This Book’s Scope

As the title suggests, this book is about the object-oriented (OO) thought process. Although choosing the theme and title of a book are important decisions, these decisions are not at all straightforward when dealing with a highly conceptual topic. Many books deal with one level or another of programming and object orientation. Several popular books cover topics including OO analysis, OO design, OO programming, design patterns, OO data (XML), the Unified Modeling Language (UML), OO Web development, OO Mobile development, various OO programming languages, and many other topics related to OO programming.

However, while poring over all these books, many people forget that all these topics are built on a single foundation: how you think in OO ways. Often, many software professionals, as well as students, dive into these books without taking the appropriate time and effort to really understand the design concepts behind the code.

I contend that learning OO concepts is not accomplished by learning a specific development method, a programming language, or a set of design tools. Doing things in an OO manner is, simply put, a way of thinking. This book is all about the OO thought process.

Separating the languages, development practices, and tools from the OO thought process is not an easy task. Often, people are introduced to OO concepts by diving headfirst into a programming language. For example, many years ago, a large number of C programmers were first introduced to object orientation by migrating directly to C++ before they were even remotely exposed to OO concepts. Other software professionals’ first exposure to object orientation was in the context of presentations that included object models using UML—again, before they were even exposed directly to OO concepts. Even now, a couple of decades after the emergence of the Internet as a business platform, it is not unusual to see programming books and professional training materials defer OO concepts until later in the discussion.

It is important to understand the significant difference between learning OO concepts and programming in an OO language. This came into sharp focus for me well before I worked on the first edition of this book, when I read articles like Craig Larman’s “What the UML Is—and Isn’t.” In this article, he states,

Unfortunately, in the context of software engineering and the UML diagramming language, acquiring the skills to read and write UML notation seems to sometimes be equated with skill in object-oriented analysis and design. Of course, this is not so, and the latter is much more important than the former. Therefore, I recommend seeking education and educational materials in which intellectual skill in object-oriented analysis and design is paramount rather than UML notation or the use of a case tool.

Thus, although learning a modeling language is an important step, it is much more important to learn OO skills first. Learning UML before fully understanding OO concepts is similar to learning how to read an electrical diagram without first knowing anything about electricity.

The same problem occurs with programming languages. As stated earlier, many C programmers moved into the realm of object orientation by migrating to C++ before being directly exposed to OO concepts. This would always come out in an interview. Many times, developers who claim to be C++ programmers are simply C programmers using C++ compilers. Even now, with languages such as C# .NET, VB .NET, Objective-C, and Java well established, a few key questions in a job interview can quickly uncover a lack of OO understanding.

Early versions of Visual Basic are not OO. C is not OO, and C++ was developed to be backward compatible with C. Because of this, it is quite possible to use a C++ compiler writing only C syntax while forsaking all of C++’s OO features. Objective-C was designed as an extension to the standard ANSI C language. Even worse, a programmer can use just enough OO features to make a program incomprehensible to OO and non-OO programmers alike.

Thus, it is of vital importance that while you’re learning to use OO development environments, you first learn the fundamental OO concepts. Resist the temptation to jump directly into a programming language (such as Objective-C, VB .NET, C++, C# .NET, or Java) or a modeling language (such as UML), and instead take the time to learn the object-oriented thought process.

After programming in C for many years, I took my first Smalltalk class in the late 1980s. The company I was with at the time had determined that its software developers needed to learn this up-and-coming technology. The instructor opened the class by stating that the OO paradigm was a totally new way of thinking (despite the fact that it has been around since the 60s). He went on to say that although all of us were most likely very good programmers, about 10%–20% of us would never really grasp the OO way of doing things. If this statement is indeed true, it is most likely because some good programmers never take the time to make the paradigm shift and learn the underlying OO concepts.

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