

Absolutely, Positively Overnight! (Sigafoos)

AC. See Alternating current

Accel Partners

Acquisitions: cannibalization and; limits of

Adner, Ron

Adobe, Xerox and

Advanced Development Programs (ADP), at Lockheed Martin

AdWords, by Google

Air conditioners



Alternating current (AC)

Amazon; books and; expectations and; incentives at; innovation at; investments by; IPO at; Kindle by; losses at; one-click buying at; patents of; profit at; rating reviews on; retailing by; risk at; sales at; scale at


Analgesics: dimensions for; evolution of

Ando, Kunitake

Android, by Google

AOL: internal markets at; MSN and; Winamp and

APM. See Associate Product Manager

Apotheker, Leo

Apple; champions at; failure at; hot-hand bias and; HP and; innovation at; internal markets at; iPad by; iPhone by; iPod by; iTunes by; Lisa by; MacBooks by; NeXT by; patents of; personal computers by; reflection effect at; Sony and

Ariely, Dan

Associate Product Manager (APM), at Google

Asymmetric incentives: awards as; bonuses as; for CEOs; economics and psychology of; failure and; at Google; for innovation; perks as; for R&D; salary as; stock options as; at 3 M

Asymmetry, in perceived risk


ATRA, by Gillette

Automobiles: batteries for; creative destruction and; mass market for; technological innovation in. See also General Motors; Tata, Ratan; Toyota Prius

Autonomous units

Availability bias, future and

Awards: as asymmetric incentives; at Google; at 3 M; for Toyota Prius


Backer, Alex

Ballmer, Steve

Banister, Scott

Bank of America

Bankruptcy: of GM; in Israel; of Kodak; in Silicon Valley

Barnes and Noble

Bass, Art

Batteries, for automobiles

Battle of Currents


Bell, Alexander Graham

Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG)

Bezos, Jeff

Biases: cannibalization and; from hot-stove effect. See also Availability bias; Commitment bias; Hot-hand bias; Paradigmatic bias



Bliss, Bill

BMG. See Bertelsmann Music Group

Bonuses: as asymmetric incentive; at Google

Books: Amazon and; Barnes and Noble and

‘Brand board,’


Breadth of knowledge

Browsers: market leadership in; takeoff and


Buchheit, Paul

Bud (beer)

Bureaucracy: cannibalization and; champions and; development of; ideas and; incremental innovations and; innovation and; internal markets and; at Kodak; present and; at RIM

Burns, Larry

Business units: commercialization by; competition of; internal markets and

Buzz, by Google


Cannibalization: acquisitions and; biases and; bureaucracy and; committees and; consensus building and; costs of; culture and; at Gillette; at HP; incumbents and; innovation and; internal markets and; internal stakeholders and; Kodak and; margins of; at Microsoft; organization and; perceived invincibility and; procedures and; product maturity and; Sony and; technological innovation and; thresholds for; wait-and-see attitude with; willingness for; Xerox and

‘Capability board,’

Carlson, Chester

Carlton Society Award, at 3 M


“Cash for Clunkers,”

CEOs: asymmetric incentives for; as champions; at GM; innovation and; stock market and; sunk cost fallacy and. See also specific CEOs

Champions: at Apple; bureaucracy and; CEOs as; characteristics of; dissension by; Fadell as; at HP; Ibuka as; identification of; incentives for; for innovation; Jobs as; luck versus; for mass markets; Morita as; Newton as; organizations and; persistence of; price point and; quality and; responsibility of; risk and; at Sony; steps for empowering; Tata as; versus teams; at top versus bottom

Chandrasekaran, Deepa

Chandy, Rajesh

Checkout, by Google

Chevy Volt

Choice, in markets

Christensen, Clay

Chrysler Corporation

Chux, by J&J

Circle of Technical Excellence & Innovation Awards, at 3 M


Climate, macro-theories on

Cochrane, Josephine

Collective decision making

Commercialization: by business units; contests; failure and; investments and; of platform innovations; takeoff and; talent retention and; of Toyota Prius; at Xerox

Commitment bias: by Edison; future and

Committees, cannibalization and


Competition: of business units; cutthroat; Facebook and; failure and; Google and; internal markets and; in markets; Toyota Prius and

Component level, of technological innovation

Consensus building; cannibalization and

Cook, Scott

Cooperation: incentives for; innovation and; markets and

Copying business, by Xerox

Copyrights, Sony and

Costs: of cannibalization; from Type 2 errors

Creative destruction

Croc, Ray


CRT: market for; by Sony

Culture: versus alternate theories; cannibalization and; at Facebook; forgiveness; at GM; at Google; at IBM; incentives and; of incumbents; incumbent's curse and; innovation and; at Kodak; versus macro-theories; as primary explanation; risk and; at Sony

Customer satisfaction

Customer service

Cutthroat competition


D'Angelo, Adam

Data transfer: dimensions for; evolution of

DC. See Direct current



DeLorean, John Z.

