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A. I. KatzUp Up and Array!https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8966-2_10

10. TEXTSPLIT, TEXTBEFORE, and TEXTAFTER: Putting Words in Their Places

Abbott Ira Katz1  
Edgware, UK

Coming to a Hard Drive Near You

The three new dynamic array text functions take collective aim at a class of age-old and related spreadsheet problems – namely, how to separate, or parse, a cell containing a text string into its constituent words.

The prevailing instrument of choice for meeting that challenge was of course, and probably still is, the storied Text to Columns option, shown in Figure 10-1.

A screenshot of a tab titled convert text to columns wizard - step 2 of 3. Among the checkboxes for tab, semicolons, comma, space, and other the one for tab is ticked. The field entry for data preview reads separating text with text to columns.

Figure 10-1

Microsoft’s words – assigning each word to a cell via Text to Columns

Text to Columns works principally by enabling the user to define a delimiter, or delimiters, by which the text could be demarcated into a one-word-per-column motif. In the above shot the user would tick the “space” box, the character which would delimit the text into its respective words wherever it happened upon a space in the text entry.

In this regard, a classic application would be to ask Text to Columns to pull apart comma-separated values crammed into a single cell (e.g., the proverbial CSV file) into distinct field entries. For example, the New York Housing lottery spreadsheet with which we worked in Chapter 7 was in fact originally organized as a CSV file, with its header row looking like this in the excerpt supplied by Figure 10-2.

A screenshot of a header row in a spreadsheet. The separated field names are lottery number, project name, P H N, street name, boro, N C slash pres, oversight, and agency.

Figure 10-2

The great divide: a header row in CSV format before its field names have been separated

Remember that all those budding headers (far more than you’re actually viewing above) are jammed into a single cell, and Text to Columns would seize upon the delimiting commas and carve out a discrete a field name for each and every term hemmed in by those commas, and then proceed to do the same for all the comma-ridden rows beneath the headers as well, converting them all into field data.

Text to Columns has put in years of honorable service, but because it’s click-based, its flexibility is stunted. For example, if I wanted to separate and sort the data – say, comma-separated test scores – Text to Columns would only perform the separation, but not the sort. Or if I needed to disentangle comma-separated values and then stack them vertically, again, you’d need to look elsewhere – in the direction of formulas.

And indeed – a number of formulaic means for parsing, or extracting, words or segments of text have long been made available, and we’ve already viewed some of them, for example, MID, LEFT, and SEARCH. But as this (https://www.linkedin.com/posts/andrewcharlesmoss_extracting-and-splitting-text-activity-6928128981799997440-NGpl/?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web) piece notes, those strategies can get rather convoluted, and can stymie the user who’s up against that quintessential text roadblock – separating first, middle, and last names that are all huddled in the same cell.

But help has arrived – in the form of three new, streamlining formulas that go a long way toward smoothing the bumps pockmarking the road to successful text separation – TEXTSPLIT, TEXTBEFORE, AND TEXTAFTER.

TEXTSPLIT: Piecing It Together

TEXTSPLIT carries out the most generic text separation of the three, liberating every delimited value in a text string to a cell all its own. Its six arguments look like this:
  • =TEXTSPLIT(text,column delimiter,row delimiter,ignore empty,match mode,pad width)

As we’ll see, the first two arguments – the one requiring you to identify the text you want to split and the one that names the delimiter(s) – are essential, while the remaining four offer themselves as options.

For example – say we enter “London is lovely this time of year” in a blank worksheet in B3. We can next write, in B6,
  • =TEXTSPLIT(B3," ")

And once you do, you should see the following, per Figure 10-3.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The words in each cell under the formula text split read, London, is, lovely, this, time, of, and year. The cell with London in it is highlighted.

Figure 10-3

Spaced out: each word is assigned its own cell

Here TEXTSPLIT searches our phrase for every space, the character we’ve nominated as the column delimiter. Each textual instance preceding a space is allotted its own cell, and as a result every word is properly separated, or split.

We see that this highly conventional deployment of TEXTSPLIT makes use of only two arguments – the text to be split, and the character earmarked as its column delimiter, for example, the character that will install each split item into a new column. Now if were we to write
  • =TEXTSPLIT(B3,," ")

we’d reengineer the outcome with this result, rendered by Figure 10-4.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The words are arranged in a columnar manner under the formula. The texts in the column read: London, is, lovely, this, time, of, and year. The cell with London in it is highlighted.

