096 Value Opportunity Analysis (VOA)

Mapping the extent to which a product or service’s aspirational qualities connect to an audience

• A (VOA) provides an opportunity for a team to work together from a place of deep empathy, grounded firmly in research for what the user values and desires.

• There are seven value opportunities:

1. Emotion: adventure, independence, confidence, and power

2. Aesthetics: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and taste

3. Identity: point in time, sense of place, and personality

4. Impact: social and environmental

5. Ergonomics: comfort, safety, and ease of use

6. Core Technology: reliable and enabling

7. Quality: craftsmanship and durability

• The VOA can be used to help the team consider competitive review, market analysis, and multiple personas.

See also   Competitive TestingDesirability TestingThe Love Letter & the Breakup Letter


In a VOA, each value opportunity and its attributes are listed in a column and rated on a subjective scale of low, medium, and high.

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