Remote Repository Operations in Pictures

Let’s take a moment to visualize what happens during clone and pull operations. A few pictures should also clarify the often confusing uses of the same name in different contexts.

Let’s start with the simple repository shown in Figure 11-1 as the basis for discussion.

Simple repository with commits

Figure 11-1. Simple repository with commits

As with all of our commit graphs, the sequence of commits flows from left to right and the master label points to the HEAD of the branch. The two most recent commits are labeled A and B. Let’s follow these two commits, introduce a few more, and watch what occurs.

Cloning a Repository

A git clone command yields two separate repositories, as shown in Figure 11-2.

Cloned repository

Figure 11-2. Cloned repository

This picture illustrates some important results of the clone operation:

  • All the commits from the original repository are copied to your clone; you could now easily retrieve earlier stages of the project from your own repository.

  • The development branch named master from the original repository is introduced into your clone on a new tracking branch named origin/master.

  • Within the new clone repository, the new origin/master branch is initialized to point to the master HEAD commit, which is B in the figure.

  • A new development branch called master is created in your clone.

  • The new master branch is initialized to point to origin/HEAD, the original repository’s active branch HEAD. That happens to be origin/master, so it also points to the exact same commit, B.

After cloning, Git selects the new master branch as the current branch and checks it out for you. Thus, unless you change branches, any changes you make after a clone will affect your master.

In all of these diagrams, development branches in both the original repository and the derived clone repository are distinguished by a lightly shaded background, and tracking branches by a darker shaded background. It is important to understand that both the development and tracking branches are private and local to their respective repositories. In terms of Git’s implementation, however, the lightly shaded branch labels belong to the refs/heads/ namespace, while the darker ones belong to refs/remotes/.

Alternate Histories

Once you have cloned and obtained your development repository, two distinct paths of development may result. First, you may do development in your repository and make new commits on your master branch, as shown in Figure 11-3. In this picture, your development extends the master branch with two new commits, X and Y, that are based on B.

Commits in your repository

Figure 11-3. Commits in your repository

In the meantime, any other developer who has access to the original repository might have done further development and pushed her changes into that repository. Those changes are represented in Figure 11-4 by the addition of commits C and D.

Commits in original repository

Figure 11-4. Commits in original repository

In this situation, we say that the histories of the repositories have diverged, or forked, at commit B. In much the same way that local branching within one repository causes alternate histories to diverge at a commit, a repository and its clone can diverge into alternate histories as result of separate actions by possibly different people. It is important to realize that this is perfectly fine and that neither history is more correct than the other.

In fact, the whole point of the merge operation is that these different histories may be brought back together and resolved again. Let’s see how Git implements that!

Non-Fast-Forward Pushes

If you are developing in a repository model in which you have the ability to git push your changes into the origin repository, you might attempt to push your changes at any time. This could create problems if some other developer has previously pushed commits.

This hazard is particularly common when you are using a shared repository development model in which all developers can push their own commits and updates into a common repository at any time.

Let’s look again at Figure 11-3, in which you have made new commits X and Y, based, on B.

If you wanted to push your X and Y commits upstream at this point, you could do so easily. Git would transfer your commits to the origin repository and add them on to the history at B. Git would then perform a special type of merge operation called a fast-forward on the master branch, putting in your edits and updating the ref to point to Y. A fast-forward is essentially a simple linear history advancement operation. It was introduced in Degenerate Merges.

On the other hand, suppose that another developer has already pushed some commits to the origin repository and that the picture is more like Figure 11-4 when you attempted to push your history up to the origin repository. In effect, you are attempting to cause your history to be sent to the shared repository when there is already a different history there. The origin history does not simply fast-forward from B. This situation is called the non-fast-forward push problem.

When you attempt your push, Git rejects it and tells you about the conflict with a message like this:

$ git push
To /tmp/Depot/public_html
 ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to '/tmp/Depot/public_html'

So what are you really trying to do? Do you want to overwrite the other developer’s work? Or do you want to incorporate both sets of histories?


If you want to overwrite all other changes, you can! Just use the -f option on your git push. We just hope you won’t need that alternate history!

More often, you are not trying to wipe out the existing origin history but just want your own changes to be added. In this case, you must perform a merge of the two histories in your repository before pushing.

Fetching the Alternate History

For Git to perform a merge between two alternate histories, both must be present within one repository on two different branches. Branches that are purely local development branches are a special (degenerate) case of their already being in the same repository.

However, if the alternate histories are in different repositories because of cloning, the remote branch must be brought into your repository via a fetch operation. You can carry out the operation through a direct git fetch command or as part of a git pull command; it doesn’t matter. In either case, the fetch brings the remote’s commits, here C and D, into your repository. The results are shown in Figure 11-5.

Fetching the alternate history

Figure 11-5. Fetching the alternate history

In no way does the introduction of the alternate history with commits C and D change the history represented by X and Y; the two alternate histories both now exist simultaneously in your repository and form a more complex graph. Your history is represented by your master branch, and the remote history is represented by the origin/master tracking branch.

Merging Histories

Now that both histories are present in one repository, all that is needed to unify them is a merge of the origin/master branch into the master branch.

The merge operation can be initiated either with a direct git merge origin/master command, or as the second step in a git pull request. In both cases, the techniques for the merge operation are exactly the same as those described in Chapter 9.

Figure 11-6 shows the commit graph in your repository after the merge has successfully assimilated the two histories from commits D and Y into a new commit, M. The ref for origin/master remains pointing at D because it hasn’t changed, but master is updated to the merge commit, M, to indicate that the merge was into the master branch; this is where the new commit was made.

Merging histories

Figure 11-6. Merging histories

Merge Conflicts

Occasionally, there will be merge conflicts between the alternate histories. Regardless of the outcome of the merge, the fetch still occurred. All the commits from the remote repository are still present in your repository on the tracking branch.

You may choose to resolve the merge normally, as covered in Chapter 9, or you may choose to abort the merge and reset your master branch to its prior ORIG_HEAD state using the command git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD. Doing so in this example would move master to the prior HEAD value, Y, and change your working directory to match. It would also leave origin/master at commit D.


You can brush up on the meaning of ORIG_HEAD by reviewing refs and symrefs; see also its use in Aborting or Restarting a Merge.

Pushing a Merged History

If you’ve performed all the steps shown so far, your repository has been updated to contain the latest changes from both the origin repository and your repository. But the converse is not true: the origin repository still doesn’t have your changes.

If your objective is only to incorporate the latest updates from origin into your repository, you are finished when your merge is resolved. On the other hand, a simple git push can return the unified and merged history from your master branch back to the origin repository. Figure 11-7 shows the results after your git push.

Merged histories after push

Figure 11-7. Merged histories after push

Finally, observe that the origin repository has been updated with your development even if it has undergone other changes to it that cause you to have to merge them first. Both your repository and the origin repository have been fully updated and are synchronized.

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