
I appreciate the critical reviews of earlier drafts provided by Dr. Ingrid-Guerra Lopez and Dr. Mariano Bernardez. They made this work better than it would have been otherwise, but flaws still remain mine. I also acknowledge the increasing number of professionals who are applying Mega Thinking and Planning and provide the practical implementation data that is required for continual improvement.

I am indebted to Robert Carkhuff and HRD Press for having confidence in the practical importance of Mega Thinking and Planning to not only publish this work but a six-pack series on Mega, the Assessment Book, that guides people to decide to use the approach, as well as an “applied Mega” series. Sally Farnham has done an outstanding job of editing although any problems or errors are strictly mine. The entire staff of HRD Press also earns my praise for helping the guide be better than it would have been if left entirely up to me.

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