Note: Page numbers in italics are for tables.

70:20:10 learning principle 1920, 285

abstract conceptualization 8

Abu Dhabi 330

academic calendar, Poland 239

academic institutions: alumni 320, 335; first mover advantages 3201; foreign direct investments 322, 3278, 330, 336; import of ideas 3223, 3335, 336, 337; and industry linkages 377; insourcing of education 322, 3257, 331, 332, 336; internationalization of 31943; joint ventures 328; and mobile learning 287; outsourcing see outsourcing, of education; ranking of 3201, 3234, 329, 3423; reputation of 319, 3201, 3234, 328, 329, 335, 337; see also business schools; and names of individual institutions

academic staff: Botswana, University of 225; China 198; internationalization of 327, 333, 336; Poland 2456, 2467, 250, 251; Russia 1856, 1867; Southeast Asia 213, 21415

Academy of Business in Society (EABiS) 189

Academy of International Business 81

Academy of Management 26, 27, 34, 47

Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 35

access to tertiary education, Poland 247, 250, 251

accountability 10, 967, 99

accreditation, Poland 246

Acs, Z.J. 108, 109

action learning 7, 159

action research 158, 159, 160, 1612

active experimentation 8

advertising 364, 369; online 2947

Africa: corporate social responsibility in 923; see also Botswana; South Africa

African Common Economic Market 122

Agarwal, S. 54

agency theory 49, 51

aggregate complexity 64, 667

Agle, B.R. 95

Aguinis, H. 196

Akbar, S.F. 294300

Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) 376

algorithmic complexity 64, 65

alliances 39, 53, 54, 57, 66, 74, 75, 379, 382, 3834

Allred, B.B. 108

alumni 320, 335

Alvesson, M. 158

Amazon 304

Ambient Insight 2778

American Marketing Association (AMA) 117

Americanization 326

Amit, R. 54

Analoui, F. 380

andragology 159

Andruschak, G. 186

Ansoff, H.I. 48, 352, 380

Ansoff's Matrix 380

Antwerp Management School 343

Apple Mac 307

appropriability hazards 111

Arab cultures, entrepreneurship 107

Aragón-Correa, J.A. 56

Aristotle 88, 94, 118

Arizona State University 333, 335

Arthur, B. 67

Arthur D. Little School of Management 330

ASDA 313

Asian financial crisis (1997) 204

Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Philippines 203, 211

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand 203, 213

Asian Tigers 204

Aspen Institute 3

assessment, China 197, 199

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) 157, 189, 243

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 203; Economic Community 215; University Network 215

Assumption University 213

Aston Business School 343

Atan, R. 1525

Ateneo de Manila University 211

attitudes 8, 10, 365

Aupperle, K.E. 91

Australia 107, 223, 331, 334, 335

Australian School of Business 330, 331, 334

Ayobi, R.M. 327


Baby Mama (film) 2589, 271

Badatacco, J.L. 11

Badawi, A.A. 16

Baden-Fuller, C. 53

Bahamas, films 2624, 271, 272

Baird, I.S. 54

Bangladesh, garment industry 93

Barbarian Invasions, The (film) 2567, 270, 272

Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) 1112

Barkema, H.G. 53, 322

Barnett, M. 97

Barney, J. 48, 55

Bartels, R. 118, 120

Bartlett, C. 47, 107

Baumol, W.J. 354

Beamer, L. 2632

Beamish, P.W. 53, 54, 67, 221

Beauchamp, T. 87

Beckman, T. 120

behaviour-based advertising 2957

behavioural organization theory 73

behaviours: consumers/consumption 122, 150, 1545, 363, 364; cultural differences in 2831

Behrman, J.N. 36, 134

being dimension 7, 12

Belgium 335

beliefs 365

benchmarking 380

Bendick, M. 27

Bentham, J. 88

Bergische Universität, Wuppertal 242

Beugelsdijk, S. 10416

Bielenia-Grajewska, M. 35873

Birkinshaw, J. 55

BizFlix 254

blogs 305

Bloomsburg University, Pennsylvania 242

Boatman, J. 19

Boddewyn, J. 33, 34, 36, 41, 134, 221

Boje, D.M. 100

Bologna Process 238, 246, 250

Bonabeau, E. 67

bookmarking 305, 306

Boonchoo, P. 203219

Boone, C. 55

born global companies 81, 302

bosses 20

Boston Consultancy Group (BCG) 380

Botswana: international partnerships 222, 223; National Qualification Framework 222; student sponsorship 223; Tertiary Education Council 222, 223; see also University of Botswana

Botswana Accountancy College 2289, 233

Botswana Training Authority 222, 223

Boud, D. 8

Bowen, H. 54

Bowie, N. 87, 100

Bowman, E.H. 50

Boyer, E.L. 5

Bracker, J. 50

Bradford School of Management 330

brands/branding 19, 142, 143, 14950, 151, 152, 153, 1545, 166, 281, 297, 305, 363, 364, 365

Branine, M. 197

Brazil 12732, 134, 136, 137; Academy of International Business 127; Academy of Management 127; corporate social responsibility 1001; doctoral programs 129, 130, 131; higher education institutions 12932; IM research in 1289; Masters programs 12931; mining industry 1001; National Association of Graduate Programs in Administration (ANPAD) 127, 128, 129, 131; undergraduate programs 128, 129, 130, 131

Brenkert, G. 967

Brewis, J. 159

bribery 89

Bridgman, T. 158

British Airways 306

British Association of MBAs 243

Broadcast News (film) 254

Brookfield, S.D. 7

Brouthers, K.D. and Brouthers, L.E. 53, 54

Brown, G. 197

Brown, P. 56

Brown, T. 8

Brunei 204

Bruton, G. 48, 53

Buckley, P.J. 73, 74, 767, 78, 133, 197

bureaucracy 94

Burkett, C. 118

Burma 204

Burquel, N. 222

Burton, B. 95

Business to Business (B2B) models 311

Business to Consumer (B2C) models 311

business ethics see ethics

Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) 375

business intelligence (BI) 302, 303, 304, 313

Business Link 378

business models 545; and education of nascent entrepreneurs 37982

business policy 48 business schools 4, 17; curriculum 9; foreign board members 3335; innovations in progress 912; internationalization of 319, 320, 32235, 3367; mission statements 9; Nordic, origin of textbooks used in 323, 324; rankings 321, 3234, 32935, 3367, 3423; research in 45; scientific model 17; US model of 322; see also names of individual schools

business studies 36, 40

butterfly effect 65

buzzwords 34457; case study: strategy 345, 3516, 357; context and definition 3467, 355; evaluation of 351; import from other disciplines 3489; innovation and diffusion of 348, 350, 351, 356; significance of 3456


