Creating player interactions

Here, we will create ways for the player to interact with the game world. For our game, we will have the player shooting their gun, collecting potions, and pausing the game as interactions. Create a new C# script and name it PlayerInteraction. First, we will create a couple of variables and add them to our script:

public GameObject Projectile, Potion;

The Projectile GameObject will be the bullets that we shoot and the Potion GameObject will be the potion prefab that we created earlier.

Shooting and pausing

We will create the functionality to shoot the gun and pause the game. Add this Update function to your script:

void Update ()
if(Time.tmeScale != 0.00f)
    Instantiate(Projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation);

    if(Time.timeScale != 0.00f)
      Time.timeScale = 0.00f;
      Time.timeScale = 1.00f;

The first if statement will allow the player to shoot the projectile. To shoot it, we instantiate the GameObject and the player's location and rotation. To let the player pause the game, use an input that we created in Chapter 1, Interactive Input. Setting the timeScale object to 0 will pause any script that uses the Update function, and setting it to 1 will resume it.

Collecting potions

To collect potions, we will need to add a collision function, as follows:

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
  if(other.tag == "Potion")
    GetComponent<Inventory>().AddToInventory(1, Potion);

    for(int i = 0; i < GetComponent<GUI_2D>().Items.Count; i ++)
      if(GetComponent<GUI_2D>().Items[i].name == "")
        GetComponent<GUI_2D>().Items[i] = Potion;

To collect the potion, we check the trigger's tag to make sure it is the potion. Next, we add it to the inventory by calling the AddToInventory function of the Inventory component, which we will be adding later. Also, we add it to the GUI by calling the Items array from the GUI_2D component and assigning the potion. Finally, we destroy the GameObject potion in the game world so that the player can no longer get that potion.

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