Denrell, Jerker

Depth of knowledge

Design level, of technological innovation

Desktop memory: dimensions for; technological innovation in

Desktop printers: dimensions for; evolution of; by HP; technological innovation in. See also Inkjet printers; Laser printers

Diapers. See Disposable diapers

Diaz, Cameron

DiCaprio, Leonardo

Diet soda

Digital cameras: annual sales of; Kodak and

Direct current (DC)


Display monitors: dimensions for; market for; technological innovation in. See also specific types

11ptDisposable diapers: mass market for; as niche product

Disruptive technology effect


Drew, Dick

“Dual ladder” policy, at 3 M

Duplication: internal markets and; resource allocation and



Eastman, George

Eastman Kodak. See Kodak


e-book readers. See iPad; Kindle; Tablets

Edison, Thomas Alva

Education, macro-theories on

Emergent consumers: analysis of; future and; mass market and

Escalation of commitment


EV1, by GM

Exchange, in markets

Expectations: of profit; risk aversion and; of sales; with innovation

11ptExternal lighting: dimensions for; technological innovation in. See also specific types


Facebook; competition and; culture at; expectations and; Google and; idea for; investments for; Microsoft and; News Feed by; as niche product; risk at; scale at; to Silicon Valley; third-party applications on; Yahoo! and

11ptFadell, Tony; as champion; at Philips. See also iPod

Failure: at Apple; asymmetric incentives and; competition and; criticism for; at Google; at IBM; incentives and; of incumbents; innovation and; Jobs and; learning from; markets and; Newton and; risk and; risk aversion and; in Silicon Valley; sunk cost fallacy and; at 3 M; tolerance for; with Toyota Prius. See also Type 1 errors

Fairchild Semiconductor Division

Farmers Insurance Group

Federal Express; early growth of; expectations and; investments in; risk at

Film photography, by Kodak

Fisher, George

Five Across

Ford, Henry

Forgiveness culture

Foster, Richard

Founder's Awards, at Google

Friedrich, Richard



from Toyota, Prius Losses

Fry, Art


Fujita, Masahiro

-10ptFusion, by Gillette

Future: availability bias and; commitment bias and; emergent consumers and; focus on; hot-hand bias and; incumbents and; innovation and; internal markets and; investments and; mass markets and; paradigmatic bias and; planning for; Samsung and; takeoff and; technological innovation and; Type 2 errors and; uncertainty and




Gain-loss tradeoff

Gates, Bill. See also Microsoft


Gatto, Bob


General Motors (GM); bankruptcy of; CEOs at; Chevy Volt by; culture at; EV1 by; hybrid automobile by; incentives at; internal markets at; “Jobs Bank” at; labor and; loyalty at; resource allocation at; status quo and; technological innovation at; unions and

Geography, macro-theories on


Gerstner, Lou; on culture; incentives and

Gillette; ATRA by; cannibalization at; Fusion by; Good News by; MACH 3 by; P&G and; R&D at; Sensor by; TRAC II by

Gillette, King

GM. See General Motors

Gmail, by Google

“Golden Step Awards,” at 3 M

Golder, Peter

Good News, by Gillette

Google; AdWords by; Android by; APM at; asymmetric incentives at; awards at; bonuses at; Buzz by; Checkout by; competition and; culture at; Facebook and; failure at; Founder's Awards at; Gmail by; incentives at; Innovation Reviews at; Innovation Week at; internal markets at; Microsoft and; paid search advertising and; perks at; personal projects at; research contests at; risk at; stock options at; talent retention at; Yahoo! and; YouTube and

Goparaju, Subu

Govindarajan, Vijay

Graphical user interface (GUI); Jobs and; Xerox and


GUI. See Graphical user interface



Hamel, Gary

Hanauer, Nick

Hazard model, for takeoff


Holden, Richard


Hostetter, Chris

Hot-hand bias

Hot-stove effect

HP; Apple and; business unit competition at; cannibalization at; champions at; Compaq and; desktop printers by; internal markets at; S-curve effect at; Slate by; tablets by; thresholds at; TouchPad by; Type 2 errors at