Figure 10-4

London’s text is falling down: TEXTSPLIT generates a vertical word split

We’ve seen something like this before, for example, in our survey of the SEQUENCE function. The formula’s additional comma bypasses the column delimiter argument and actuates a row delimiter instead – the space again, but which now acts as a kind of de facto line break, wrapping the split items down a column.

Now things get subtler, more interesting, and potentially more productive, when TEXTSPLIT is asked to incorporate both a column and a row delimiter into its expression. Consider this single-celled collection of student test scores, which you can enter in I5:
  • Ted 76,Jan 82,Mildred 91,Frank 64

Note how the cell’s contents are organized: each score is distanced from its student by a space, while a comma demarcates the student name/scores from one another. If we write
  • =TEXTSPLIT(I5," ",",")

in cell I7, this happens, as we see in Figure 10-5.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The given text is split into 2 columns under the formula text split. The row entries are Ted, 76; Jan, 82; Mildred, 91; and Frank, 64. The cell with Ted in it is highlighted.

Figure 10-5

Every which way; the text is split both across and down a column

The space delimiter spills each student name/score downwards, while at the same time the comma neatly pairs each name and its corresponding score horizontally. Just remember to line up all those quotation marks properly.


The test scores returned above by TEXTSPLIT nevertheless have the status of text (note their left alignment). There are ways of treating these as numeric values, though, for example, through the VALUE function.

In effect we’ve compiled a mini data set of names and scores, which now can be further manipulated, for example,
  • =SORT(TEXTSPLIT(I5," ",","),2,-1)

yielding the following, as you see in Figure 10-6.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The text is divided into 2 columns under the sort formula. The row entries are Mildred, 91; Jan, 82; Ted, 76; and Frank, 64. The cell with Mildred in it is highlighted.

Figure 10-6

Sorting the scoring in a single cell

(Note again that Excel allows the sort to proceed, even though the scores are officially text-formatted.)

There’ll be more to be said about TEXTSPLIT’s coupling of column and row delimiters a bit later.

Choose Your Delimiters

But who insisted that the space character serve as TEXTSPLIT’s only delimiter? No one, in fact. The reality is that you can invest any character – or characters – with delimiter status.

For example, observe this phrase:

We wanted to go out, but it was raining. What was Plan B?

A number of different characters – period, comma, and question mark, along with the space – are clinging to the words to be separated, but if were we to decide that the space alone was to delimit them, the results would look like this according to Figure 10-7.

A screenshot of a row of a spreadsheet. The words in each cell read as follows. We, wanted, to, go, out, but, it, was, raining, what, was, plan, and B?

Figure 10-7

Spreadsheet grammar – unwanted punctuation

But we want to authorize all the above characters – period, comma, question mark, and space – to delimit words, rather than loiter idly among them, as they do in the screen shot. How do we do that?

Here’s how Microsoft wants you to do it, and the syntax isn’t pretty:
  • =TEXTSPLIT(E8,{" ",",",".","?"},,1)

Got that? Still squinting, or have you given up? If so, sit back and consider this explanation: first, all the designated delimiters are bounded by a familiar pair of user-typed array-formula brackets. And inside, each delimiter is in turn enclosed by quotes and detached from the next delimiter by a comma – remembering at the same time that one of the delimiters itself is a comma, and is thus sandwiched between two of the quotes.

Is all that syntax hard to read and user-friendly? Yes and no. Of course, it works, once you coordinate all those quotes and commas; but there’s a more lucid equivalent out there about which you want to know.

For an alternative means for citing multi-delimiters, enter all the desired delimiters down a column. Here, none of these should be surrounded by quotes. For the space delimiter, simply type a space in its cell. Then remake the column into a table via Ctrl-T, and don’t worry about a formal table header, as Figure 10-8 demonstrates.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet column with a dropdown button. The third, fourth, and fifth-row entries are a period mark, a comma, and a question mark, respectively.

Figure 10-8

Delimiters, quote-free. The invisible space delimiter occupies the first table cell.

The table of course assumes the default Table1 name, facilitating this TEXTSPLIT rewrite
  • =TEXTSPLIT(E8,Table1,,1)

The Table1 reference serves as a proxy for the bracketed, quote-thickened delimiters, and performs in precisely the same way. Moreover, if it turns out that you need more delimiters or remember ones you’d omitted, simply enter them down the table column, and they too will automatically split any words. It’s a rather cool, far neater substitute for the official, by-the-book, bracketed delimiter argument.

