Chapter 13. Concurrency

For years, we’ve heard about the need for multi-core processing and the promised benefits of implementing multiple threads as a means for doing more work in less time. If this is true, then why isn’t everyone embracing multi-threaded algorithms? Even more perplexing is the lackluster returns many see when implementing multiple threaded algorithms. The legends of mythical, many-fold speedups have many asking: “If multiple threads on multiple cores are so great, then why does my single-threaded implementation run faster than my multithreaded?”

The answer lies under the surface. Creating a thread is easy. Creating multiple threads is easy. Getting significant performance from multi-threaded applications can be very hard. The biggest risk is parallel code inadvertently becoming serialized, although there are other problems to overcome.

First, we’re going to look at why multi-core CPUs have become so popular and the basic physical issues behind multi-threading that make it both so powerful and challenging to use well. Then we’ll present the basic vocabulary of threading as it relates to performance. Finally, we’ll give some practical examples of performance tuning concurrent code. This chapter isn’t going to make you a threading expert, but it will give you the knowledge you need to make your threaded code perform well.

Why Multi-Core?

Why scale to multiple cores? Isn’t it better to build single core chips that run faster and faster? To answer this, we have to look at the physical limits involved in manufacturing a microprocessor.

What are the ultimate limiting factors for a single processor’s performance? One limit is the speed of light. To date, no one has figured out how to send a signal faster than the speed of light. This becomes a major issue. As chips get bigger, chip designers run into significant timing issues because signals take time to propagate. In addition, transistors, the building blocks of chips, take time to switch. There has to be time for signals to propagate and potentially many transistors to switch every clock cycle. Ultimately, even the speed of a transistor is limited by the propagation delay due to the speed of light.

So we want everything to be as small as possible for maximum speed. But there are limits to size, too—and light is largely at fault here as well. The photolithographic process that is used to “print” chips relies on a light source, and the wavelength of that light determines the minimum size of any individual piece of the chip. An electron charge sent through a wire will not travel faster than the speed of light by any means understood today. The limit of the speed of light becomes more noticeable as the size of chips increases.

While technology keeps improving, there are other factors that get in the way of increasing performance by increasing frequency. One is power consumption. As we increase frequency, we also increase power consumption. Unfortunately, this is not a linear correlation, so more and more power does not lead to higher and higher frequency. We have lots of power to spend, but all that power has to go somewhere, and a very dense chip runs into power dissipation issues very quickly.

In addition to all this, the chip requires that the rest of the system keep up with it. Latency to memory limits performance, as does the responsiveness of every other piece of the system. Another issue is the wall we hit from fetching memory. Going back to our earlier analogy in Chapter 6, “CPU Bound: Memory,” which compares a CPU to a sports car and memory to a stoplight, reminds us that increasing frequency would only speed up the sports car and not the stoplight.

When architects build a city, they don’t build one tower a thousand stories tall. Instead, there are many buildings of different heights, built appropriate to their purposes. It is a lot easier to build many cores that work together than it is to build a single core that can move the world. By adding more cores and decreasing frequency so that the additional cores don’t use more power than we can provide, we can get a lot more performance per watt.

This is great news for laptops. And even before laptops were popular, the Voyager, Viking, and Galileo space probes (among many other projects) used networks of CPUs to get greater performance, reliability, efficiency, and flexibility.

Of course, progress is not going to stop tomorrow. Transistors will continue to decrease in size and increase in speed and efficiency. Frequencies will rise. Power dissipation will improve. Basic performance of cores will continue to rise for decades to come.

Before we dive into multi-threaded development, we can thank hardware, compiler, and OS developers for doing an awful lot of work for us. Instruction level parallelism gives us limited concurrency without any involvement on the part of the programmer. Multiple cores help reduce the pressure that multiprocessing puts on a system without any effort from application writers.

However, in most situations, the best way to scale an application to multiple cores is with multi-threading. Either across multiple processes or within the same process, each thread can run independently on its own core. This allows the total system to achieve performance far in excess of any single computing element.

Why Multi-Threading Is Difficult

This title may be more suitable for a chapter or a book, but for now, we will cover the most fundamental reasons why multi-threaded programming is difficult. The issues lie in the understanding of the basics of your operating system and its relationship to a thread.

Here is a quick refresher on threads. Simply put, a thread is the smallest element of execution in a functional unit of an operating system. There are different ways to create threads, depending on which threading API you use. Some APIs are high level and abstract the finer details, such as OpenMP or Intel’s Threading Building Blocks; other APIs, such as Windows Thread API and POSIX, enable low-level control.

Threading happens in two broad varieties: preemptive and cooperative threading. Cooperative threading is simplest. When a thread is ready, it yields execution to another thread. However, this has problems scaling; every thread has to know about every other thread in order for the scheduling to be fair. If a single thread fails, then the whole system grinds to a halt.

Modern operating systems implement preemptive threading. A scheduler monitors execution, and based on various rules, it switches executing threads so that each gets a turn to work. This switching process is called a context switch, and involves copying the thread’s entire state—including registers, stack, and OS context—and replacing it with the next thread’s state.