Hubbard, Gardiner

Hughes, Chris



IBM. See International Business Machines

Ibuka, Masura

Idea fairs

Idea generators, markets as


Incentives: for champions; for cooperation; culture and; customer satisfaction and; failure and; fairness of; framing; at IBM; for innovation; for internal markets; loyalty as; moral; online games and; from sales; seniority and; social; for teams. See also Asymmetric incentives

Incentives for enterprise. See Asymmetric incentives

7ptIncremental innovations: bureaucracy and; evaluation of

Incumbents: cannibalization and; commitment bias and; culture of; failure of; future and; innovation by; markets and; platform innovation and; present and; profit and; R&D by; risk and; risk aversion by; S-curve effect on; status quo and; Type 1 errors and; Type 2 errors and; uncertainty and; Wall Street effect and

Incumbent's curse; culture and; examples of; paradox of


-7ptInkjet printers

Innovation: alternate theories for; at Amazon; at Apple; asymmetric incentives for; bureaucracy and; cannibalization and; CEO and; champions for; commitment bias and; cooperation and; culture and; disruptive technology effect on; expectations with; failure and; future and; gain-loss tradeoff with; incentives for; increasing rate of; by incumbents; internal markets for; loss function of; macro-theories on; micro-theories on; practices for; R&D and; risk and; sales and; S-curve effect on; size effect on; stock market and; takeoff and; talent retention and; at Toyota; traits for; trial and error for; Type 2 errors and; Wall Street effect on. See also Incremental innovations; Platform innovation; Technological innovation

Innovation Reviews, at Google

Innovation Week, at Google


Intellectual property (IT); copyrights; of Kodak; macro-theories on. See also Patents

-7ptInternal markets: advantages of; at AOL; at Apple; autonomous units and; bureaucracy and; business units and; cannibalization and; commercialization contests and; competition and; divestiture and; duplication and; future and; at GM; at Google; idea fairs and; implementation of; incentives for; for innovation; at Kodak; management of; at Microsoft; niche markets and; organization and; at Philips; for prototypes; research contests and; for resource allocation; risk and; setting up; in Silicon Valley; at Sony; start-up contests and; for talent retention; thresholds and; uncertainty and

7ptInternal stakeholders, cannibalization and

International Business Machines (IBM); asymmetric incentives at; autonomous units at; copying business and; culture at; customer service at; failure at; incentives at; online games and; paradigmatic bias at; personal computers and; platform innovation at; risk at; team incentives at; three-year evaluation cycle at

Internet Explorer


Investments: by Amazon; commercialization and; commitment bias and; for Facebook; in Federal Express; future and; risk and; stock market and

Invincibility. See Perceived invincibility


iPhone; price point of

IPO, at Amazon

iPod; iTunes and


IT. See Intellectual property



J&J. See Johnson & Johnson

Jobs, Steve; as champion; failure and; GUI and. See also Apple

“Jobs Bank,” at GM

Johnson & Johnson (J&J): Chux by; emergent consumers and

Jordan, Michael


Kahneman, Daniel

Kelley, David

Keywords, by Microsoft

Kildall, Gary

Killer apps

Kimura, Keiji

Kindle, by Amazon

Knauss, Ben

Kodak; bankruptcy of; bureaucracy at; cannibalization and; copying business and; culture at; decline of; digital cameras and; disruptive technology effect at; film photography by; internal markets at; IT of; paradigmatic bias at; patents of; resource allocation at; risk aversion at

Kuhn, Thomas

Kun-Hee, Lee

Kuroki, Yasuo


Labor, GM and


Laser printers

Lazaridis, Mike

LCD. See Liquid crystal diode

“Lead users,”

LED. See Light emitting diode

Leonardi, Paul

Light beer

Light emitting diode (LED); Philips and

Lighting. See External lighting




Lipsky, Scott

Liquid crystal diode (LCD); market for; by Samsung; Sony and; televisions with

Lisa, by Apple

Lockheed Martin

Losses: by Amazon; by GM; by start-ups; from Toyota Prius

Loyalty; at GM; as incentive

Luck, versus champions

Lutz, Bob


MacBooks, by Apple

MACH 3, by Gillette

Macro-theories: culture versus; on innovation; R&D and; refutation of


Management buyout

March, James G.

Markets: bubbles and; cascades and; characteristics of; choice in; competition in; cooperation and; cutthroat competition in; exchange in; failure and; as idea generators; incumbents and; information in; lack of focus in; resource allocation in; talent retention and. See also Internal markets; Mass markets; Niche markets


Mass markets: for automobiles; champions for; for disposable diapers; disruptive technology effect and; emergent consumers and; future and

Maxwell, Dick

Mayer, Marissa

McDermott, Christopher M.