You Won’t Always Ignore “Ignore Empty”

But if you travel the table route mapped above, you’ll need to make sure that TEXTSPLIT’s fourth, optional “ignore empty” argument finds a place in the formula, as we see it represented above by the 1. “Ignore empty” instructs the function to disregard a delimiter that’s unaccompanied by any text to be split – and if you overlook it, the formula we’ve detailed will inflict unnecessary spaces upon the results. For example, without “ignore empty,” the space following the word “out,” will populate a cell all its own – because the comma alongside “out” will have already delimited that word, and the space will then be treated as an empty delimiter.

By way of additional example, if the name Ted above in our earlier student-grades formula had been mistakenly exhibited two following spaces instead of one, our original TEXTSPLIT expression (excluding the “ignore empty” argument) would have inflicted this result upon the worksheet, exemplified by Figure 10-9.

A partial screenshot of a spreadsheet. The given text is split into two columns under the text split formula except for Ted. Ted and his score of 76 have a blank cell in between them. The cell with Ted in it is highlighted.

Figure 10-9.

Outer space – Ted is separated from his test score by two spaces

We see that by default, superfluous delimiters are not ignored, and as such the result above makes room for both of Ted’s spaces – the first delimiting nothing, the second, the 76. And because that surplus space – which is, after all, a column delimiter – pushes Ted’s score into a new, extra, third column; that column is now imposed upon the other names, too, forcing them to emit a #N/A error message. You can’t earmark a new column for only one row, after all; it’s an all-or-nothing proposition. Ted’s row can’t receive three columns even as the other names hold to the original two.

The workaround: editing the formula to read
  • =TEXTSPLIT(I5," ",",",1)

where the “1” issues an “ignore empty cells” order, the results return to a two-columned, error-free outcome.


Wrapping the TRIM function around formulas will eliminate superfluous spaces from a text string.

Note that there may be standard data-management scenarios under which you don’t want the TEXTSPLIT formula to ignore an empty delimiter, for example, this simple example in Figure 10-10.

A screenshot of a spreadsheet column. The first row reads name, id, and score. The following rows list 3 names and scores, but I ds only for two, namely, Jane and Ed. The I d for Bill is not entered.

Figure 10-10

Where’s your ID, Bill?

Here, you’ll want Bill’s missing ID to be taken into account, because when the data are eventually split you’ll want to see this, per Figure 10-11.

A screenshot of 3 spreadsheet columns. The headers are name, I d, and score. The name and score columns are filled for 3 rows. The row entry for Bill's I d is blank.

Figure 10-11

These fields are lined up

and not this, as presented in Figure 10-12.

A screenshot of 3 spreadsheet columns. The headers are name, I d, and score. The name and I d columns are filled for 3 rows. The row entry for Bill's score is blank.

Figure 10-12

These fields aren’t

We see that if you do ignore the empty delimiter via the 1 argument, TEXTSPLIT will throw Bill’s next-available bit of data – 67, a test score – into the next available column, id; and as you see, that decision misaligns the data from their appropriate columns. Thus, we see that the first of Bill’s two consecutive commas supplies a placeholder for a field – id – for which information is missing. (We’ll have more to say about this example, too.)

The fifth argument – match mode – points to case-sensitivity, which is turned on by default. For example, this expression
  • TodayXisXThursday

has for some reason appointed X to the delimiter role. If we write
  • =TEXTSPLIT(G12,"x")

Figure 10-13 discloses what happens next.

A screenshot of 2 spreadsheet rows. The formula in the first row reads text split left parenthesis G 12, double quotation x double quotation right parenthesis. The text in the next row reads today X is X Thursday.

Figure 10-13

Curious case: no change

Nothing happens, in fact, because TEXSPLIT’s default case-sensitivity ignores and thus looks past the capital X. Write this, however:
  • =TEXTSPLIT(G12,"x",,,1)

where the 1 switches the case-insensitive option on, and Figure 10-14 confirms.

A cropped screenshot of spreadsheet cells. The formula in the first row reads text split left parenthesis G 12, double quotation x double quotation, triple comma, 1 right parenthesis. The texts in the 3 cells below it are today, is, and Thursday.

