Smalltalk’s Model/View/Controller

For historical perspective, we need to consider the Model/View/Controller (MVC) introduced in Smalltalk (and used in other object-oriented languages). MVC is often used to illustrate the origins of design patterns. The Model/View/Controller paradigm was used to create user interfaces in Smalltalk. Smalltalk was perhaps the first popular object-oriented language.

Design Patterns defines the MVC components in the following manner:

The Model is the application object, the View is the screen presentation, and the Controller defines the way the user interface reacts to user input.

The problem with previous paradigms is that the Model, View, and Controller used to be lumped together in a single entity. For example, a single object would have included all three of the components. With the MVC paradigm, these three components have separate and distinct interfaces. So if you want to change the user interface of an application, you only have to change the View. Figure 15.1 illustrates what the MVC design looks like.


Figure 15.1. Model/View/Controller paradigm.

Remember that much of what we have been learning about object-oriented development has to do with interfaces versus implementation. As much as possible, we want to separate the interface from the implementation. We also want to separate interface from interface as much as possible. For example, we do not want to combine multiple interfaces that do not have anything to do with one another (or the solution to the problem at hand). The MVC was one of the early pioneers in this separation of interfaces. The MVC explicitly defines the interfaces between specific components pertaining to a very common and basic programming problem—the creation of user interfaces and their connection to the business logic and data behind them.

If you follow the MVC concept and separate the user interface, business logic, and data, your system will be much more flexible and robust. For example, assume that the user interface is on a client machine, the business logic is on an application server, and the data is located on a data server. Developing your application in this way would allow you to change the way the GUI looks without having an impact on the business logic or the data. Likewise, if your business logic changes and you calculate a specific field differently, you can change the business logic without having to change the GUI. And finally, if you want to swap databases and store your data differently, you can change the way the data is stored on the data server without affecting either the GUI or the business logic. This assumes, of course, that the interfaces between the three do not change.

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