McGirt, Ellen

MED. See Microwave electrodeless discharge


Microcomputers. See Personal computers

Microsoft: AOL and; cannibalization at; Facebook and; Google and; internal markets at; Keywords by; MSN and; paid search advertising by; resource allocation at; video games by; Wallop by; Winamp by; Windows by


Microwave electrodeless discharge (MED)

Miller (beer)

Miner, Ann

Missed innovations. See Type 2 errors


Mitsch, Ronald

Moore, Geoffrey

Moore, Gordon

Moorman, Christine

Moral incentives

Morita, Akio; as champion


Moskovitz, Dustin

MP3: creative destruction and; PortalPlayer and; Sony and; Winamp and. See also iPod




Nano. See Tata, Ratan



News Feed, by Facebook

Newton, Roger; as champions; failure and

NeXT, by Apple

Niche markets; availability bias and; disruptive technology effect and; internal markets and


Nokia; decline of; smartphones by; Type 2 errors at

Norris, Jim

Nortel: asymmetric incentives at; emergent consumers and

Noyce, Robert


Obama, Barack

Object-oriented programming

O'Connor, Gina

Ogiso, Satoshi

Ohsone, Kozo

Okuda, Hiroshi

OLED. See Organic light emitting diode

Olsen, Ken

One-click buying, at Amazon

Online games: IBM and; incentives and; risk and

Opportunity costs, from Type 2 errors

Organic light emitting diode (OLED)

Organizations: cannibalization and; champions and; groupthink by; internal markets and. See also Bureaucracy

Orton, William

Ouderkirk, Andy



Page, Larry

Paid search advertising: Google and; Microsoft and

Pampers, by P&G

Pape, Michael

“Paperless office,”

Paradigmatic bias: future and; at IBM; at Kodak; at Xerox


Parker, Sean

Partnership for the Next Generation of Vehicles

Partovi, Ali

Patents; of Amazon; of Apple; of Kodak; macro-theories on; from Silicon Valley; for telephone; of 3 M

Perceived invincibility

Perceived risk: asymmetry in; reflection effect and

Perks: as asymmetric incentives; at Google

Personal computers; IBM and; market leadership in; as niche product; paradigmatic bias and; by Xerox

Petroski, Henry

Pfeffer, Jeffrey


P&G. See Procter & Gamble

Pharmaceutical industry. See also Analgesics; Lipitor; Pfizer

Philips; Fadell at; internal markets at

Piper, H.

Piracy, Sony and

Plasma display monitors

Platform innovation; commercialization of; definition of; evaluation of; at IBM; incumbents and; internal stakeholders and; patience with; source of


Pope, Alexander



Prabhu, Jaideep

Present: bureaucracy and; incumbents and; Type 1 errors and. See also Status quo

Price point: champions and; of iPhone; takeoff and

Printers. See Desktop printers

Prius. See Toyota Prius

Procedures, cannibalization and

Procter & Gamble (P&G); Gillette and; Pampers by; thresholds at

Product maturity, cannibalization and

Profit: at Amazon; expectations of; incumbents and; risk with; from Toyota Prius

Prospect theory

Prototypes; commercialization contests and; for GUI; internal markets for; for Sony Walkman



Quality, champions and


Radical innovation. See Platform innovation

Rakowski, Brian

Ramaswami, Prem


R&D: asymmetric incentives for; culture for; at Gillette; by incumbents; innovation and; macro-theories and; stock market and

Reflection effect; at Apple; perceived risk and

Reinert, Bill


Research contests

Research in Motion (RIM); Blackberry by; bureaucracy at; decline of; perceived invincibility; Type 2 errors at

Resource allocation: duplication and; at GM; internal markets for; at Kodak; in markets; at Microsoft; risk and

Resources Global Professional

Responsibility, of champions



Rewards. See Incentives

RIM. See Research in Motion

Risk: at Amazon; case histories on; champions and; culture and; expectations and; at Facebook; failure and; at Federal Express; gain-loss tradeoff and; at Google; at IBM; incumbents and; innovation and; internal markets and; investments and; online games and; resource allocation and; sources of; sprinkler strategy and; Toyota Prius and; Type 1 errors and; Type 2 errors and; waterfall strategy and; with profit. See also Perceived risk

Risk aversion: asymmetric incentives and; expectations and; failure and; by incumbents; at Kodak; at Sony; at Toyota

Roth, Bruce D.