Figure 10-14

x marks the split: the text is split by TEXTSPLIT

Launching “Pad With”: A New Kind of Argument

The utility of the sixth TEXTSPLIT argument – what Excel calls “pad with” – was already implied in a previous exercise. “Pad with” – a parameter option that appears in many of the new dynamic array functions – is a user-selected character or characters that replace any error messages that could beset a formula. Thus the #NA errors triggered by Ted’s extra space depicted by Figure 10-9 could be preempted by a “Not Available” pad, for example, Figure 10-15.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The given numbers and texts are split into 2 columns below the formula except for Ted. Ted and the corresponding number 76 have a blank cell in between them. The cell with Ted in it is highlighted.

Figure 10-15

Scouring pad: the “pad with” option cleans up error messages.

One could ask why Excel felt the need to coin the term “pad width,” one that doesn’t appear in any of the pre-dynamic array functions. After all, other functions, for example, XLOOKUP and FILTER, offer “if not found” or “if empty” arguments that also allow the user to post a replacement caption for formulas that would otherwise succumb to error messages. But isn’t that what “pad with” does, too? And if so, why did the folks at Microsoft’s usability team need to mint a new term for this feature that seems to do much the same as its predecessors?

The answer is that Excel could have fallen back on an existing term such as “if not found” here, but “pad with” makes a statement about the different kind of work that some of the new dynamic array functions perform. When a user performs a query with FILTER, for example, the number of results churned out by the formula will vary, depending on the filter criteria the user employs; but functions such as TEXTSPLIT and, as we’ll see, WRAPCOLS and EXPAND, ask the user to frame a spill range of fixed size at the outset, for example, three rows by four columns; and because some of those cells may, for whatever reason, be blank, the user is granted the option to fill out – or pad – the bare cells with a caption.

TEXTSPLIT and the One-Celled Dataset

Earlier in this chapter we looked at a few hypothetical exam scores and the names of the students who scored them, as a means of demonstrating TEXTSPLIT’s talent for cracking open the data gathered into one cell into both columnar and row entries, for example, in Figure 10-16.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The given text and numbers are split into 2 columns below the formula. The row entries are Ted, 76; Jan, 82; Mildred, 91; and Frank, 64. The cell with Ted in it is highlighted.

Figure 10-16

Look familiar? TEXTSPLIT test splits

But now let’s flip the matter on its head. We’ve seen that TEXTSPLIT can unpack a collection of data concentrated in one cell, and distribute, or split, them into multiple, usable cells. With that skill in tow, why can’t we take existing data, repack them into a single cell via the TEXTJOIN function, and then call them back into conventional cell-based entries when we want to? In other words, why not compress and store records into one cell – even a few thousand records – and empty the cell into distinct records again whenever we need them with TEXTSPLIT?

To illustrate the strategy, I’ve drawn 100 unique student first names from the list of US Congresspersons we encountered in the chapter on FILTER and associated them with randomly issued test scores (enabled by RANDARRAY, of course), and saved to the TEXTSPLIT – test scores practice file (with range names Student and Score). As advertised, we want to concatenate all the names and scores into one cell under the auspices of this TEXTJOIN formula:
  • =TEXTJOIN("*",,Student&","&Score)

TEXTJOIN is a surprisingly handy and muscular function that can combine, or concatenate, multiple cells’ worth of text via a delimiter. Here, TEXTJOIN merges every student name and test score in a pairwise-lifted tandem, punctuated by a comma that’s interposed between each name-score pair. That is, each name is joined to its score, for example, Smith, 78. But it’s the asterisk that’s serving as a delimiter, for reasons that’ll become much clearer in a moment. (The two consecutive commas in the formula point to TEXTJOIN’s “ignore empty” option which isn’t pertinent here; our data contain no empty cells.)

Write that formula, say in D4, and in excerpt you should see, as per Figure 10-17.

A screenshot of 2 spreadsheet rows. The formula for text join is entered in the top row. The highlighted text and number in the bottom row reads Abby, 61 asterisk Abigail, 70 asterisk Adam, 66.

Figure 10-17

Big class: 100 students and their scores, all joined in D4

(Now you can run a Copy > Paste Values atop D4.)

Note what the data currently look like. Each student name is followed by the test score on the other side of the comma. But each name/score is in turn separated from the next name/score by that asterisk – the delimiter we selected for TEXTJOIN. And now what?