call centers 302

Calori, R. 55

Cambodia 204

Campos Filho, L.A. 128, 129

Canada 107, 331, 334, 335; films 2558, 270, 272

Canadian Executive Master of Business

Administration (CEMBA) programmme 241, 243

Cannella, A.A. 48

Cantillon, R. 104

capabilities 157, 344

capital: economic 110; human 16, 19, 71, 110; social 110

CARE International 325

careers, East European marketers 1478

caring 86, 956

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) 333

Carney, M. 56

Carroll, A.B. 86, 912

case method 56, 7, 99100, 196

Casi casi (film) 269, 272

Casson, M. 73, 74, 34457

catastrophe theory 64, 65

Caves, R. 353

Cavusgil, S.T. 53

CEIBS 195, 197, 328, 334

Center for International Education Higher School of Economics, Moscow 180, 1889

Center for Research in International Economics 11

Centre for Creative Learning (CCL) 1920

Centro Superior de Investigaciones Ceintíficas 11

ceremonies 29

Champoux, J.E. 25374

Chan, A. 198

Chandler, A. 48

change 67, 308

chaos theory 64, 65

Chaston, I. 381

Chen, H. 54, 67

Chen, M. 33, 37, 389

Cheng, J.L.C. 78

chief executive officers (CEOs) 55

child labour 89

Children of God (film) 263, 271

China 75, 80, 133, 193202, 334, 335; assessment 197, 199; cultural issues 1956; curriculum 1967, 199; education reform 1934; entrepreneurship 1067; foreign direct investment 193; learning approach 197; National Centre for Industrial Science and Technology Development 194; pedagogical approach 956, 199; State Education Commission/Ministry of Education 195; state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 193; teaching staff 198

China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) 195, 197, 328, 334

choice 90; consumer 363

Chulalongkorn University 212

Chung, C.C. 67

Chung, P.N.H. 2212

Chung, W. 110

Churakova, I. 17992

cinema resources 25374

citizenship: corporate 86, 969, 101; rights 978

City University, UK 331

civil rights 978

civil society 137

Clark, K.D. 55

Clark, T. 133

Clegg, J. 56

climate change 91

clothing industry 93

cloud-computing 3067

Coan, T.M. 27

codes of conduct 89

cognitive factors 205

cognitive neuroscience 359, 365

Colbert, J.B. 11920

collaborative leadership 7

collaborative management 2979, 304

collective bargaining 889

collectivism 195

Collings, D.G. 67

Collins, D. 989

Collis, D. 55

colonialism/colonization 27, 31, 135, 204, 208

Columbia Business School 332, 333, 336

combination, knowledge 172, 173

Commission of Higher Education of the Philippines (CHEP) 210

Community of European Management Schools and International Companies (CEMS) 189, 324, 325, 332, 333, 334

comparative studies 35, 56; of entrepreneurship see under entrepreneurship

competition 374

competitive advantage 74, 104, 354

competitiveness 80

complex adaptive systems 634, 65, 67

complexity 629; aggregate 64, 667; algorithmic 64, 65; deterministic 64, 65

complexity management 624

Complexity paradigm 62, 63, 67

computer cookies 2956

conceptual redundancy 3445

concrete experience 8

conferencing tools 2989, 304

conflict: of interests 92; political 82

connective thinking 7

Conner, K. 48

consent 95

consumers/consumption 79; behaviours 122, 150, 1545, 363, 364; choice 363; ethical 93; neuroscientific dimemsion 3634

Content and Document Management (CDM) Systems 305

contractual partnerships 80, 81

control 55, 90

Cool, K. 50

Cornell University 334

corporate citizenship 86, 969, 101

corporate reputation 320

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 34, 81, 86, 913, 94, 97, 380; Carrolls' pyramid of 912; Korea 156, 157, 162; methodological approaches 99101; Middle East 175; and neuroscience 3678

corruption 89, 99

Corruption Perception Index 93

cosmetics 364

Countryman (film) 2678, 272

Cox, R. 119

Crane, A. 92, 93, 978

creativity 365

critical action research 158, 159

critical cross-cultural analysis 100

critical learning 15863

critical management education (CME) 159

critical management studies (CMS) 158

critical reflection 7

cross-cultural management studies 35, 36

Cuba, films 2645, 271, 272

Cullen, J.B. 35, 36, 221

Cullen, P.G. 3, 6, 9

cultural differences 2632

cultural distance 321

cultural identity 30

cultural relativism 90

cultural theory 109

culture 11, 56, 79, 107, 108, 363, 380; China 1956; definitions of 278; United Arab Emirates (UAE) 1701, 174, 1756

Cunliffe, A.L. 7, 162

curriculum 9; China 1967, 199

Customer Relations Management (CRM) Systems 3045, 305, 313

Czech Republic 237

Czinkota, M.R. 36, 221


Dąbrowa-Szefler, M. 2447

Daft, R.L. 28

Dai, L. 3344, 67

Dalian University of Science and Technology 195

Dancehall Queen (film) 268, 272

Daniels, J.D. 36, 221

Datar, S.M. 3, 6, 9

Davidson, William 119

Davis, D.F. 55

De Cremer, D. 55

De La Salle University 211

De Meyers, A. 223

De Zeeuw, G. 159, 162

Death of a Bureaucrat (film) 264, 271, 272

Dechant, K. 107

decision-making 10, 37, 55, 64, 65, 87, 160, 221, 356, 358, 360, 362, 366, 368, 384

declarative (explicit) knowledge 172, 173, 196

Declerck, R.P. 352

Delios, A. 53, 54

Della Giusta, M. 34457

Dellaportas, S. 88

Demirbag, M. 54

Deng Xiao-ping 194

Denmark 323

Deresky, H. 38

Desai, S. 108, 109

design thinking 8

deterministic complexity 64, 65

developing countries 93, 108, 133, 136, 157

Development Dimensions International (DDI) 19

development ethics 1578

Dewey, J. 8

Dierdorff, E.C. 12

directional policy matrices 380

disabled students, Botswana 228

distance learning 248, 251

distribution 1212

distributive justice 88

diversification 53, 54

doctoral programs: Brazil 129, 130, 131; Poland 237, 238, 240, 245, 246; Russia 188

Doh, J. 35

doing dimension 67

Dominican Republic, films 2667, 272

Donaldson, T. 90

dopamine 366

Drogendijk, R. 322

Duarte, F. 1001

Dubai 330

Duke University 334

Dunn, C.P. 95

Dunning, J.H. 54, 56, 70, 71, 734, 75, 81, 82

Durham Business School 331

Dyer, J.H. 54


e-business 303, 311

e-entrepreneurship 11011

e-learning 2478, 289, 290; and mobile learning relationship 2789

e-mails 304; advertising 2967

EABiS 189

EADA Business School 332, 333, 343

East Timor 204

Eastern Europe, marketing education 14255

eclectic or OLI paradigm 734

École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) 241, 324, 325, 331, 332, 334