Rubin, Andy


Salary, as asymmetric incentive

Sales: at Amazon; of Chevy Volt; expectations of; incentives from; innovation and; takeoff of; of Toyota Prius

Samsung; future and; innovation at; LCD TVs by

Sasson, Steven

Scale: at Amazon; at Facebook; incumbent's curse and

Scheer, David

Schmidt, Eric

Schumpeter, Joseph

S-curve effect


Seed capital, at 3 M


Semel, Terry


Sensor, by Gillette

Shah, Raj

Sharer, Kevin

Shaw, David

Shockley Semiconductor

Shook, John

Short-term measures

Sigafoos, Robert A.

Silicon Valley: bankruptcy in; Facebook to; failure in; internal markets in; patents from; start-ups in; venture capital in. See also specific companies

Silver, Spencer

Size effect

Skunk works


Slate, by HP

Sloan, Alfred

Smartphones: by Nokia. See also Android; Blackberry; iPhone

Smith, Fred. See also Federal Express

Smith, Roger

Social incentives

Sony; Apple and; BMG and; cannibalization and; champion at; consensus building at; copyrights and; CRT by; culture at; incumbent's curse at; internal markets at; LCD TVs and; MP3 and; piracy and; Type 2 errors at; video games by; Walkman by

Sony Music

Sood, Ashish; on S-curve effect


Spivack, Cari

Sprinkler strategy

Start-ups: contests for; losses by; in Silicon Valley; talent retention and; uncertainty and

Status quo: GM and; incumbents and; unions and

Staw, Barry M.

Stock market: CEOs and; innovation and; investments and; R&D and

Stock options: as asymmetric incentive; at Google

Strickland, Donald W.

Stringer, Howard

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn)

Sullivan, Godfrey

Sunk cost fallacy

Sword, Wilkinson


Tablets: by HP. See also iPad; Kindle

Takeoff: browsers and; commercialization and; by country; future and; hazard model for; hot-hand bias and; innovation and; predicting and managing; price point and; of sales; timing of; of Toyota Prius; uncertainty and

Takimoto, Masatami

Talent retention: commercialization and; at Google; innovation and; internal markets for; markets and; start-ups and


Tata, Ratan; as champion

Taylor, Bret

Teams: champions versus; collective decision making by; incentives for; at Parke-Davis

Technological innovation: in automobiles; cannibalization and; commitment bias and; in desktop printers; dimension for; disruptive technological effect and; future and; at GM; key aspects of; levels of; pattern of; predicting; S-curve effect and


Television; with LCD

Tellis, Gerard J.

Tesla, Nikola

Tesla Motors

Texas Instruments

Thiel, Peter

3 M; asymmetric incentives at; Carlton Society Award at; Circle of Technical Excellence & Innovation Awards at; copying business and; “dual ladder” policy at; emergent consumers and; failure at; “Golden Step Awards” at; incentives at; patents of; research contests at; seed capital at; trial and error at

Thresholds: for cannibalization; internal markets and

To Engineer Is Human (Petroski)


Torvalds, Linus

TouchPad, by HP

Toyota Prius: awards for; commercialization of; competition and; failure with; Farmers Insurance Group and; Hyperion and; profit from; risk and; sales of; takeoff of; trial and error with

TRAC II, by Gillette

Trial and error: for innovations; at 3 M; with Toyota Prius

Trimble, Chris


Tversky, Amos

Twain, Mark

Type 1 errors; incumbents and; present and

Type 2 errors; costs from; future and; incumbents and; opportunity costs from


Uncertainty: future and; incumbents and; internal markets and; start-ups and; takeoff and

Unions: GM and; status quo and


Variable returns

Varian, Hal

Venture capital


Video games. See also Online games

Von Hippel, Eric


Wada, Akihiro

Wagh, Girish

Wagoner, Rick

Wait-and-see attitude, with cannibalization

Walkman, by Sony

Wall Street effect

Wallop, by Microsoft



Wang, Niniane

Warner, Harry M.

Warnock, John

Watanabe, Katsuaki

Waterfall strategy

Watson, Thomas J., Sr.

Watson, Tom, Jr.

Weber, Max

Westinghouse, George

Wet shaving. See Gillette

White, John

“Who Killed the Electric Car?” (documentary)

Will and Vision: How Latecomers Grow to Dominate Markets (Tellis and Golder)

Wilson, Joseph


Windows, by Microsoft

Wiseman, Richard

Wolf, Michael

Word processing

Wozniak, Steve

WYSIWYG editor


Xerox: Adobe and; commercialization at; GUI and; incumbent's curse at; InterPress and; paradigmatic bias at; personal computers by


Yahoo!; decline of; Facebook and; Google and; Type 2 errors at



Zanuck, Darryl


Zuckerberg, Mark. See also Facebook

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