How about TEXTSPLIT?
  • =TEXTSPLIT(D4,",","*")

which delivers the following, as excerpted by Figure 10-18.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. Student names and their respective scores are split into 2 columns below the formula for text split.

Figure 10-18

The dataset, returned in full: names and test scores unlocked from D4 and reassigned to separate cells

Again, TEXTSPLIT splits the data in two directions: it seizes upon the comma column delimiter – grabbed from TEXTJOIN’s concatenation comma – to segregate the student names from their scores, and also applies TEXTJOIN’s own, official delimiter, the asterisk, to swing each record down to the next row by citing the asterisk in its “row delimiter” argument.

The larger point: TEXTSPLIT can skillfully break comma-separated values into functional data, but you can point that process in the other direction – retroactively define standard, separated data as a cohort of comma-separated values saved to one cell, and then recreate the dataset on an as needed-basis via TEXTSPLIT. That is, have TEXTJOIN round up hundreds or perhaps even thousands of records into one cell (remember an Excel cell can hold 32,767 characters) and retrieve them with TEXTSPLIT when you want to.

TEXTSPLIT Can’t Do Everything – but with Good Reason

Yet for all of TEXTSPLIT’s admirable dexterity, there’s one text manipulation chore it can’t quite perform. TEXTSPLIT is unable to split multiple rows of text directly with a single application of its formula – meaning that, for example, if you’re working with three text-bearing cells, say in C7:C9 and Figure 10-19,

A partial screenshot of spreadsheet cells with 3 sentences written in 3 rows. The sentences from the top are, today is Thursday, my favorite flavor is rocky road, and Annapolis is the capital of Maryland.

Figure 10-19

Three cells to be split

you can’t write
  • =TEXTSPLIT(C7:C9, “ “)

And if you do, you’ll achieve the following, per Figure 10-20.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The top has 3 sentences and bottom has a text-split formula and the words today, my, and Annapolis are entered in cells one below the other with today highlighted.

Figure 10-20

You can’t get there from here: TEXTSPLIT can’t split all the text from the three cells referenced by one formula.

We see that when confronted with a range of cells named by a single formula, each of which requires splitting, TEXTSPLIT will only split the first word from each cell. Thus, if you need an authentic, thoroughgoing word split applied to each cell, each cell requires its own TEXTSPLIT formula, for example, in Figure 10-21.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The cells on the extreme left column have sentences entered in them. The words in the sentences are split into the cells of the center columns. The formulas are entered in the extreme right column cells.

Figure 10-21

Splitting text, one line and one formula at a time

Indeed, our earlier illustration in this chapter of the “ignore empty” argument that was applied to the following data and as recalled in Figure 10-22:

A screenshot of a spreadsheet column. The headers in the first cell are name, I d, and score. The scores for the names Bill, Jane, and Ed are entered. The I d for Bill in the second cell is missing.

Figure 10-22

No teacher’s pets: every student receives a TEXTSPLIT formula

Split the text via three TEXTSPLIT formulas, one each per row.

However, keep in mind that Google Sheet’s SPLIT function can cull the text from multiple cells with a single formula, as in Figure 10-23.

A screenshot of a spreadsheet. The formula entered in the center reads array formula left parenthesis split left parenthesis D 7 colon D 9, 2 double quotations right parenthesis right parenthesis. The words in the sentences above the formulae are split into cells below it.

Figure 10-23

Message from the competition: Google Sheets’ SPLIT function can split text in multiple cells with one formula

Why, then, can’t TEXSPLIT do the same?

One apparent reason why a single instance of TEXTSPLIT can’t split multiple cells of text has to do with its two-dimensional potential. We’ve seen that TEXTSPLIT can implement both column and row delimiters, the latter of which generates multiple rows of text down a column. In that light, reconsider our formula:
  • =TEXTSPLIT(C7:C9, " ")

We see now that if the text in C7 were subjected to a row delimiter and hence spilled its words down the C column, its output would bump against and be obstructed by the text in C8, the next row down, and TEXTSPLIT can’t resolve that logjam. On the other hand, Google Sheet’s SPLIT function won’t be bothered by that complication – because it has no row delimiter to begin with.

