand, she can mentally bring up the entire paragraph when she glances down.

• Martin, an IT leader, gained access to the seating chart while at an important networking event. He studied it to identify key clients whom he could target, and he discovered common interests he shared with those key prospects. This careful preparation helped him secure a large account.

• Jose met the COO of a company he had recently joined. He admittedly was intimidated, as the COO was a person of influence who was several reporting levels above him. Jose wanted to make a positive impression. As they chatted while waiting for a meeting to begin, Jose relaxed. “She looked straight at me and asked intelligent questions that showed sincere interest,” he said. “Though there were many more senior people around, I felt as though I was the only one in the room. I had her complete attention.” The COO’s attention and presence inspired Jose to do the best job possible.

As you move ahead and step into your quiet strength, try not to get overwhelmed. Use the 4 Ps to take one step at a time. This process is not about trying to turn yourself into an extrovert or trying to beat extroverts at their own game. It’s about enhancing your people skills so that you can be the leader you are meant to be.

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