Preemptive threading is at the root of threading difficulty. Context switches can happen at any time, usually when it is least convenient. Preemption can happen right in the middle of a line of code, and it usually does.

The unpredictability of context switches gives us bugs that are not deterministic, given some set of user interactions. If you are lucky, the bug submitted by QA will occur every time you follow the sequence that created the bug report; if you are unlucky, that bug may only occur one every hundred or thousand times, or not at all if you are not on the tester’s hardware.

Every thread programmer knows about the synchronization primitives—mutexes, semaphores, conditional variables, and the like—that allow us to ensure correct functioning. However, by adding synchronization logic, we all too often create performance problems.

Finding the minimum amount of synchronization that guarantees proper functioning is a fine art, and one we hope to introduce you to over the course of the rest of this chapter.

Data and Task Parallelism

Allowing a job to run in parallel requires that the job be broken down into pieces so that different hardware can operate on the job simultaneously. This process, known as decomposition, is achieved via two methods: data parallelism and task parallelism.

With data parallelism, you can achieve parallelism by dividing data and processing each segment independently. To compare data parallelism to a real-world example, consider an envelope stuffing session for a campaign. To perform the task in parallel, the envelopes and flyers (the data) are split between the volunteers. Each volunteer then independently opens envelopes, stuffs them, and closes them.

Data parallelism includes both a scatter and gather phase. Using the envelope stuffing session as a metaphor, the scatter operation occurs when you pass out the envelopes. The gather occurs as each envelope stuffer places an envelope in a bin to send to the post office. Often, the scattering of data is easy, but when it’s time to gather the data, complications occur since threads may need to communicate closely in order to work correctly. In our example, if the volunteers don’t communicate correctly, then they may end up filling a bin until it overflows.

To understand task parallelism, let’s take the same circumstance and reorganize the group. This time, we will divide tasks among each volunteer and create a paradigm more like an assembly line. The envelopes will arrive at the first volunteer who will open it and pass it to the second volunteer who will stuff it. The envelope will continue down the assembly line until the overall task is complete.

This distinction works well, but in practice, more complex algorithms will be hybrids. Modern graphics pipelines are a good example of data and task parallelism at work together. For example, a GPU distributes data across its many cores and processes it in parallel. The vertex, pixel, and rasterization tasks a GPU performs are examples of scatter/gather. Through synch and ordering primitives, the work is split up and passed out across multiple cores, and later it is gathered. For instance, pixels from multiple draw calls can be in flight, but you have to make sure that they appear in the correct order when you blend them so the image is consistent.


For some, seeing is believing, and many don’t see the performance increase they expect in their multi-threaded implementation. There are many potential causes, but most threading performance problems are due to three main causes: scalability, contention, or balancing.


Problems of scalability prevent you from seeing continual increases in performance as you increase threading and/or cores. Many multi-threaded algorithms will not continually show an increase in performance as you add threads and cores. Developing an algorithm that will scale indefinitely can be quite daunting. Problems that can scale indefinitely are called “embarrassingly parallel.” Graphics/pixel processing is one such problem, which is why GPUs have been so successful at increasing performance.

For a long time, we pointed to Amdahl’s law when trying to describe one of the typical scalability issues. Amdahl stated that the maximum speedup from parallelization depends on the portion of the task that is serial. The serial portion often occurs where communication between processors exists or when a gathering of information occurs. Using our letter stuffing campaign as an example, serial execution occurs when the letter bin is full and everyone stops adding letters to the bin until the old one is gone and a new bin is in place.

Amdahl’s Law reads:

1/1(1−P + P/S)

Where P is the proportion of the program we are speeding up and S is the factor by which we’ve sped that part up. Let’s take a look at what happens if we can take 80% of our program and parallelize it.

As you can see from this graph, ultimately the speed of the app is limited by the part that isn’t parallelized. In other words, the limit to scalability is the serial portion of our app. Of course, in our example, we still made the whole thing X times faster. But that’s assuming that the parallelized part has no serial portions and that the code runs in complete isolation from the rest of the system until it’s synchronized.

In 1988, Gustafson came up with his own law, which offers another solution to the calculation of predicting scalability.

Gustafson’s Law reads:

S = a(n) + p *(1−(a))

Where a(n) is the serial function and p is the number of processors. Gustafson states that the significance of the serial portion becomes less a contributing factor as n approaches infinity. In other words, according to Gustafson, if the size of the job of the parallel algorithm can grow to be larger and larger, so can our returns of being parallel since the serial part does not necessarily grow linearly with the parallel part.

For an example of how Gustafson’s Law plays out, let’s look at image processing. There is a serial part (loading and unloading the buffers holding the image) and a parallel part (running the processing kernel on each pixel). The more complex the kernel, the bigger the speedup from parallelization because it will overshadow the cost of copying data into/out of the buffer. In this example, increasing the size of the image can improve performance gain, as long as your processing time per byte is greater than your transfer time.

