
Leverage Vuforia, ARCore, or ARKit to be able to read certain objects in the world to save where you have gone or to gameify this application. To do this, you will need to create AR markers, which are heavily documented with many examples online on how to leverage them for different project types.

  1.  You can use Mapbox with ARCore, ARKit, and Vuforia:

A.) True
B.) False

  1. Mapbox is completely free:

A.) True
B.) False

  1. Mapbox is fully integrated to work with Unity:

A.) True
B.) False

  1. Mapbox has web-based software to create custom maps:

A.) True
B.) False

  1. Mapbox has an example scene prebuilt that allows you to use UnityChan as your player model:

A.) True
B.) False

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