Closing Remarks

The fact that you are reading this means you actually read through the entire book or just skipped all the way to the back for any post-credit scenes. Regardless, I am truly grateful that there are so many of you who share the same passion for photography that I have. I hope you were able to pull inspiration for your future shots from my own creative process, and I wish you the best on your photography journey. As I mentioned earlier, there are no strict rules you must follow to obtain a stunning image. Your intuitive composition should triumph over any rules or theories designed in photography. Basically, capture what you think looks good and study why it looks appealing to you.

The last tip I can leave you with is to let your creativity run wild. Everything I have written prior to this page is just a consolidation of guides, experiences, and information that I would have liked to have known when I started shooting with a lensball. I hope you have gathered all the metaphorical tools you needed from this book to pursue any concepts you want to bring to fruition. If you have any questions or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me on my website or social media pages:

Warm regards,

Marvin Lei

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