To add to the confusion, Shi suggests that there is, in fact, one law and the two equations are actually equal (Shi, 1996). Shi states that determining the concept of a serial percentage of a program is misleading and that Gustafson’s definition of p is different than Amdahl’s.

Computer scientists continue to cite and dispute the methods for predicting parallel performance increase. But there is one thing they won’t dispute: Serial execution in a parallel algorithm is bad for performance. When designing a parallel algorithm, consider what elements of your algorithm will cause serial execution and do your best to reduce or remove them.


In a perfect world, we would be able to write programs that could be entirely parallelized with no serial portion at all. But practically, we run into a major issue related to our desire for our program to execute correctly and in a reliable and consistent manner. This limiting factor is called contention. Contention occurs when one or more threads attempt to access the same resource at the same time.

Imagine each resource as an intersection. Cars (threads) pass through it in several directions at once. If cars go through with no regulation, then eventually there will be a wreck, either a literal crash or incorrect program behavior.

There are many ways to tackle this problem. They vary in complexity, performance, and effectiveness.

The simplest solution is to put up stop signs. Threads use the resource on a first-come, first-served basis. You can implement this by using a mutex. This approach requires each thread to lock the mutex while they’re using the resource, and you’re set. You’ll often see this approach used to quickly make a subsystem thread-safe—for instance, a memory manager will often have a global mutex.

Another option is to replace the intersection with separate, nonintersecting roads. For instance, we might give each thread its own local heap, instead of making them contend over a single global heap. But in some cases, this isn’t feasible. For instance, memory usage by threads might be so great that there isn’t enough to reserve for each thread’s heap. Or the shared resource might need to be common between all threads in order for correct program execution, like a draw queue.

Even though a resource might need to be shared, it doesn’t need to be exactly in sync all the time. For instance, the draw queue might only need to be double buffered rather than shared, reducing the number of potential contentions from hundreds a frame to one.

A third option is to look for more efficient synchronization. In the context of the intersection, this is like installing stoplights and allowing turns on red. Sometimes, you can break up a single resource into multiple parts that can be accessed independently, for example, do finer-grained synchronization. Other times, you can use hardware support to make synchronization operations faster. In yet other cases, it may be possible to remove extraneous synchronization checks.

Synchronization primitives (mutexes, locks, semaphores, atomic operations, etc.) are essential for correct functioning. But each one holds the possibility for your threads to fall back into a serial mode and lose all the performance gains you get from concurrency. Serial operation, as we noted in the previous section, is a major limiter for performance of multi-threaded implementations.


Balancing workload is the final third of the thread performance picture. Just as the whole computer must have a balanced workload for maximum efficiency, your various computing tasks need to be balanced among the different hardware elements that can run them. It’s no good having a multi-threaded application that uses one core completely and leaves the rest untouched.

We already have a powerful set of techniques for measuring this, which are the same profiling techniques we have been discussing throughout this book. Look at the CPU utilization of the cores on your target system, and if they are uneven, determine what factor is preventing them all from being used evenly. Likely causes are starvation (not enough work to keep them all busy, or an artificial limit preventing work from being allocated properly) or serialization (for example, dependencies between tasks that force them to be executed in order rather than in parallel).

The rest of this chapter goes into more detail on strategies for keeping workloads balanced.

Thread Creation

When we create a thread, we also create the structures required to manage a thread. These structures include thread local storage, kernel stack, user stack, and environment block. Creating threads involves some overhead and memory, and as you saw in Chapter 6, “CPU Bound: Memory,” dynamic allocation of small amounts can lead to memory fragmentation. To use threads efficiently, you should create a thread pool and reuse threads instead of frequently creating and destroying threads.

So how many threads should you create? A common piece of advice, in regards to thread count, is to create one thread per core. But a quick look in the Windows Task Manger will yield numbers in the range of 500 to 1,200 threads, depending on how many processes are running. Does this mean that we need 500 to 1,200 cores to meet performance expectations? Technology moves fast, and although Intel suggests that we should be thinking in hundreds or thousands of threads (Ghuloum, 2008), we aren’t there today on the CPU.

The 1-to-1 ratio of thread to core is a good general rule, but like any general rule, the reason for the popularity is probably more due to its simplicity than its accuracy. The 1-to-1 ratio is not necessarily for every case. For example, threads that are running as a lower priority or aren’t performance sensitive do not require a 1-to-1 ratio. Threads that are often blocking on the OS can also be run at a higher density without problem.

The reason a 1-to-1 ratio works so well is due to the hardware support for concurrent processing. For example, consider the synchronization of six threads on a four-core machine. Since hardware only supports four threads, then only four threads can synchronize; the other two must wait for their turn on the core. We’ve now increased the time it takes to synchronize. We examine this point in the section “Example” at the end of this chapter.

Thread context switching is another part of the overhead of having many threads. It can take the operating system many cycles to switch from one thread to another. In many situations, it is cheaper for a thread that has completed a unit of work to grab another piece of work from a job queue rather than for it to switch to another thread or (worse) terminate itself and later start a new thread.

