Appendix . Recommended Dose: A Peek at My Own Personal, Ultra-Secret, Yet Surprisingly Way-Cool Playlists

Recommended Dose: A Peek at My Own Personal, Ultra-Secret, Yet Surprisingly Way-Cool Playlists

Okay, this last part isn’t really a chapter. It’s too short to be a chapter, and it really doesn’t tell you how to use your iPod. So what is it? Some ideas to help you build your musical collection. And to that end I’m going to pull aside the veil of secrecy, remove the cone of silence, and openly share some of my very own playlists, thereby stripping away any pretense and baring my musical soul to you, my esteemed reader (and contributor to my children’s college fund). Basically, what I did was gather some of my playlists and publish them as iMixes on the iTunes Store (samples follow, and the iTunes Store links to them appear on each page). If you want to hear a 30-second preview of any of my recommended songs, you can do that right from my iMixes, and if you like one of those songs, you can buy it right there, too. Now, I don’t get any kickbacks or royalties from Apple—but if you download one (or all) of these songs (yes, just one click and you can buy the entire playlist), there will be a time when you and I are both playing the exact same song at the exact same time—and from that moment on there will be a connection, a sacred bond between us that can never be broken. Oh yeah, I asked this book’s original tech editor, Terry White, to share one of his playlists, too; but if you buy his songs, there’s no bond. Sorry, that’s just the way he is. By the way, the chapter title came from a song by Rico, from his album Violent Silences. If I had made that album, I would’ve named it “Abbey Road.”

Scott’s Big Hair Rock Mix Playlist

Scott’s Big Hair Rock Mix Playlist

A mix of my favorite 1980s and early ’90s commercial rock songs

I published these songs as an iMix on the iTunes Store. You can find this list (and buy the songs online) at

Scott’s ’80s Club Dance Mix Playlist

Scott’s ’80s Club Dance Mix Playlist

What we danced to in the clubs back then, in our sport coats with the sleeves rolled

I published these songs as an iMix on the iTunes Store. You can find this list (and buy the songs online) at

Scott’s Old School Funk Mix

Scott’s Old School Funk Mix

Songs to make you smile when you’re already in a really good mood

I published these songs as an iMix on the iTunes Store. You can find this list (and buy the songs online) at

Jordan’s Radio Disney-Like Playlist

Jordan’s Radio Disney-Like Playlist

The songs my 11-year-old son likes on AM Radio Disney

I published these songs as an iMix on the iTunes Store. You can find this list (and buy the songs online) at

Terry’s Top 25

Terry’s Top 25

My Tech Editor Terry White’s top 25 favorite songs—Terry’s a freak

Terry published these songs as an iMix on the iTunes Store. You can find this list (and buy the songs online) at

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