There Is a Plan B

But a workaround is available, one suggested by the one-cell dataset exercise above. If you try
  • =TEXTSPLIT(TEXTJOIN("*",,C7:C9)," ","*",,,"")

that expression would yield as follows, as featured in Figure 10-24.

A screenshot of a spreadsheet. The top has 3 sentences. The formula for text split text join is entered below them. The words of the given sentences are split into individual cells below the formula. The cell with today in it is highlighted.

Figure 10-24

Breaking up isn’t that hard to do: the three text strings are knit together in one cell by TEXTJOIN, and then split into words with TEXTSPLIT

The linchpin to the formula is TEXTJOIN’s ability to stitch the three strings into a single cell, thus forging in effect one large text string. And that’s precisely the kind of object TEXTSPLIT is designed to handle – one text string in one cell. Thus, if we isolate the TEXTJOIN portion of the formula, we’ll see

Today is Thursday*My favorite flavor is Rocky Road*Annapolis is the capital of Maryland

And as with the earlier one-celled dataset example, TEXTJOIN registers the asterisk as its delimiter, which TEXTSPLIT in turn borrows for its own row delimiter, thus splitting the string back to its original three rows of text. TEXTSPLIT’s column delimiter – here the space – then divides each string into discrete words.

The formula’s final pair of quotes, the ones shunted to the far-right end of the formula, expresses the “pad with” argument. They’re needed here because the first text string – Today is Thursday – comprises just three words extending across three columns, while the other two strings and their six words naturally span six. And as explained earlier in the chapter, since “Today is Thursday” must also be afforded six columns – because every row in the spill range must exhibit the same number of columns – its three empty cells default to an #N/A message that can be overwritten with a “pad with” caption.

TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER: Usefully Limiting the Delimiters

Cousins to the broader, more generic TEXTSPLIT, the new TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER dynamic array functions offer a slightly narrower approach to the work of isolating specific text from cells, but presumably with a famed – or notorious – task specifically in mind, one to which we’ve already alluded.

That task: Taking full names crowded into a single cell and splitting them into first, middle, and last names – and TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER stand ready to offer their able assistance. TEXTBEFORE returns text that appears before a specified instance of a delimiter, while TEXTAFTER travels in the opposite direction – it carries off text that follows a specified delimiter instance.

How They’re Written – and How They Work

As you might infer, the two functions are written similarly and feature a number of subtle arguments you’ll need to consider. TEXTBEFORE assumes this form:
  • =TEXTBEFORE(text,delimiter(s),instance number,match mode,match end,if not found)

The first argument asks you to furnish the address of the text in question, though of course it’s perfectly legal to actually type the text into the formula, for example, =TEXTBEFORE("John Doe"," "). As with TEXTSPLIT the formula needs to know the delimiter(s) of choice, which can indeed consist of several possibilities, and which would be entered as they are with TEXTSPLIT, for example,
  • {" ","*"}

And again, you can refer the delimiters to a table instead and supply the table name as a global delimiter name(s) in the formula.

The third argument, instance number, is central to the process. The number refers to the sequence position of a particular delimiter among all the delimiters in the cell. Simple example: the space delimiter preceding Sartre in the name John Paul Sartre is the second space in the cell proceeding from left to right, and as such would be designated 2 in TEXTBEFORE.

However, you can also note the instance number with a negative value, an option that initiates the delimiter count from the right end of the text and proceeds left, thus requiring a bit of a think-through. Working this way, that second space before Sartre would be coded -1 – meaning in this case that the space is the first delimiter in the cell pointing right to left. -2 in the same formula, then, would denote the second delimiter per the right-to-left orientation – and here, that would point to the space separating Jean and Paul. It sounds a bit obtuse, but as we’ll see, that reverse numbering scheme can serve you well.

And if you omit instance number altogether, TEXTBEFORE will work with the delimiter’s first instance by default.

The next argument, match mode, behaves similarly to its counterpart in TEXTSPLIT. As with that function, TEXTBEFORE turns its case-sensitivity on, such that addressing the text string
  • TodayXisXThursday

  • =TEXTBEFORE(L14,"x")

(The other omitted arguments are optional.)

will trigger an #N/A message. This will work, though, as it deactivates case-sensitivity:
  • =TEXTBEFORE(L14,"x",,1)

Now apart from sounding like the conclusion of a sporting event, the fifth argument, “match end,” is trickier but can be put to productive use once you appreciate exactly what it does – something that took me a while. Inactive by default and denoted by the value 1 when it’s used, Microsoft says that “match end” “Treats the end of text as a delimiter,” a description that for me, at least, didn’t little to advance my understanding.