Thread Destruction

Since you shouldn’t create threads during runtime, it probably follows that you shouldn’t destroy them either. There are no real concerns for thread destruction and performance; however, you must ensure that all threads are finished before closing the application. If the main thread doesn’t close all remaining threads successfully, the process will still exist, and you will likely need assistance from the operating system since you probably don’t have an interface to shut down that dangling thread.

Thread Management

Sheep may appear to move in a semi-random way. Herders introduce other elements such as fences, dogs, and whistles; and although we can’t control the sheep directly, a watchful eye ensures that the sheep don’t go astray. Thread management, implemented with synchronization primitives, gives you the same capability not to directly control the OS, but rather manipulate it to do what you want.


Years ago, Edsger Dijkstra invented the semaphore, a primitive with two operations: acquire and release. Operating systems implement semaphores differently, but all synchronization objects share or decompose to the underlying concept of the semaphore. (A mutex can be thought of as a binary semaphore.)

class Semaphore

   // member functions
   unsigned int m_Current;
   unsigned int m_Count;

    //member functions
    Init( int count );

A semaphore acts as a gatekeeper for requests for threads. Consider the following, not so sanitary, analogy.

Often, when you need to use the restroom at a gas station, it is locked. Asking the store clerk yields some form of key, with a brick, hubcap, or some other object to deter you from stealing the key. Imagine if a particular gas station has 10 restrooms. If no one is using the restroom, the clerk has 10 keys; when the first person arrives, he/she is gladly handed a key. The clerk now has nine keys to pass to people requesting a key. If 10 people are currently using the restrooms, there are none available to give. The 11th person must wait until any of the other ten returns.

To compare the previous analogy to the class in question, m_Current is the total number of people using a restroom and m_Count is the number of restrooms. Acquire is similar to asking the clerk for a key and Release is akin to giving the key back. The people are the threads.

This simple structure is the basis for manipulation of the threads. Different operating systems implement this simple structure in different ways, so understanding the concept of the semaphore gives you a foundation for understanding every OS implementation.

Win32 Synchronization

Since many games use the Win32 thread primitives, we will spend a few sections discussing them specifically. All of the APIs we discuss here are valid from Windows 2000 on, and are likely to remain part of the core Windows API for many years to come.

Critical Sections and Mutex

A critical section and mutex have similar functionality with different implementations and performance implications. A critical section is a userspace anonymous mutex, and a Win32 mutex is an interprocess named mutex. There can be any number of either critical sections or mutexes. The functionality provides the easy ability to place an enter-and-leave call before and after a section of code that you want to protect from access by more than one thread or (in the case of the Win32 Mutex) process at a time.

Imagine two lakes connected by channels wide enough for only one boat. If any boats (threads) want to navigate to the other lake, they must first determine if the channel they want to use is empty before entering. This channel, where only one boat can fit at any time, is similar to a critical section or a mutex.

When a thread enters a critical section or takes a mutex, any other thread wishing to enter the critical section or take the mutex will contend for that space and block, until the occupying thread leaves the section or releases the mutex. Contention, as noted previously, is a cause of serial operation and a limiter of performance increases.

In Windows, the difference between a critical section and the mutex is the level at which the synchronization primitive is visible. The critical section implementation is only visible within an application; the mutex implementation is visible between applications as well. A mutex will be slower on average than a critical section, because it must deal with more complex scenarios. In most cases, you only need to synchronize between threads in the same application, so the critical section will be the most commonly used option.

The critical section and mutex, in Windows, share a similar interface. A critical section will use the syntax of Enter and Leave to specify areas of code where only one processor can enter at any given moment. A mutex will use a wait-function to enter the protected code and a ReleaseMutex call to exit the protected call.

Critical sections and mutexes are powerful and easy to use; unfortunately, they are also easy to abuse. For performance considerations, developers should not think of these two synchronization objects simply as a means for preventing multi-threading problems. Since contention is expensive, and noncontention is not, developers should create their algorithms with the goal of naturally reducing contention. If you design this way, you can use critical sections and mutexes as a failsafe in the unlikely event that two or more threads attempt to enter the same area at the same time. Reducing contention as much as possible is ideal.


Windows has a traditional semaphore implementation. A windows semaphore object uses ReleaseSemaphone to increment the semaphore and a WaitFor*Object() to decrement it.


An event in Windows is a binary semaphore. So instead of being able to increment an event, it only has two states: signaled and nonsignaled. They are marked as signaled by using SetEvent().

WaitFor*Object Calls

WaitForSingleObject, supplied with a handle to an appropriate object, and WaitForMultipleObjects, supplied with an array of handles, are two calls you can use to block these objects. For example, you can call WaitForSingleObject on an event handle to create an OS implemented blocking system to keep a thread waiting efficiently for another thread to signal the event. The wait function also has a parameter for setting a time-out interval. This time-out can be set to INFINITE, which implies that the function will wait indefinitely to control the semaphore, mutex, or event, or you can set a millisecond value that specifies a wait time before “giving up” on the wait and moving on.

