I AGREED TO WRITE THIS FOREWORD because the author, Joey Reiman, is moving the world forward.

My grandfather, Mohandas Karamchand “Mahatma” Gandhi, taught me a simple concept that impacted my life and many lives around the world. He said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” That one thought has traveled around the globe and back. He lived that thought and inspired millions. I live his words and his ideals every day and continue to help put them into action. I also know there is still so much work to do.

Joey Reiman is helping me do this work. In his new book, Thumbs Up, Reiman espouses the power of looking up. This one idea has a universal power to impact us all. Grandfather looked up and spent his life lifting the spirits and souls of some of the most disadvantaged and underserved populations on earth.

Joey Reiman helps us lift our spirits as well. He invites us to do one simple thing—to raise our consciousness and look to possibility. To create a plan, take action, and make our lives and the lives of others better one day at a time. In a no-nonsense style, he teaches us that even problems are opportunities. It’s all about how you see the world from where you are standing. Regardless of where or who you are, Reiman’s practical lessons will brighten that view. As Grandfather said, “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

Today, I bring you a mandate: Create a positive presence in the world. Personally take charge of your actions and change greed, anger, frustration, and other negative attitudes into love, respect, understanding, compassion, and acceptance.

We have the ability to live positive lives and project ourselves as powerful, purposeful people doing more good for more people in more places. As my grandfather said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

This transformation will take acts of love from each of us. Love is still and always will be the basis of civilization. Can we become this change we wish to see in the world?

I join my ancestors and Joey Reiman in answering with a resounding YES. By believing in the human spirit and ourselves, we will unlock our true potential. It begins with one thumb, one thought, and one person thinking it is possible. Be the change you wish to see in yourself.

Move forward with me as I follow in my grandfather’s footsteps to inspire and engage others in meaningful, purposeful, and lasting societal change by taking the world into our own hands.

Thumbs Up,
Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute, Wauconda, IL

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