But here’s what that means in practical terms: match end in effect makes a copy of your delimiter (or one of your delimiters, if you’ve designated several) and appends it to the end of the text string, immediately following its last character. Thus, if the final character in your string is a “y,” as in Today is Thursday, and your chosen delimiter is the space, match end will now treat the string as if it reads
  • Today is Thursday[space]

And now that Excel has outfitted the string with the delimiter, TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER can find it, and act upon it.

Here’s a relatively straightforward example of how match end works: say you’re faced with a range of names from which you need to elicit the first names. If Tom Jones is niched in cell A3, this formula
  • =TEXTBEFORE(A3," ")

will naturally return Tom. But what if the name Madonna follows in A4? That entry as it stands features no space, and so TEXTBEFORE will default to an error message when it’s applied to the cell. But this expression
  • =TEXTBEFORE(A4," ",,,1)

will station its virtual delimiter after the second “a” in Madonna. In effect, now, the formula will read Madonna as Madonna[space], and return all the text preceding that insurgent space – that is, Madonna.

TEXTBEFORE’s final argument, “if not found,” again lets the user again supply a message that subs for the #N/A that would otherwise appear if the delimiter was completely absent from the text string. Figure 10-25 should be pretty self-explanatory.

A screenshot of spreadsheet cells. A sentence that reads today is Thursday is typed in the top left cell. Missing is entered in the bottom left cell. The formula for text before is entered in its right cell.

Figure 10-25

Attendance report: X is marked absent


TEXTAFTER, in effect a mirror image of TEXTBEFORE, sports the same syntax – with the essential distinction that the delimiter argument here seeks text that follows the appearance of the delimiter. Thus, for the space-delimited name John Doe, TEXTBEFORE will extract John – the name preceding the space, while TEXTAFTER will scrape the Doe, the text positioned after the space.

By way of a hands-on demo, let’s open the TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER practice workbook and its catalog of ten names as listed in Figure 10-26.

A screenshot of a spreadsheet column. The names entered in the column are Angelina Jolie, Emily Dickinson, George Clooney, John Paul Sartre, Le Bron James, Meryl Streep, Michael Jordan, Mick Jagger, Ricky Lee Jones, and Sandra Bullock.

Figure 10-26

The A-list

Our assignment here, a common one: to separate first from last names, while at the same time deciding where to position those thorny middle names that have been known to bedevil rosters and invitation lists.

Now in fact formula-based strategies for lifting first names from multi-name entries have long been in circulation, tying themselves to the LEFT and FIND functions. But TEXTS BEFORE and TEXTAFTER have some more lucid and elegant tricks up their sleeve, as we’ll see.

By way of an introductory run-through, say we want to split the names into two columns – the first to record the first names, the second reserved for the remaining names, be they last name or middle/last name in combination. In cell B1 enter
  • =TEXT BEFORE(A1:A10," ")

But wait. Didn’t we just learn just a few pages ago that a TEXTSPLIT formula was incapable of splitting text from multiple cells’ worth of data? We sure did. But TEXTS BEFORE and TEXTAFTER don’t suffer from that limitation. The absence of a row delimiter in TEXT BEFORE and TEXTAFTER means that they’ll never spill down and encroach upon the text in the cell beneath it – unlike TEXSPLIT.

That important digression aside, remember that by not specifying a delimiter number we’ve in effect asked TEXT BEFORE to home in on the first instance of a space by default, and do its parsing wherever it’s found – and so we see as follows, per Figure 10-27.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The left column has a list of 10 names. The center column lists only the first names. The cell with Angelina in it is highlighted. The text before formula is entered in the right column.

Figure 10-27

Celebrities, on a first-name basis

That works. Now for the remaining names, enter in C1
  • =TEXTAFTER(A1:A10," ")

yielding the following, in Figure 10-28.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The first column has a list of 10 names. The second column lists only the first names. The third column lists only the last names. The text after formula is entered in the fourth column.

Figure 10-28

Big Sur: surnames via TEXT AFTER

Here by default TEXT AFTER sights the first space in each respective name, and fills each cell with all the text to the space’s right.