École Polytechnique 326

econometrics 49

economic capital 110

economic crisis 3, 6, 190

economic development 117; and entrepreneurship 109

economic integration 122, 123

economic responsibility 912, 93

economics 1112, 106; strategy concept in 3545

economy: global 74; Southeast Asia 203, 204, 208

Eden, L. 3344, 47, 52, 57, 67, 70, 75, 105, 221

Edquist, C. 249, 250

education, general: Singapore 212; Soviet 1434, 1456; United Arab Emirates (UAE) 1667, 16970

Edwards, R. 37488

effectiveness, marketing, Eastern Europe 1513

efficiency 97

Egan, M.L. 27

Egri, C.P. 67

Eichinger, R. 19

Elam, A. 110

electrodermal response (galvanic skin response) 360, 361, 369

electroencephalography (EEG) 360, 363, 369

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 309, 31213

Elenkov, D.S. 108

elite opinion 3501

Ellis, G. 27593

EM Lyon Business School 331

emergence 64, 66

emerging economies 75, 80, 106, 117, 133, 136, 197, 199

emerging markets 79, 80

Emory University 334, 368

emotions 359, 360, 361, 364, 365, 367, 369

employment: Poland 246; Russia 1812, 184; United Arab Emirates (UAE) 167

Engwall, L. 31943

Enron 99

Enterprise Ireland 375, 377

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems 302, 304, 305, 313

entrepreneurship 56, 81, 10416, 129, 227, 344, 345; comparative dimension (firm level of analysis 105, 106, 1078, 113; individual level of analysis 105, 1067, 113; national level of analysis 105, 106, 1089, 113); definition of 376; e- 11011; and economic development 109; educating for (MBA programs 37980, 385, 386; using current business models 37982); environmental aspects of 109; female versus male 109; immigrant 110; interactive dimension (firm level of analysis 105, 106, 111, 113; individual level of analysis 105, 106, 11011, 113; national level of analysis 105, 106, 112, 113); necessity 109, 110; neuroscientific dimension of 3656; opportunity 109, 110; public policy dimension of 106, 112; small business 37488; and strategy 3523; transnational 110; women and 107, 109

entry strategies 53, 54, 80

environment 52; and entrepreneurship 109; external 39, 41, 49, 52, 56, 71, 73, 75, 82; human 71, 73, 745; indigenous perspectives on 29; physical 71, 73, 75

environmental management 56

environmental responsibility 89, 91

equality 88

Erasmus program 324

Erdman, H. 119

ESADE Business School 325, 332, 334, 342

Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas (EBAPE-FGV) 129, 130, 131

ESCP Europe 337

ESG University of Quebec at Montreal (ESG-UQAM) 243

ethical consumerism 93

ethical egoism 878, 91, 99

ethical relativism 87, 90, 91

ethical responsibility 91, 92, 93

ethics 3, 4, 10, 11, 79, 81, 86, 8791, 99101, 129; development 1578; Korea 15664; neuro- 3668; of reciprocity 159

ethos 89

Euler, D. 314

Europe 93, 107, 132

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) 238, 239

European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) 4, 189

European Higher Education Area (EHEA) 239

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) 246

European Union 122

Evan, W. 94

exchange programs 3235, 327, 3289, 3323, 336, 337; Brazil 131; China 194; Poland 238, 251; Russia 190; Southeast Asia 204, 211, 212; University of Botswana 220, 223, 2245, 228, 233

experiential learning 7, 8, 19

experimentation, active 8

explicit knowledge 172, 173, 196

external environment 39, 41, 49, 52, 56, 71, 73, 75, 82

externalization, knowledge 172

extortion 89

extranets 307, 309


Facebook 297, 306

facial electromyography 3601, 369

Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da USP (FEA-USP) 130

faculty see academic staff

Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International 325

Fang, F-H.W. 30115

Fang, Y. 55

Faria, A. 12741

Faruq, A. 93

Faust, D. 6

Fayol, H. 221

Feast of the Goat, The (film) 266

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) 129

FedEx 31011

Feixas, M. 314

feminist theory 86, 956

Ferrous company 1001

Field, M. 120

Figueira-de-Lemos, F. 67

Filene, W. 120

film, as teaching resource 25374

financial integration 123

Financial Times: Global MBA rankings 320, 32935, 3367; Masters in Management rankings 337, 3423

Finkelstein, S. 48

Finland 107, 323

firms: entrepreneurship 105, 106, 1078, 111, 113; incubator 375, 376; knowledge-based view of 48, 51, 55, 111; resource-based view of 48, 51, 55, 57, 107, 111, 302; strategic interactions between 3523; technology-based small 374, 3756, 3779, 382, 3834, 385; theory of 344

five forces model 353, 380

Flexible Service for Business (FS4B) 378

Flyer, F. 56

FMCG Organization 286, 288

food preferences 364

Ford Foundation 211, 322

foreign direct investment (FDI) 54, 72, 73, 132, 133; by academic institutions 322, 3278, 329, 330, 336; China 193; Southeast Asia 203, 208, 21112, 215

foreign students 3257, 328, 331, 332, 336; see also insourcing of educations

Forsgren, M. 321

Forum of Private Business 378

Foss, J. 56

Foucault, M. 158

four Ps 117, 368

France 107, 11920, 334, 335

Frankel, R. 196

fraud 99

Frederick, J.G. 119

Frederickson, J.W. 50

Free Trade Zone of the Americas 122

freedom of association 88

Freeman, R.E. 86, 945, 96

Freytag, A. 109

Friedman, M. 86, 934

Fruin, W.M. 197

Fuller, H.B. 100

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 360, 363, 367, 3689

Fundação Dom Cabral (Dom Cabral Foundation) 128, 129

Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-Rio) 131

funding, HE, Poland 237, 238, 245, 24950

FUSION program 377


galvanic skin response (GSR) 360, 361, 369

gaming technology 292

Garcia-Pont, C. 54

Garrett, D. 1201

Gartner Corporation 280, 2823, 2867

Garvin, D.A. 3, 6, 8

Gazetas, A. 272

Gazzaniga, M.S. 367

GDS Laboratories Ltd 383

gender issues, United Arab Emirates (UAE) 171, 1745

General Electric (GE)-McKinsey directional policy matrix 380

Gentile-Lüdecke, S. 7085 67

Georgetown University 332, 333

Georgia Institute of Technology 333

Germany 107, 242

Gernsheimer, O. 363

Ghadiri, A. 363

Ghoshal, S. 5, 47, 55, 107

Gilbert's law 307, 309

Gilligan, C. 95

Gladstone, J. 2632

Glaum, M. 54

Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS) 130

global economy 74

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 108

global mindset 65

Global Strategy Journal (GSJ) 41, 42

globalization 75, 79, 80, 81, 133, 136, 137, 190, 223

Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) 4

goal planning, indigenous perspectives on 29

Godfather, The (film) 258, 271

Gonzalez, A. 30115

Goussarov, D. 14255

governance 135, 136

governments 137

Govindarajan, V. 55

graduate programs: Botswana 223, 225, 226, 227, 229, 2323; Indonesia 206; Korea 156, 157; Poland 237, 240; Russia 187, 188, 189; Thailand 213; University of Cape Town 2312, 233; see also doctoral programs; Masters programs; MBA programs

