A book is not created by an author but by an army of talent.

Leading this effort is my dear friend, book expert, and publicist, Robyn Spizman, who grasped this book and never let it go until it was right in your hands. I have worked with Robyn for decades and known her family for thirty years. I am a better author and person because of all of them.

Robyn’s daughter, Ali, is my executive assistant at BrightHouse and single-handedly coordinated all the hands that had a hand in creating Thumbs Up. Ali is positive, purposeful, fearless, and an action hero whose kindness is endless. A special thanks to Robyn’s parents, Phyllis and Honey, as well for their words of wisdom. And thank you to Evelyn Sacks for giving me multiple hours of her time that will last a lifetime.

My endless gratitude to my wife, soul mate, muse, and co-author of my life, Cynthia Good. She gave me her hand in marriage and provides love, solace, and opthumbmism—all the things this writer needed to create this book.

To our loving sons, Alden, a junior at Emory University, and Julien, a freshman at Washington University in St. Louis, thank you for giving Dad a thumbs up every day. As I wrote this book, I thought of you both carrying it into your lives and providing inspiration to others.

My dedicated literary agent, Jackie Meyer, has a company named Whimsy Literacy, and that is what she has provided me for three decades: a place to make my dreams a reality. Jackie, thank you for making it happen and making it possible.

Thanks to the brilliant BenBella team who has put their heart, soul, and warmth into this book: publisher Glenn Yeffeth; the Strategic Positioning & Packaging team, Adrienne Lang, Sarah Dombrowsky, and Alicia Kania; my amazing editor, Vy Tran; production associate Jessika Rieck; and senior marketing associate Cameron Proffitt.

Thank you to my colleagues at BrightHouse, especially our leadership, President Cathy Carlisi, Executive Vice President Dolly Meese, and Chief Financial Officer Kim Rich. Every day you help Fortune 500 companies give a thumbs up to the world. Special kudos to the BrightHouse design team, Jeff Harter and Pedro Iwamoto. And obrigado to BrightHouse Brasil and its leaders, Jamie and Cecelia Troiano.

To my Emory teaching assistants, especially Amanda Wikman, who is now a strategist at BrightHouse, thank you for giving me a helping hand while mine were at work. And to my students in IDEATION 441 at the Goizueta Business School, thank you for teaching me lifelong lessons.

A thumbs up to two of my mentors: Al Hampel, whose Thumbs Up mind-set set my mind for success, and Maynard Jackson, who, though he is gone from earth, will always live in my heart.

My victory finger points to the heavens for sending the South African minister to me years ago so that I might discover my purpose.

Deep thanks to Dr. Arthur Cohen, Dr. Randy Martin, Dr. Libby Tannenbaum, and Peter Risdon, who give me the courage to give my middle finger to fear. Namaste to my yoga instructor, Carly Grace Hinchman, owner of Thunderbolt Power Yoga in Atlanta, whose purpose is to lead people into the life they love.

To my anti-bummer squad: Jay and Arlene Gould, Cathy Carlisi and Joe Paprocki, Ashley and Alex Maiola, Craig and Amy Weil, Meg Reggie and Rick Butgereit, Robyn and Ed Gerson, Rilla DeLorier and Chuck Allen, Glenn and Debbie Maron, Albert and Maria Amato, Danika and David Lewis, and my trainers, Jeff Cervero and Angie Perry, who help me march forth every day.

Thanks to all my friends who prove with their love that little is the new big and that material things are immaterial. To my followers on Twitter who send me little notes—you make such a big difference in my day. Thank you, Scott Gaston, for your little miracles, and astrologers Lorelei Robbins and Susie Cox for a little help from the stars.

To my mother and father up there, thanks for sending down so many thumbs up in my life. And to my brother Michael, who has been dealt a very good hand—use it.

Writing Thumbs Up was an act of love, because what I love most in the world is empowering others. There is nothing greater than giving your hand to another.

This book is based on my first book, which inspired a father to give it to his son. The son took the work and made it his life’s work. He is now the deputy editor of Fast Company. Congratulations to you, David Lidsky, and God bless your dad. And to Dr. Marianne Garber and Robyn Spizman, who gave me a hand with the edits that brought that first book to life, many thanks. Which brings me full circle to the one I thank for everything—

Thank God for God.

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