Working with Needs as Gaps in Results

Choosing the right level for a needs assessment is vital. The best starting place is at Mega because everything your organization uses, does, produces, and delivers must add value to society. Figure 7.2 provides a guide for doing a needs assessment. It includes the following:

  1.0Decide to plan using needs (gaps in results) not wants (preferred solutions).
  2.0Identify planning partners, including representative implementers, recipients of what your work will deliver, and society.
  3.0Select the representatives for needs assessment and planning.
  4.0Obtain the planning partners’ commitment, including to do Mega Thinking and Planning.
  5.0Select the needs assessment planning framework: Mega, Macro, or Micro. Again, if you don’t start at Mega, you are either certain that you will add value to society or you are willing to risk that you will.
  6.0Collect the “hard” performance data on gaps in results.
  7.0At the same time as collecting “hard” data, collect “soft” data—perceptions of gaps in results.
  8.0Determine the matches and mismatches (agreements and disagreements) between the “hard” and “soft” data and reconcile any differences, including collecting more data.
  9.0Prioritize the needs based on the costs to meet the needs as compared to the costs to ignore the needs.
10.0Select the needs to be eliminated or reduced.
11.0Obtain approvals and revise as required.

To help you in needs assessment, Figures 7.2 and 7.3 provide some guides.


Figure 7.2. The functions to be completed to do a needs assessment.5


Figure 7.3. Ensuring that your needs assessment attends to needs as gaps in results and links to all three levels of planning: Mega, Macro, and Micro.6

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