That’s all pretty neat and tidy – and by way of contrast if you were to try TEXT SPLIT for the above exercise instead, recall first of all that you’d require a new formula for each and every name – so if you went ahead, you’d get the following, as in Figure 10-29.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The first column lists the first names. The second column lists the last names. The third column has 2 extra last names for John and Ricky. The fourth column has the formulae for text split for the corresponding cells.

Figure 10-29

Having second thoughts about second names? Splitting names with TEXTSPLIT

Probably not what you had in mind – because while TEXTSPLIT manages to split each and every name, the two middle names share column B with most of the surnames.

Front and Center: Extracting Middle Names

So what if you also wanted to isolate middle names, and then direct them properly to a dedicated column too, as per Figure 10-30?

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The first column lists full names. The second column lists the first names. The third column lists the middle names. The fourth column lists the last names.

Figure 10-30

Caught in the middle: middle names captured as well

That ambition is a little grander, because the TEXT BEFORE/AFTER functions spirit away all of the text on either side of a delimiter. But here we want to glean text wedged between two delimiters, surrounded by unwanted text on either side.

In order to carry out that mission we’ll have to execute two text extractions, and nest one text expression inside another. First, we’ll move the last names we induced in an earlier exercise from the C to the D column, and then write in C1
  • =TEXTAFTER(TEXT BEFORE(A1:A10," ",-1)," ",,,1)

Of course, the juxtaposing of both TEXTAFTER and TEXT BEFORE in the same formula needs to be explained. Working from the inside out, the TEXTBEFORE segment acts upon the first space delimiter appearing in each name from the name’s right edge, as represented by the negative number. Thus, the TEXT BEFORE portion considered by itself would yield the following, as in Figure 10-31.

A screenshot of 2 spreadsheet columns. The left column lists some first names. The top-left cell with Angelina in it is highlighted. The formula for text before is entered in the top right cell.

Figure 10-31

The right stuff: text returned from left of the rightmost space in each name

Of course these are mid-way results, forming a temporary, virtual dataset that supplies names – each of which now features, or will feature, but one space – upon which the TEXT AFTER half of the formula is about to act.

And when we wrap TEXT AFTER around TEXTBEFORE, the formula now examines the names pictured above and simply yanks the text following the one and only space remaining within each name. In the case of John Paul, then, the name Paul is returned; in the case of the cells bearing only one name, again the “match end” delimiter latches its faux space to the end of the name – and TEXTAFTER discovers nothing after it, leaving the cell blank.

Sorting Last Names: Sort of Tricky

Now what if you wanted to sort the data by last names – even if the cells to be sorted contain the names in full? In order to follow through on that slightly challenging intention you need first to decide if you want middle names to figure in the sort – that is, to be sorted themselves (e.g., the P in John Paul Sartre). If not – that is, if you want to sort exclusively by last, or surname – you could write
  • =SORTBY(A1:A10,TEXTAFTER(A1:A10," ",-1))

And that formula spills, shown by Figure 10-32.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. Two columns list some names. The names are arranged in alphabetical order with respect to the first names in column 1 and last names in column 2. The sort by formula is entered in column 3.

Figure 10-32

Internal alphabetical order: sorting by last names

How does this formula work? We want the A1:A10 range to be subjected to a sort-by range (i.e., the formula’s second argument) consisting of the last names only derived by TEXTAFTER, which line up in turn with the full names enumerated in A1:A10 (proffered by the formula’s first argument). That is, the formula achieves the last-name sort internally, as you see in Figure 10-33 but won’t see in the actual spreadsheet.

A cropped screenshot of a spreadsheet. The left column lists some names. The center column lists only the last names. The cell with Jolie in it is highlighted. The formula for text after is entered in the right cell.

Figure 10-33

Behind the scenes: this part of the formula sorts last names only

It then proceeds in effect to sort the two columns – that is, the actual data in A and the virtual column of last names returned inside the formula – by the latter, which brings the first-column names, the ones we actually view in the worksheet along for the ride.

Some Concluding Words

Number crunching may be Excel’s stock in trade, but as we’ve seen there’s plenty of work it can do with words, too; and the new text functions strive to make that work simpler and more productive.

The next pair of new dynamic array functions, TOCOL and TOROW, flattens multi-column or multi-row ranges into a single column or row. And you’ll see why you’ll want to add these new terms to your spreadsheet vocabulary.

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