Graduate School of Economics and Management of Ural Federal University (GSEM URFU) 1834, 189

Grant for Business Investment (GBI) 375

Grant, R.M. 48

Gray, D. 7

greenfield investments 53, 54

greenwashing 157

Grenoble Graduate School of Business 330, 342

Griffin, R.W. 36, 38, 382

Griffith, D.A. 75, 76, 78–80

groupware 304

growth and chasms model 3812

Guedes, A. 12741

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries 165, 176

Gupta, A.K. 55


Hallén, L. 321

Hambrick, D.C. 33, 37, 389, 48, 50

Hamel, G. 54

Hamilton, C. 118

Hang, H. 193202

happiness 88, 94

Harder They Come, The (film) 267, 272

Harvard Business School (HBS) 57, 9, 203, 211, 332, 333; Leadership and Corporate Accountability Course 1011

Harvard Multinational Group 73

Harvard University 320

Harvey, M. 65, 66

Hatfied, D.J. 91

Hayes, R.L. 352

He, W. 194, 196

headquarters, and subsidiary relationship 55

Heard-Bey, F. 170

Helfert, M. 363

Help, The (film) 25960, 271

Hendriks, W. 55

Hennart, J. 54, 56

Hess, E.H. 35960

Hessels, J. 109

heterophily 364

higher education: internationalization of see under internationalization; reputation and 319, 3201

Hitt, M.A. 38, 54

Ho, R. 198

Hodgetts, R. 35, 221

Hoegl, M. 66

Hofer, C.W. 49

Hofstede, G. 34, 56, 131, 196

Holland Metrology B.V. 383

Holt, D.H. 1067

homophily 364

Hong, J.F.L. 66

Hong Kong Polytechnic University 197

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) 328, 331, 334

Hoque, S.F. 93

Horace, B. 119

horizontal moves 20

Hoskisson, R.E. 38, 50

Hospira 92

Hott, D.H. 221

Howard, J. 119

Howard University, Washington DC 253

HSBC 309

Hsu, C-W. 67

Hult International Business School 330

human capital 16, 19, 71, 110

human environment 71, 73, 745

human resource management 48, 55, 384

human rights 88, 89

Hungary 237

Hunt, S.D. 55

Hymer, S.H. 73

Hype Curve (Hype Cycle) 275, 27980, 2823, 293; and mobile learning 2867, 2912


IBM 62, 68

identity, indigenous peoples 30

IE Business School 331

IESE Business School 322, 328

IMD, Switzerland 331, 332, 333, 335

immigrant entrepreneurship 110

Imperial College Business School 331, 332, 333

import of ideas 3223, 3335, 336, 337

incubator firms/programs 375, 376; Botswana 2278

India 75, 80, 133, 334, 335

Indian Institute of Management 334, 335

Indian School of Business 328, 334

indigenous peoples 267, 2831

individual entrepreneurship 105, 1067, 11011, 113

individualism 106, 1956

Indonesia 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 214

industrial organisation economics 488

industry based views 107

Information Technology Association of America 301

information technology (IT) 111, 1223, 30115; business drivers for 303; and collaboration within MNEs 2979; common user requirements 308; FedEx case study 31011; global systems development and management 3069; infrastructure 303, 307; and marketing 2947, 299300; security 307, 309; software 303, 3045, 307, 3089; standardization 307, 309, 314; University of Botswana 224; Wal-Mart case study 31114; see also e-learning; internet; mobile learning

information theory 65

Inkpen, A.C. 111

innovation 56, 104, 1078, 112, 3767, 378; of buzzwords 348, 350, 351, 356; manufacturing 1078; marketing, Eastern Europe 14951, 152, 153; product 104, 1078

INSEAD 9, 330

insider trading 99

insourcing of education 322, 3257, 328, 329, 331, 332, 336

instant messaging systems 304

Institute of Chartered Accountants, UK 229

institutional theory 56, 74, 109, 111, 205, 214, 218

intentions 365

interactive dimension of entrepreneruship 105, 106, 11011, 112, 113

interdisciplinarity 82, 1347

internalization 73, 74, 107; knowledge 173

international business (IB) 33, 367, 39, 40, 41, 43, 66, 67, 7085, 127, 128, 129, 1314; comparative aspect of 105; criticisms of research 758; emerging themes of research 7882; entrepreneurship research 10416; ethics and social responsibility in 86103; extension, cross-border, and interaction paradigms 37; historical review of research 725; interactive aspect of 105; interdisciplinary nature of 82; issue-theory interaction in 767; methodological issues in research 79; neuroscientific dimension of 362, 369

international management (IM) 39, 40, 41, 43, 66, 67; definitions of 26, 33, 345, 2212, 3612

international mindset 65

international organizations 137

International Political Economy (IPE) 134, 135, 136, 137

International Relations (IR) 134, 135, 136, 137

international strategy (IS) 33, 40, 41, 43, 4761, 66, 106, 127, 128, 129, 133; definitions 379, 47, 527; neuroscientific dimension of 3623, 369

internationalization 723, 79, 321; of higher education 31943; foreign direct investments 322, 3278, 329, 330, 336; import of ideas 3223, 3335, 336, 337; insourcing 322, 3257, 329, 331, 332, 336; outsourcing 322, 3235, 3289, 3323, 336; Poland 237, 250; Uppsala model of 319, 321, 322; see also exchange programs; partnerships, international

Internet 302, 303, 3056, 3068, 309; advertising 2947; and communication within MNEs 2979, 304; connectivity 3078; security 307