HANDLE mutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, NULL );

DWORD dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( mutex , INFINITE );

If( dwWaitResult )

    //critical code
    ReleaseMutex( mutex );

Multi-Threading Problems

So why are we doing all this synchronization? What would happen if we just let the threads run as they seem fit? Are there parts of our hardware that cause contention, or is this merely a software problem? Are there any problems other than performance that can occur if we use synchronization objects? These questions are answered when we examine race conditions, false sharing, and deadlocks.

Race Condition

In a typical race, the winner is the person who arrives first. In a race condition, the winner may be the thread that gets to a memory address last.

A race condition creates incorrect data due to unexpected interactions between threads. The classic example is two threads trying to increment the same variable. The interaction should go something like this:

  1. Thread A) Read the value from memory into a register.

  2. Thread A) Increment the register.

  3. Thread A) Write the register to memory.

  4. Thread B) Read the value from memory into a register.

  5. Thread B) Increment the register.

  6. Thread B) Write the register to memory.

If the value started at 1, now we have 3. But depending on the order of execution, the following could occur:

  1. Thread A) Read the value from memory into a register.

  2. Thread B) Read the value from memory into a register.

  3. Thread A) Increment the register.

  4. Thread A) Write the register to memory.

  5. Thread B) Increment the register.

  6. Thread B) Write the register to memory.

In which case, we end up with 2. Whoever writes his invalid data last has won the race and broken the program.

Sharing/False Sharing

A race condition creates incorrect results due to the issue of order; false sharing describes an issue with one or more cores using a memory address at the same time (or very near to the same time). It cannot happen in single core execution for reasons that will become clear shortly.

From the earlier chapter on memory, you should understand that memory utilizes a hierarchy of registers, caches, and DRAM. As the cache hierarchy transfers data, there is the potential for data to get out of sync. For instance, if one core reads some memory into cache right before another core writes to the same memory, there is the potential for the first core to have old values in its cache. When two or more cores share a cache line, the memory subsystem may force serial updates of the shared line to maintain data integrity. This serialization, known as sharing, creates an overhead that the program can do without. Figure 13.1 further explains the process in steps.

A shows the same data being loaded into two CPU’s caches. B shows CPU 1 writing to the shared data. C shows corrective action being taken by the system to propagate the change to CPU 2’s cache.

Figure 13.1. A shows the same data being loaded into two CPU’s caches. B shows CPU 1 writing to the shared data. C shows corrective action being taken by the system to propagate the change to CPU 2’s cache.

Consider two cores, 1 and 2, that read the same cache line from DRAM into the L2 cache and L1 cache (A). So far, coherency is maintained. If core 1 changes a value in the cache line, a coherency issue occurs (B). This type of issue is common for a single thread, the discrepancy of the value in core 1’s register is temporary and eventually the value of the register will copy to the cache and back to the DRAM. In this case, however, there is another discrepancy that exists between the register in core 1 and the register in core 2. This discrepancy is unacceptable and could lead to inaccuracies.

The hardware solves this problem the only way it can—by blocking core 2 from proceeding and forcing an update to occur that ensures the values in core 2’s register match the L1 caches, the L2 cache, and core 2’s registers. This comes at a cost of the update and time lost for the synchronization to occur. (When a CPU does this, it will also drop any predicatively executed results so that code runs consistently.) This update process is known as sharing.

False sharing is similar, but a bit more obtuse. Since the synchronization occurs when sharing cache lines, this type of synchronization can occur when core 1 and core 2 are working with completely different variables. The usual suspects are member variables or global variables being acted upon by two different cores at the same time.

In the worst case, false sharing can result in every core in the system running in serial, since each updates a cache line in turn and then blocks until every other core gets a chance to process the update. This results in a ping-pong effect because each processor runs in a serial mode updating the other.

Sharing of the same variable should be avoided; it is likely also a race condition. While false sharing will not result in a race condition, it still incurs the performance penalty of sharing. In the case of false sharing, the solution is easy: ensure that variables that are frequently updated by different threads are not on the same cache line.

struct vertex
   float xyz[3]; //data 1
   float tutv[2];//data 2

vertex triList[N];

Let’s use a vertex as an example to discuss the possible solutions. Let’s assume that core 1 is working with data 1 and core 2 with data 2. We could pad the shared variables so they aren’t on the same cache line, and although this would work, we have greatly bloated the size of the array.

We could reorganize the implementation to have core 1 operate on all even vertices and core 2 operate on the odd. This case will work well if the vertex is 64-byte aligned and 64 bytes in size (which is actually a popular vertex size). If it is close, padding by four bytes or so is probably an acceptable trade-off.

A better solution would be to convert the array of structures to a structure of arrays. The data is now separated and each core can access its data linearly, as opposed to periodically, a requirement of the prior structure.

struct vertices
   float xyz[3][N];   // Core 1
   float tutv[2][N]; // Core 2

vertices triList;

False sharing is not ideal; however, it’s not as bad as it once was. Cores on the same chip often have shared caches, which removes the need for them to synchronize by writing all the way out to DRAM.


