Chapter 3

The Introverted Leader Quiz


There are many key strengths that set leaders apart. The Introverted Leadership Skills Quiz in Table 2 will help you know how effective you are at using the proven strategies of introverted leaders. It also will give you a way to assess and measure your progress as you apply the ideas in the book.

Indicate how much you agree with the statements on the following pages.

A caution: Try not to overanalyze. Your initial response is usually the most valid. Also avoid being too tough or too easy on yourself. When you respond, be as objective as possible.

TABLE 2 Introverted Leadership Skills Quiz



Scoring the Quiz

Total the numbers you circled. The score ranges in Table 3 reflect an estimate of your performance as an effective introverted leader.

Caveat: This is not a scientific or normed instrument. Use it as a guide and a starting point as you collect ideas from the book.

TABLE 3 Scoring the Introverted Leadership Skills Quiz


Very Strong

You are using many of the strengths of highly effective introverted leaders. Look at how you can apply your strengths to some current or upcoming workplace challenges and situations.



You are doing well in demonstrating introverted leadership strengths, and some areas could use attention. Pinpoint the times when your leadership efforts are successful or need improvement. See if you recognize opportunities to apply the 4 Ps (see Chapter 2) to your challenges.



You have some work to do in ramping up your introverted leadership strengths. Pay attention to a work situation where you perceive you are not being effective, and consider using some new and different approaches. Consider how to apply the 4 Ps.

59 or below

Room for Improvement

You have abundant opportunities to expand your introverted leadership potential. Start by noticing your behavior and asking trusted coworkers for honest feedback and suggestions. Begin by working on one area that you want to develop and set a specific goal for this week. Apply the 4 Ps. Next week, tackle another skill. Keep at it and you will see results.

Next Steps

Ask for feedback from managers and team members, and consider which skills are more valued in your function and organization so that you can prioritize what to work on.

1. Recognize your strengths. We spend so much time focusing on what we aren’t doing well that we often forget the leadership situations that we already have conquered. What are those? How can you build on these assets? For instance, if you do a good job of preparing stories to include in your presentation (Chapter 5), can you bring that strength to another workplace situation? Perhaps you can include a story in your next coaching session.

2. The next six chapters follow the sequence of the quiz. You will be provided with numerous tools to meet the challenges you face as an introverted leader.

3. As you read, take notes on what strategies and tools resonate with you, and start trying them throughout your week. Recording your progress on your phone or in a notebook will help you track your progress.

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