Intertrade 377

intranets 2978, 307, 309

inventory management 312

investment: greenfield 53, 54; see also foreign direct investment

Ipade 333

Ireland 334, 375, 377

Ireland, R.D. 38

Irwin, T.H. 87

Islam 1701, 1756

Isle of Man, Gambling Supervision Commission (GSC) 376

Isobe, T. 54

Italy 334, 335


Jabł ecka-Prył opska, J. 2447, 248, 249

Jack, G. 135, 136

Jackson, T. 90, 100

Jamaica, films 2678, 272

Japan 223, 322; foreign students 326; innovation 107, 108

Jarillo, J. 55

Javidan, M. 65

Jeannin, P. 120

Jemison, D.B. 50

Jersey Gambling Commission 376

JISC InfoNet 287

job scope 20

Johanson, J. 67, 321

Johnson & Johnson 989

joint ventures 53, 66, 74, 80, 111; academic institutions 328

Jolly, F. 2930

Jones, D.G.B. 121

Jones, R. 55, 37488

Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 38, 41, 42, 76, 81

Journal of International Management (JIM) 41, 42

just price laws 118


Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) 376

Kalnins, A. 110

Kant, I. 94

Karami, A. 380, 381

Kasetsart University 213

Kawar, T.I. 27, 28

Kedia, B.L. 65

Keller, J.M. 174

Kellogg School of Management 328

Kenaroolu, B. 303

Keogh, R. 8

Kesner, I.F. 48

Khan, A.A. 294300

Khan Academy 299

Khurana, R. 3

Kiessling, T. 66

Kipping, M. 31943

Kirkman, B. 35

Kirollos, K. 4761

Kiss, A. 10416

knowing dimension 6

knowledge 74; combination 172, 173; creation 1723; explicit/declarative 172, 173, 196; externalization 172;internalization 173; and power 162; tacit/procedural 172, 173, 196

knowledge-based solutions 304

knowledge-based view of the firm 48, 51, 55, 111

knowledge-intensive industries 107

knowledge transfer 66, 73, 111

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) 377

Knowles, L. 133

Kogut, B. 48, 56

Kolb, D. 8

Koontz, H. 34

Korea 15664, 335

Kotabe, M. 107

Kotler, P. 119, 120


Kraków Business School 243

Kriger, M. 55

Kuzminov, J. 185

Kuznets, S. 109


labour 889

Lamky, A. 107

Land, R. 678

language 325; Indonesia 208, 209; Malaysia 208, 209; Poland 240; Singapore 208, 212; Southeast Asia 204, 208; Thailand 208, 213; United Arab Emirates (UAE) 169, 173

Laos 204

Larimo, J. 54, 56

Law, K. 35

law and neuroscience 367

Lawrence, P. 54

Lazarus, F. 120

leadership 10, 19, 52, 55, 359; bosses' and superiors' impact on 20; collaborative 7; Petronas Group 1923; reflective 5, 712; strategic 48

leadership, neuro- 365, 366

Learned, E.P. 50

learning 9; 70:20:10 principle 1920, 285; action 7, 159; Chinese approach to 197; critical 15863; distance 248, 251; by doing 1723; e- see e-learning; experiential 7, 8, 19; in formal learning environments 20; lifelong 2478; marketers 1534; meta-level of 160, 161, 162; mobile see mobile learning; from others 19; participation-based 199;pragmatist 8; primary 160; problem-based 7, 199; project 7; reflective professional 8; secondary 160

Lederman, D. 108

Lee Kuan Yew 211, 212

legal aspects of international business 80

legal responsibility 91, 92, 93

legitimacy 95

Lenway, A. 100

Lenway, S. 75

Leonardo program 324

Lessard, D. 767, 78, 197

Levi Strauss 87

Lewin, A.Y. 75

Li, D. 3344, 67

Li, J.J. 55

liability 92

Liao, T-J. 66

licensing 53, 54

Lien, Y-C. 67

lifelong learning 2478

Light, G. 7

Like Water for Chocolate (film) 2601, 271

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Gaborone 229, 233

Linux 307

local governments 137

local mindset 65

location 74

logistics 122

Lombardo, M. 19

London Business School (LBS) 241, 324, 331

Loto-Québec 376

Lu, J.W. 48, 52, 53, 56

Lundan, S.M. 56, 67, 7085

Luo, Y. 54

Luthans, F. 35

Lyles, M.A. 47, 54


Maastricht University School of Business and Economics 343

McCarthy, E.J. 119

McCullers, M. 271

McDougall, P.P. 81

McFalin, D.B. 221

McGill University 331, 334

McKinley, W. 56

McNair, M. 119

macro-marketing 118, 122

Macy, R. 120

Maggitti, P. G. 55

magnetoencephalography (MEG) 360, 361, 367, 368

Mahathir Mohamad 16

Mahidol University 213

Major, C. 199

Makino, S. 54

Malaysia 204, 206, 207, 208, 214; economy 208; higher education 208; historical background 1516; language 208, 209; management education 1617, 20910, 214; Ministry of Higher Education 16; see also Petronas

Maldemores (film) 270, 272

Malta, Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LGA) 376

managerialism 137

Manchester Business School 130, 334, 343

Manson, S.M. 64, 66

manufacturing innovation 1078

Maori 28, 29, 30

Marcic, D. 28

Marcos, F. 210

market failure 75

marketers: analytical skills 149, 1534; learning 1534

marketing 48, 57, 11724; Eastern Europe 14255; effectiveness, Eastern Europe 1513; history of 11718; and information technology (IT) 2947, 299300, 305; innovation, Eastern Europe 14951, 152, 153; neuroscientifc dimension of 3634, 367, 368, 369; pioneers 11920; schools of thought 1202; skills development 1456; social media 297; three-stage model marketing thought 118

marketization 137

Martinez, J. 55

Martinez, Z.L. 34, 35, 37

mass media communication, Soviet-bloc 145

Massoud, H.K. 327

Masters programs 130, 321, 326, 337, 3423; Barcelona Graduate School of Economics 1112; Brazil 12931; FT rankings 337, 3423; Malaysia 210; Russia 188, 189; University of Cape Town 233; see also MBA programs

Matten, D. 92, 93, 978

Mayhew, J. 94

Mazur, p. 119

MBA programs 6, 321, 325, 328, 32935, 374, 379; Brazil 129, 1301; China 195; for entrepreneurs 37980, 385, 386; FT rankings 320, 32935, 3367; Harvard Business School (HBS) 6; Korea 156, 157; Poland 237, 2401, 2414; Russia 187, 188, 189, 190; University of Botswana 225, 226, 227

Melbourne Business School 331, 332, 334

Mellon Foundation 243

memory 359, 366, 368

mentors 20

mercantilism 118

merchant class 118, 120

Merchant, H. 66

mergers and acquisitions (M&A) 53, 374, 382

methodology 79, 81, 99101

Meuvret, J. 120

Mexico, films 2602, 271

Meyer, J.H.F. 678

Meyer, K. 56, 197

Microsoft 307

Midag Alley (Callejon de los Milagros) (film) 261, 271

Middle East, corporate social responsibility (CSR) 175

Mill, J.S. 88

Milliken University, Illinois 253

Mills, A. 167


mindset 65; entrepreneurial 106

mining industry 1001

Minnesota, University of 241

Mintzberg, H. 4, 380

mission statements 9

Mitchell, R.K. 95, 106

Mitchell, W. 54

mobile learning 27593; 3D displays 292; benefits of 277; content and delivery design 2901; defined 2767; and e-learning relationship 2789; future for 2913; gaming technology 292; and Hype Curve 2867, 2912; individual assessment/surveys 292; in multinational enterprises (MNEs) 27993; organizational understanding 28990; and performance management 292; and Product Life Cycle 2835, 291; technology and cost 2889; underlying theories 291; user attitudes 288