A deadlock occurs when two or more threads are mutually blocking. A deadlock is similar to a stalemate in chess—nothing wrong occurred per se, but the game is over and no one can move. Deadlocks can occur for many reasons, but typically, they are the result of faulty logic causing interdependent synchronization objects.

Let’s start with a simple example. Let’s take two threads, X and Y, and two critical sections, CSa and CSb. A deadlock would occur if the following order of events were to occur:

  1. Thread X acquires CSa

  2. Thread Y acquires CSb

  3. Thread X blocks on CSb—thread X blocks indefinitely

  4. Thread Y blocks on CSa—thread Y blocks indefinitely

Thread X waits indefinitely for Y’s release of CSb, and thread Y waits indefinitely for X’s release of CSa—they will wait forever. Deadlocks aren’t performance concerns that you can optimize; you just need to remove them.

Deadlock occurrences are measureable statistically, meaning they can occur on a spectrum of having a high-to-low probability. A deadlock that has a one-in-a-million chance to occur is very hard to debug and chances are that there is a lot of shipped software with deadlocks in this probability. To combat this problem, there are tools that can perform a statistical analysis of your code and report where deadlocks may occur. One such program is Intel’s Thread checker.

The previous example, if performed in a different order, would not have triggered a deadlock. If the OS created context switches in the following order, the code would proceed:

  1. Thread X acquires CSa

  2. Thread X acquires CSb

  3. Thread X releases CSa

  4. Thread X releases CSb

  5. Thread Y acquires CSb

  6. Thread Y blocks on CSa

  7. Thread Y releases CSb

  8. Thread Y releases CSa


Resource contention can be an issue, but it’s usually possible to avoid it with good design. For instance, if you are going to be doing a lot of disk IO, you might want to have a worker thread that services disk requests instead of having each thread do its own IO and potentially overloading the disk. Or if two threads are going to access the same section of memory frequently, they might benefit from having their own copies of the data.

Practical Limits

If you’re writing useful programs, you’ll have to deal with contention issues. In the last section, we talked about some situations where contention comes up and some ways to deal with it. But what are common reasons for contention to be needed?

Hidden locks can be a big performance hog, because they typically aren’t added with performance in mind. Third-party code can sometimes have synchronization primitives in it that cause problems. For instance, a memory allocator might have a lock to access a shared heap. If you have threads that are frequently allocating or freeing memory, this can completely kill performance, effectively reducing the threads to serial execution. The hardware can sometimes enforce synchronization, too, for instance if two threads are trying to write to the same area in memory.

How Do We Measure?

At a basic level, you can spot threading performance issues by looking for lost time, time spent idle or waiting on synchronization primitives. If you see that 80% of your thread’s time is spent trying to acquire locks, you know that something is wrong. Make sure that you have a profiler that supports multiple threads!

Look for normal API calls that sometimes take much longer than expected, as this is a sign of hidden locks or other forms of contention. If printf starts taking up 50% of your time when you add a second thread that prints, you should check whether it has a lock in it.

There are a few considerations to keep in mind when measuring threading performance. Look out for “heisenbugs,” which are problems that disappear or appear when you try to observe them. Sometimes, the profiler can alter execution sufficiently to change your performance bottlenecks. Make sure that you test with a real workload; threading is indeterminate, so your numbers may change dramatically, depending on the situation.

Looking at it from a positive perspective, when you add threading, you should be measuring overall time for your benchmark. It’s helpful to be able to execute in both a single-thread or multi-thread mode; then you can quickly do A/B comparisons to see where you’re at performance wise. Sometimes, all that’s needed for this is to force CPU affinity so that the program only runs on a single core. Additionally, you should be looking at the utilization of the resources that you intend to be using (for example, the other cores). When running with multiple threads, you should see much more even distribution of load.

Setting CPU affinity can also help identify some race conditions. If you force everything to run on one core, it has to be run in serial. Doing this lets you remove simultaneous access of data as a potential cause of problems.

In the case of using a thread to manage a slow resource (like disk access), you probably won’t see a spike in utilization. Instead, you’ll see a reduction in latency spikes—i.e., more regular and even frame times.


First, look at your threading approach from a high level. Amdahl’s Law is useful here; you can determine some theoretical limits on performance. Be aware that Amdahl’s Law requires full knowledge of the system to be entirely accurate. If you only model part of the system with it, you may not be properly estimating available performance. For instance, sometimes you can get super-linear speedups because the hardware is better utilized by multiple threads.

Then you can use the usual process. Grab a multi-thread-capable profiler, identify the biggest performance loss, and fix it. Measure and repeat.

The best tactic for optimizing concurrent applications is removing sources of contention—attempts to lock mutexes, semaphores, etc. You must be careful that you don’t sacrifice the correct functioning of your program. From there, it’s very similar to optimizing a serial application.

There are some new tactics you can use. Try to keep high-use resources thread-local. If your thread is going to be allocating a lot of memory, give it its own local buffer of memory to use, so it doesn’t have to hit the global heap all the time.

