Is This a Need that a Training Class Can or Should Fulfill?

Not every knowledge gap can or should be filled by a formal training class. Knowledge gaps can also be filled by any one or combination of the following methods:

  • Partnering the learner with an experienced mentor
  • Arranging informal talks and demonstrations, given by experts within your company
  • Supplying the learner with materials — and time — for self-learning

Notice that all of these alternatives require you to manage the learning process, instead of creating and teaching a class. At times, the best thing you can do for the learners is to create a situation where they can learn by themselves or from someone other than you. This is not failing as a trainer. It is succeeding as a learning manager.


At this point, you have developed:

  • Audience analysis: This lists the type of audiences to be trained and the kinds of information that each audience must learn.
  • Learning objectives for each audience: These consist of the tasks the students must learn in your class. Each task is a learning objective.


You may want to present the above alternatives to a formal course to the sponsors. Perhaps they are asking for a formal training class only because they have never thought of alternatives. Consider your situation and act accordingly.

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