Moeller, M. 66

Moffett, M.H. 36

Monash University 210

money 118

monopoly 354

Moore's law 307, 309

morality 87, 157, 3678

Morley, M. 67

Morrison, A. 54

Moscow School of Management Skolkovo 18990

Moscow State University 183

motivation: ARCS model 174; UAE students 170, 174

Mpabanga, D. 22034

Muethel, M. 66

Mukherji, A. 65

Mullick, N.H. 11724

Multinational Business Review 66

multinational enterprises (MNEs) 36, 37, 38, 66, 67, 70, 72, 734, 75, 79, 80, 81, 82, 123, 132, 1356, 362; developing/emerging countries 133, 136; information technology 30115 (and collaboration within 2979; developing and managing 3069; FedEx case study 31011; and marketing 2947, 299300; mobile learning 27993; and subsidiary management 302; Wal-Mart case study 31114); marketing (in ex-Soviet Bloc 1489; via internet 2947, 299300, 306)

Murray, J.Y. 107

MySpace 306


Nag, R. 33, 37, 389, 48, 501, 52, 57

Nanyang Business School 331, 334

Nanyang Technology University (NTU) 212

narrative analysis 1001

national level comparative studies 105, 106, 1089, 113

National University of Singapore (NUS) 212, 331, 334

Navajo Nation 27

Nealon, A. 257

Nebu Ad 296

necessity entrepreneurship 109, 110

Negocios son negocios (film) 266

negotiations 95

Neizvestney, S. 183

neoclassical economics 118

neoliberalism 135, 137

Netherlands 334, 335

network-based business model 17

networks/networking 106, 107; educational 3245, 332; entrepreneurial 379; social 305, 306, 345, 3634; value 380

Neupert, K.E. 54

neurobiology 366

neuromanagement 35873

neurophysiological methods 35961, 3689

neurotransmitters 366

new product development (NPD) 379

NewYork University 324, 334

New Zealand 107

Newell, S. 196

Newtonian paradigm 62, 634

Nguyen, T.V. 66

Nielsen, B.B. and Nielsen, S. 54

Nigh, D. 36, 37

NMi group 376, 382, 3834, 385

Nobel, R. 55

Noddings, N. 96

Nohria, N. 54, 55

non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 801

Nonaka, I. 172

normative factors 205

North, D.C. 71, 74

Norton, L. 197

Norway 323

Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration 241


objective emotional assessment (OEA) 369

objectives 90

O'Brien, C. 27593

observation, reflective 8

Odrakiewicz, P. 23752

OECD 104, 112; country background report on Polish education 2447, 248, 249; Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators program 108

Oesterle, M.J. 54

Ohio State University 130, 242

Oladottir, A.D. 66

OLI (ownership, location, internalization) paradigm 734

Olmedo, E. 62

online analytical processing (OLAP) 304

online video 299

open source software 307

opportunity entrepreneurship 109, 110

Organizações & Sociedade 128

organization 52, 55

organizational cognitive neuroscience 359

Our Feature Presentation work books 254

outsourcing: of education 322, 3235, 3289, 3323, 336; see also exchange programs; partnerships, international; of product manufacturing 107

Oviatt, B.J. 81

ownership 734

oxytocin 366

OzKazane-Pan, B. 27


packaging 364, 3689

Palmer, P. 120

Pan, Y. 53, 54

Panzar, J.C. 354

paradigm shifts in management 624

Parboteeah, K.P. 36, 221

Parco 87

Park, W.G. 108

Parkhe, A. 54

Parmar, I. 128

participatory action research 158, 159, 1612

Partnership in International Management (PIM) 3245, 332, 333, 334

partnerships 111, 379, 382, 3834; contractual 80, 81; international 3235, 332, 333, 336 (Botswana 222, 223, 2245, 2289, 2313;

Poland 241, 2434, 249, 250, 251); knowledge transfer 377

patents 108

pedagogy 9; China 1956, 199

peer opinion 3501

Peng, M.W. 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 75, 76

Penney, J.C. 120

Pennsylvania State University 335

Penrose, E.T. 48

Pepperdine University 335

perception 363, 365

performance 39, 52, 56, 57, 78, 97, 107

performance indicators 152, 154

performance management 292

Perrault, P. 256

Perriton, L. 7

Personal Belongings (film) 265, 271

Personal Contact Networks (PCNs) 379

PESTEL analysis 380

Peters, T. 363

Petronas 1724; Accepted Capability Development (ACD) Programme 23; Building Managerial Excellence (BME) programme 22; Graduate Employment Enhancement Scheme (GEES) 19; Induction Programme for New Executives (PIPE) 21; Leadership Excellence Series 22; Learning and Development Framework 21; Management Development Programme (MDP) 22; Managing Your Leadership Success (MYLS) programme 22; Skill Group programmes 22; ‘Soaring the Eagle’ programme 19

Petronas Leadership Centre (PLC) 18, 21

Petronas Leadership Learning Series for Managers 22

Petronas Management Training Sdn Bhd 18

philanthropic responsibility 91, 93, 101

philanthropy 175

Philippines 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 21011, 214

photo sharing 305

physical environment 71, 73, 75

Pinheiro Reis, C.A. 363

Pinkston, T.S. 91

Plato 118

Podcasts 305, 306

Point-Of-Sale (POS) systems 312, 314

Poland 23752; academic calendar 239; academic staff 2456, 2467, 250, 251; access to tertiary education 247, 250, 251; Accreditation Commission for Higher Vocational Education 246; admission requirements 240; distance/e-learning 2478, 251; doctoral programs 237, 238, 240, 245, 246; employment 246; exchange programs 238, 251; funding 237, 245, 24950; Habilitated Doctors 2467; international partnerships 241, 2434, 249, 250, 251; language requirements 240; OECD review of tertiary education 2447, 248, 249; post-graduate/Master's programs 237, 240, 2401, 2414; research 246, 249; undergraduate programs 237, 239, 240