Depending on your hardware, you might be able to use so-called lockless algorithms, which can be much more efficient because they bring the granularity of synchronization down to single elements in a data structure. They require specific hardware support, so you have to be careful not to rely on functionality that only some users will have.

Finally, try to defer synchronization, if synchronization is costly. For instance, let a thread buffer several work elements before it merges them into the final result set. If you are doing lots of little tasks, this can save significant amounts of overhead.


To better understand the challenges of writing fast multi-threaded code, we will step through an example using a multi-threaded implementation of parallel streaming data. This example would be a useful implementation for someone looking to read from an asynchronous resource or to parallelize a stream of messages and their associated data. In Chapter 16, “GPGPU,” we will use a similar example to see how the GPU could also process this data. Most of the concepts from this chapter are used in the following examples.

The example demonstrates feeding data between two or more threads. Half of the threads will perform writing operations that will push an integer into an input/output buffer that we call a ReadWriter. In a more practical example, the reader operations may perform processing operations and then end with a reduction to a single value like you would in a MAX function, but for simplicity, this example will end with reading the data, a stream of integers, from the buffer. Efficiently reducing the buffer is an equally challenging problem. Luckily, the tips you will learn from this example with provide you with the understanding to solve that problem. Figure 13.2 illustrates the flow of execution in this example.

High-level concept of this example. Multiple threads will write to a ReadWriter that manages the handoff and sharing between a writer and reader thread.

Figure 13.2. High-level concept of this example. Multiple threads will write to a ReadWriter that manages the handoff and sharing between a writer and reader thread.

Using this example, we will review the concepts we’ve discussed thus far in this chapter.

Naïve ReadWriter Implementation

The simplest (incorrect) implementation of the ReadWriter would be to have a shared variable that threads could access. A writer thread could write to a variable and then a reader thread would read the value. Writing variables is not guaranteed to be atomic, so if one thread is writing to the memory, the reading thread may perform a read on a partially written value. This partial update is known as tearing, an occurrence you must protect against.

If you were to make the shared variable’s reading and writing atomic, say by surrounding the shared variable with a critical section, or by using atomic operations (for instance, InterlockedIncrement on Win32), then the transaction would be safe; however, this is not optimal. In the best case, the two threads would behave serially, with a ping-pong-like transaction involving one thread waiting for the other to exit the critical section.

You might assume that two cores running at 50% give a similar performance to one core running at 100%, but that is not the case. Switching from one thread to another involves overhead in both hardware and in the OS. So in this implementation, two threads taking turns in lockstep is not as fast as one thread running without the overhead of thread switching.

In Figure 13.3, you can see that while one thread is running, the other is waiting—each thread is running in lockstep. In the multi-thread visualization, each core is spending nearly as much time waiting as it does running, and each switch comes at a cost that limits the overall utilization.

Visualization showing how a single-threaded implementation with no overhead achieves better utilization than a dual-threaded implementation that causes costly overhead due to the switching that occurs when two threads execute in lockstep.

Figure 13.3. Visualization showing how a single-threaded implementation with no overhead achieves better utilization than a dual-threaded implementation that causes costly overhead due to the switching that occurs when two threads execute in lockstep.

How bad is the overhead of switching cores? Well, let’s run an experiment to find out.

We are able to create this lock-step behavior using the PerformanceHarness example threading/writeReader and defining THREADSTREAM to 0 at the top of the file.

Running this code on our test machines and using Intel’s Thread Profiler yields statistics about the active time for the two threads. By examining a 500-millisecond section of execution during the writing and reading, we find that thread 1 is active, meaning not in a wait state, for about 370 milliseconds and thread 2 is active for about 300 milliseconds. This yields a combined total of 670 milliseconds or 67% of the total 1,000 milliseconds possible (2 threads × 500 milliseconds). Of the 670 active milliseconds, 315 milliseconds are spent in serial operations attributable to the critical sections used to implement the synchronization. This inefficiency leads us with only 355 (670-315) milliseconds of real processing. So to summarize, we are only utilizing the processor for 35.5% of the total that is theoretically possible for this time span.

Running this test 10 times provides an average time that we can use for comparison with later implementations. When tested, the benchmarks average for 10 tests is around 2.422 seconds. It should also be noted that the number of contentions is so high, that the Thread Profiler takes quite some time to visualize them all.

Array Implementation

For the next optimization, let’s increase the single variable to an array, similar to the visualization in Figure 13.4. At each array point, we will have a space for a value and a synchronization primitive.

Contentions could dramatically be reduced by switching from a single variable to an array. In case A, a contention occurs. In case B, a contention does not.

Figure 13.4. Contentions could dramatically be reduced by switching from a single variable to an array. In case A, a contention occurs. In case B, a contention does not.

You can re-create this example by defining the preprocessor value THREADSTREAM to 1. This implementation has some significant advantages over the single variable approach in the previous attempt. The likelihood of experiencing a contention is significantly reduced since, instead of a guaranteed contention, the program has the potential for contention, meaning that it doesn’t always contend. The more you increase the ARRAY_SIZE defined value, the less likely you are to contend.

