Don’t just read this – do something

Time to shift some weight off that backside I’m afraid and actually do something. Reading this book is a start but it’ll count for nothing unless you actually take action. You’ve probably thought to yourself while reading this book ‘Oh I know that!’ or ‘That’s so obvious...’ OK, you know it, but have you actually done something about it? Sure, parts are obvious but does that mean you’ve got it sorted? For most of us there is a huge gap between what we know and what we do. There’s no point just reading this, you have to act on whatever it spurs you to think would be a good idea.

Let’s take it as slowly as you want. I do appreciate that changing direction is often hard; developing new character traits can be painful. Begin by changing what you watch and what you read. Begin by simply reading/watching a bit of business news. Begin by changing your awareness of what money is all about and how our money myths influence each and every interaction we have with it.


The way to change our mindset is to change the way we behave and the way we conduct ourselves.

  • Watch how you talk, and think, about money. Do you praise its many virtues or denigrate it as something evil and negative? If you begin to talk it up you’ll be surprised how quickly it materializes.
  • Watch how you walk. Do you slouch and give off an air of resigned acceptance? Or are you upright and confident and looking as if you are hungry for change? (See also Rule 24.)
  • Watch your overall image too. Plead poverty all the time and people will assume you are poor and act accordingly. The best thing to do is to ‘act as if’ you are already rich and people will adjust their perception of you and reaction to you accordingly.

Many people will fall by the wayside, despite claiming they want to be rich or richer, but they will do so not from a lack of desire. Instead it will be from a lack of motivation, a lack of doing something. Start now, right now, today, immediately.

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