Polish Virtual University 247, 248

political conflict 82

political rights 98

political risk 56

Polt, J.M. 35960

Ponomarev, B. 181, 184

Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-Minas) 12930

Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) 1289, 131

Porter, M.E. 489, 52, 3534, 380

positron emission tomography (PET) 360, 367

post-graduate programs see graduate programs

postmodernism 158

poststructuralism 158

Pour la suite du monde (film) 256, 270

power, and knowledge 162

power distance 106, 196

power relations 90, 95

Poznan University College of Business 238

pragmatist learning 8

price 117, 368

primary learning 160

privatization, of HE institutions, Southeast Asia 208, 21011, 214, 218

problem-based learning 7, 199

problematization 160, 161, 162

procedural (tacit) knowledge 172, 173, 196

product innovation 104, 1078

Product Life Cycle 73, 275, 27981, 293; and mobile learning 2835, 291

products 117, 368; new 379

Proff, H. 78

profits 86, 934; monopoly 354

project learning 7

promotion 117, 368

psychology 105, 118

public policy 79, 106, 112

public value 3

Puerto Rico, films 26870, 272

Purdue University 332, 333, 336

Pustay, M.W. 36, 38, 382


Qian, G. 54

Quarterly Journal of Economics 118


Raab, G. 363

Racela, O.C. 203219

Radebaugh, L.H. 36, 221

Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) 313

Rahman, Y.A. 1525

Rain (film) 2623, 271, 272

Ramanujam, V. 56

Ramaswami, S. 54

Ramos-Rodriguez, A.-R. 50

Randomness paradigm 62, 63

ranking, of academic institutions 3201, 3234, 329, 3423

Rawls, J. 88

Recanati 328

reciprocity 74, 159

Reddy, S. 54

reflective leadership 5, 712

reflective observation 8

reflective professional learning 8

reflective thinking 7

regulative factors 205

Reitsperger, W. 54

relationships, indigenous perspectives on 29

religion: Southeast Asia 208; United Arab Emirates (UAE) 1701, 1756

reputation: of academic institutions 319, 3201, 3234, 328, 329, 335, 337; corporate 320

research 45, 3344; and academic reputation 319, 3201; complexity management 627; entrepreneurship 10416; international business 7085; marketing 11724; Poland 246, 249; on strategy 4757

research and development (R&D) 107, 108, 111, 117, 377

resource-based view of the firm 48, 51, 55, 57, 107, 111, 302

resources: leveraging of 374, 375, 379, 3834; utilization of 39, 51, 55

Retail Link System (RLS) 312

Revista de Administração Contemporânea (RAC) 137

Revista de Administração da Universidade de Sao Paulo (RAUSP) 128

Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE) 128

Revista Electrônica de Administração (REAd) 128

reward systems 366

Reynolds, M. 7

Ricart, J.E. 38, 47

Rice University 333

Rich Site Summary/Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 3056

Richard Ivey School of Business 322

Ricks, D. 47, 76

rights, citizenship 978

risk management 67

rituals 29

Robson, M.J. 54

Roglio, K. 7

role models 20

Ronkainen, I.A. 36

Rope, The (film) 267

Rosile, G.A. 100

Roth, H. 196

Roth, K. 54, 55

Rotterdam School of Management 334, 342

Rubin, R.S. 12

Rugh, A.B. 170

Rugman, A. 56, 66

rules of engagement 3745

Rumelt, R.P. 50

Russia 122, 142, 17992, 223

Russian Association of Business Education (RABE) 188, 189

Russian Managers Association 1823


Safire, W. 366

Sagan, M. 196

St. Gallen Business School, Switzerland 243, 342

St. Petersburg State University 183; Graduate School of Management (GSOM) 183, 189

Salmi, A. 197

Sanchez, C. 56

Sandler-Smith, E. 381

São Paulo Business School (EAESP-FGV) 128, 129

SAP (Systems Application Programming) systems 313

Sato, T. 86103

Saunders, C.B. 49, 50

Savary, J. 11920

Savin-Baden, M. 199

schemas theory 365

Schendel, D. 49, 50

Schindler, M. 363

Schoepp, K. 16578

scholarship 5

Schollhammer, H. 36

Schön, D.A. 8

Schulich School of Business 328, 330, 331, 334

Schuller, R.S. 66

science parks 377, 378

scientific model 17

Scott-Kennel, J. 197

Scullion, H. 67

SDA Bocconi 332, 334

Sears, R. 120

Sebora, T.C. 48

secondary learning 160

security 82; IT 307, 309

self-interest 87, 99, 119

SEM Forum 243

Semantise Ltd 376

Sen, A. 157

Servcorp 8990

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 320, 328

shareholder value 3

Sharma, D. 73

Shaver, J.M. 56

Shaw, E. 120, 121

Shenkar, O. 54, 71, 76

Sheth, J. 1201

Shinsegae 1601

Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania 253

Shrader, R.C. 56

Shugan, S.M. 196

Silva, R.C. 128, 129

Simple Curve, A (film) 2578, 2701

Sims, R. 99

Singapore 204, 206, 207, 208, 21112, 214, 330, 334, 335

Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) 212

Singapore Management University (SMU) 212

Singh, H. 56

Single Investment Fund (SIF) 375

Siu, W. 198

Slovakia 237

small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 112, 3478, 350, 352, 37488

smart devices 306

Smith, A. 87, 88, 118

Smith, F.W. 310

social capital 110

social media 294, 305, 306

social networks/networking 305, 306, 345, 3634

social neuroscience (SN) 359

social news 206, 305

social responsibility 34, 10, 73; see also corporate social responsibility

social rights 97

socialization 172

software 303, 3045, 305, 3089

Souitaris, V. 55

South Africa 335; see also University of Cape Town

South Asian Free Trade Zone 122

South Commission 158

Southeast Asia 2036; colonization 204, 208; economy 203, 204, 208; exchange programs 204, 211, 212; and financial crisis (1997) 204; foreign direct investment (FDI) flows 203, 208, 215; higher education 208: languages 204, 208: religion 208: socio-historical background 2045; undergraduate programs 204, 206, 215; see also Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand

Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) 215

Southville Foreign University (SFU) 211

Soviet bloc: education system 1434, 1456; mass media communication 145

Sovietization 326

SP Jain Center of Management 330, 335, 337

Spain 331, 334, 335; National Gambling Commission (CNJ) 376

Spencer, J.W. 107

Spender, J.C. 48, 50

sponsorship, student, Botswana 223

Srevens, C. 118

Sri Lanka 123

Srinakharinwirot University 213

Stager, L. 2632

stakeholder theory 86, 946, 100

stakeholder value 3

stakeholders 90, 374, 375, 380, 385

standardization, IT 307, 309, 314

standards 4

Stanford University 332, 333

states 136

Steel, P. 56

Stewart, A.T. 120

stockholder theory 86, 934

Stopford, J. 53

Storey, D.J. 376, 377, 378

strategic alliances 53, 54, 66

strategic leadership 48

strategic management 379, 40, 41, 4761, 132, 221, 3801; see also international strategy strategy: as a buzzword 345, 3516, 357; and entrepreneurship 352; firm-centred view of 3523; and formal modelling 3546, 357