Intel’s thread profiler confirms this approach and the utilization is high. Using the previous implementation, both threads are nearly 100% utilized. We are able to move through 1,000,000 integers in roughly 106 milliseconds, which is a 2,179% performance increase.

Earlier in this book, we discussed the three levels of optimization: system, application, and micro. Those lessons transfer well to optimizing our algorithm. By reducing the contentions, we have increased the utilization, which is a step in the right direction.

But a high utilization doesn’t automatically mean that we have the fastest algorithm. If you sit behind your desk all day at work and search the Internet, you might be busy, but your productivity is horrible. To optimize, we must have both high utilization and efficient processing. That leads us to our next optimization.

Batched Array

For our final implementation, we will build on the array approach by reducing the number of critical section enter-and-leave calls by maintaining a mutex for each section of the array. Figure 13.5 shows the approach.

Notice that no contention occurs except at point A, where two threads try to access the same data at the same time.

Figure 13.5. Notice that no contention occurs except at point A, where two threads try to access the same data at the same time.

In the array implementation, we have an enter-and-leave call for every read or write. By using an array-of-arrays instead of one big array, we can have a lock per row. This reduces the overhead of enter-and-leave calls and uses more of our processor for processing data. You can re-create this example by setting the preprocessor define THREADSTREAM equal to 2.

Utilization is great, and now the processing is more efficient and takes advantage of the CPU’s ability to step quickly through linear memory. Our implementation is now running in 9.9 milliseconds, an appreciable performance gain.

For a test, we implemented a single-threaded version of the reader writer and compared it to the multi-threaded version. The results are not incredibly impressive; the single-threaded implementation achieves nearly 11.5 milliseconds, which begs the question of why so much work was done for such a small increase and the potential for such bad performance.

The answer lies in scaling. The delta between these two implementations improves performance as we increase the number of integers. By upping the ITERATION to 10,000,000, the threaded version becomes nearly twice as fast in total execution time instead of just slightly ahead. By increasing the thread count to four, the average time moves to 6.9 milliseconds.

Thread Count

Conversely, increasing the thread count to six reduces performance to 9.1 milliseconds. Why? Executing more intensive threads than cores will create over-utilization, a term that defines a condition in which we are using more software threads than the number of simultaneous threads in hardware. There are many references that suggest the optimal thread ratio is 1:1 cores to threads, but there are very few examples of why.

We found that the biggest contributor to this is not overhead caused by having too many threads. We do not believe that the OS will increase context switches by shortening time slices and the processor doesn’t manage threads, so it has no say in the matter as well. (Even in the case of Hyper-Threading, the CPU doesn’t schedule. It just allows two threads at a time to run on the same core.)

A key issue is synchronization. Synchronization is slower when there isn’t a one-to-one relationship of thread to hardware. Four threads can synchronize nearly instantly on a four-core machine. When we run six threads on a four-core machine, only four can synchronize concurrently. The remaining two will require a thread context switch from the other threads. The serialization of these threads can be significant, especially if the OS is switching to other threads in-between the serialization.

If synchronization is the issue, then algorithms with larger concurrency-to-synchronization ratios should see less of a performance problem. This data is presented in Figure 13.6.

Elapsed time, normalized for 1,000,000 entries, for varying numbers of entries and threads. On our four-core test system, four threads gave the consistently best performance.

Figure 13.6. Elapsed time, normalized for 1,000,000 entries, for varying numbers of entries and threads. On our four-core test system, four threads gave the consistently best performance.

Sharing, Balancing, and Synchronization

Lastly, the source code for these tests provides us more information on sharing, balancing, and synchronization primitives.

Several variables in the source have the _ _declspec(align(64)) preprocessor directive (not cross platform). This is because the variables nearby have the possibility to incur performance hits due to false sharing. By forcing 64-byte alignement, the variable will have its own cache line, eliminating any opportunity for false sharing.

To experiment with balancing, try allocating an uneven number of readers and writers. By default, the program allocates one reader for every writer.

Finally, there were many efforts taken to increase the performance of synchronization primitives. Events provided a faster implementation for signaling from one thread to another. In this algorithm, events were much faster than implementing spinlocks with volatile Boolean variables.


In this chapter, we covered the basics of threading from the perspective of performance. While not always easy, multi-core, and therefore multi-threading, is here to stay.

You control threads indirectly, meaning you don’t tell threads what to do like the OS does, you just provide the means for directing and synchronizing them by using synchronization objects.

There are many barriers to achieving performance through multi-threading. First, you must understand what tools you have; then you must learn how to use them. Contention should be minimized, as well as all areas of serial execution. You should strive to reduce serial sections of your algorithms since they contribute significantly to the potential of performance increase.

Lastly, we presented an example that demonstrated how an algorithm can evolve from having a lot of contentions and a very low degree of parallelism to having very low contention and a very high degree of parallelism that is scalable.


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