Su, M. 30115

subsidiaries 54, 55, 56, 80, 302

Summer, C.E. 53, 56

Summerfield, E. 253

superiors 20

supply chain management 48, 55

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems 304, 305, 311, 313, 314

sustainability 34, 12, 86, 97

Swanson, S. 196

Sweden 107, 323, 326

Sweeney, P.D. 221

Switzerland 331, 335

SWOT analysis 380


tacit knowledge 172, 173, 196

talent management 66

Tallman, S. 54

Tan, J-S. 629

Taras, V. 56

Tarique, I. 66

Taylor, 194

teaching staff see academic staff

technology-based small businesses 374, 3756, 3779, 382, 3834, 385

Technology Strategy Board 375, 377

technology transfer 377

Terjessen, S. 110

terrorism 82

Terziovski, M. 56

testosterone 366

Tether, B.S. 376, 378

Texas A & M University 333, 335

textbooks 323, 324, 328, 336

Thailand 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 213, 214

Thammasat University 213

Thieves and Liars (film) 26970, 272

Thompson, J.C. 49, 50

threshold concepts 678

Thurik, R. 109

Tilburg University 343

time, attitudes towards 28

Times Higher Educational Supplement 320

TNO Companies B.V. 383

Todo el poder (film 2612, 271

Top Gun (film) 254

Towards Maturity 278

Toyne, B. 34, 35, 36, 37

trade 11819

transaction costs 49, 534, 73, 111

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) 361, 369

transnational entrepreneurship 110

transnational programs 204, 210, 211, 212, 217; see also exchange programs; partnerships, international

Transparency International 923

trust 74, 99, 366, 374

Tse, D.K. 53, 54

turnarounds 20, 53

Twitter 297, 299


undergraduate programs 321; Botswana 223, 225, 226, 229, 230, 2323; Brazil 128, 129, 130, 131; Indonesia 206, 214; Korea 156, 157; Malaysia 209, 210, 214; Petronas 1819; Philippines 214; Poland 237, 239, 240; Russia 180; Singapore 212; Southeast Asia 204, 206, 215; Thailand 213, 214; United Arab Emirates (UAE) 171; University of Cape Town 231, 233

United Arab Emirates (UAE) 16578; contextual background 1656; cultural issues 1701, 174, 1756; educational institutions 1667, 16970; Emiratization 167; employment 167; expatriate workforce 167; gender issues 171, 1745; language issues 169, 173; philanthropy 175; religion 1701, 1756; student lack of preparedness 16970, 1734; student motivation 170, 174

United-Continental Airlines 287

United Kingdom (UK) 107, 222, 223, 229, 241, 334, 335; foreign students 326, 327, 331; Gambling Commission 376; online advertising spend 295; small business support 375; Technology Strategy Board 375, 377; textbook publication 323

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations 325

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 91

United Nations Global Compact 4, 88, 901

United Nations Global Forum 4

United States (US) 1278, 132, 134, 136, 241, 242, 334, 335; business school model 322; entrepreneurship 107, 110; films 25860, 271; innovation 107, 108; internationalization of business schools 331, 336; textbook publication 323

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948) 88

Universal Product Code (UPC) system 312

universalism 87, 8890, 91

Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR) 129, 131

Universidade do Vale do Rios dos Sinos (UNISINOS) 129, 130

Universidade Fedaral do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) 128, 129, 130

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) 129

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) 128, 129, 131

Università Bocconi 325, 343

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 11

Universitat Pompeu Fabra 11

universities see academic institutions; and names of individual universities

University of Birmingham 212

University of Botswana 220, 22234; business clinic/business inubator programs 2278; disabled students 228; exchange programs 220, 223, 2245, 228; ICT infrastructure 224; international partnerships 2245, 2289, 2312, 233; post-graduate programmes 223, 225, 226, 227, 2323; teaching staff 225; undergraduate programmes 223, 225, 226, 2323

University of Bradford 287

University of British Columbia 334

University of California at Berkeley 332, 333, 336

University of California at Irvine 332, 333

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) 334

University of Cambridge 320, 331, 332, 333, 336

University of Cape Town 220, 2312, 233

University of Chicago Booth School of Business 328, 334

University College Dublin 334

University of Cologne 325

University of Derby 2289

University of Florida 335

University of Georgia 335

University of Illinois 243

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 333, 335

University of Leeds Medical School 287

University of Manchester 287

University of Michigan 334

University of New Mexico 253

University of New South Wales 330

University of Notre Dame 334

University of Nottingham 210

University of Oxford 320, 331, 332, 333, 336

University of the Philippines 211

University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) 241

University of Rochester 333

University of Santo Thomas 211

University of São Paulo (USP) 128, 129

University of South Carolina 333

University of Southern California 333

University of Stockholm 243

University of Texas at Austin 334

University of Western Ontario 322, 332, 334

Unix 307

Uppsala school 319, 321, 322

Ural Federal University 184

Üsdiken, B. 322

utilitarianism 87, 88, 91, 94


Vahlne, J.-E. 67, 321

value chain relationships 80, 354, 380

value networks 380

values 8, 11, 90; cultural differences in 2831

Van Cauwenbergh, A. 50

Van Horne, C. 16578

Van Vught, F. 222

Varga, A. 109

Venkatraman, N. 56

Venture Wales 378

Verbeke, A. 56

Vermeulen, F. 53

Vernon, R. 73, 280

video, online 299

video conferencing 2989, 304

video sharing 305, 306

Vienna University of Economics and Business 343

Vietnam 204

Vince, R. 7

Vincendeau, G. 272

virtual private networks (VPNs) 307, 309

virtual teams 11011

Visser, W. 92

Vithessonthi, C. 20319

Viva Cuba (film) 2645, 271

Vlachoutsicos, C. 54

Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School 335


Wal-Mart 100, 120, 31114

Wales, entrepreneurial business growth 374, 3756, 478

Walker, D. 8

Wallenstål, M. 322

Walton, S. 100, 120, 311

Wanamaker, J. 120

Wang, P. 111

Wang, X. 194, 196

Ward, M. 120

Warsaw Illinois Executive MBA (WIEMBA) 241, 2434

Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) 241, 243

Warsaw University 242, 243, 244

Warsaw University of Technology Business School 241

Warwick Business School 331, 334

Wary-Bliss, E. 159

WebEx 304

Welch, A. 209, 210

Wellins, R.S. 19

Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) 378

Werner, S. 35, 38, 48

Wernerfelt, B. 48

Westhead, P. 377, 378

Wharton School 322

Whittington, R. 380

Wiedersheim-Paul, F. 321

wikis 305, 306

Wilkie, W. 119

Wilkins, M. 36

Willig, R.D. 354

Willmott, H. 158

Wilson, T.D. 8

Wind Jammers (film) 2634, 271

Wisconsin School of Business 335

Woersema, M. 54

women, and entrepreneurship 107, 109

Wood, D.J. 95

World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Database 108

Wright, R.W. 76


Yammer 298

Yin, K. 99100

York University (Canada) 328, 330, 331, 334

Youth Movement (Russia) 182, 183

Yu, J.C-M 66

Yu, J.E. 15664

Yu, K. 194, 196


Zander, U. 48

Zawawi, D. 1525

Zayed University 168, 171

Zhang, Y. 111

Zhejiang University 197

Zhou, J.Q. 48, 52, 53, 54, 55

Zott, C. 54

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