Chapter 3
Understanding Virtual Machines

Virtual machines are the fundamental components of virtualization. They are the containers for traditional operating systems and applications that run on top of a hypervisor on a physical server. Inside a virtual machine, things seem very much like the inside of a physical server—but outside, things are very different. In this chapter, we will examine these differences, focus on how virtual machines work in relation to the physical machines they reside on, and take the initial steps in understanding how virtual machines are managed.

  • Describing a virtual machine
  • Understanding how a virtual machine works
  • Working with virtual machines

Describing a Virtual Machine

A virtual machine, also referred to as a VM, has many of the same characteristics as a physical server. Like an actual server, a VM supports an operating system and is configured with a set of resources to which the applications running on the VM can request access. Unlike a physical server (where only one operating system runs at any one time and few, usually related, applications run), many VMs can run simultaneously inside a single physical server, and these VMs can also run many different operating systems supporting many different applications. Also, unlike a physical server, a VM is in actuality nothing more than a set of files that describe and comprise the virtual server.

The main files that make up a VM are the configuration file and the virtual disk files. The configuration file describes the resources that the VM can utilize: it enumerates the virtual hardware that makes up that particular VM. Figure 3.1 is a simplified illustration of a virtual machine. If you think of a virtual machine as an empty server chassis, the configuration file lists which hardware devices would be in that chassis: CPU, memory, storage, networking, CD drive, etc. In fact, as you will see when we build a new virtual machine, it is exactly like a new physical server just off the factory line—some (virtual) iron waiting for software to give it direction and purpose. In Chapter 4, “Creating a Virtual Machine,” we will do exactly that.

Block diagram of the layers of a virtual machine: application (top), operating system (middle), and virtual hardware (bottom).

Figure 3.1 A virtual machine

Virtual machines have access to various hardware resources, but from their point of view, they don't know that these devices don't actually exist. They access virtual devices, software constructs that represent physical resources abstracted by the hypervisor. The virtual devices they deal with are standard devices—in other words, they are the same within each virtual machine, which makes them portable across various hardware platforms, virtualization solutions, or across vendor solutions, as you will see later in the chapter. In a virtual machine, as in a physical machine, you can configure various types and amounts of peripheral devices. The bulk of this text will cover how to configure and manage these devices. But the real key to understanding virtual machines is to understand that there are two different views of a VM: one from the inside and one from outside.

From outside the virtual machine, what you can see is the composition and configuration of the host server. Whether it is a laptop PC running VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop, or VMware Workstation or it's a full-fledged enterprise-class server from Dell, HP, IBM, or Cisco running VMware vSphere or Citrix XenServer; the resources to which you have access are all of the systems devices.

From inside a virtual machine, the view is identical to being inside a physical machine. From the operating system's point of view, or an application's point of view, storage, memory, network, and processing are all available for the asking. If you are running Windows and open up the various Control Panel utilities to examine your system, you will find very little that would make you think twice. Storage devices, C: drives, D: drives, etc. are where they should be; network connections are visible and functional; and system services are running. There is some amount of memory in the server along with one or more CPUs, possibly a CD drive, monitor, keyboard, and maybe even a floppy drive. Everything looks just as it ought to, until you dig down and look at Windows Device Manager, as shown in Figure 3.2.

Screenshot of Windows Device Manager.

Figure 3.2 Windows Device Manager in a VM

Here you can see where real and virtual begin to diverge. Examining the network adapter and the storage adapter reveals industry standard devices. The display adapter is not the same as your actual monitor. It is created as a standard device driver to be used on any monitor. The disk drives and the DVD/CD drives are also specialized virtual drivers. What happens is that the hypervisor underneath presents the virtual machines with generic resources to which they connect. The specialized device drivers, which we'll examine closely in Chapter 5, “Installing Windows on a Virtual Machine,” are added later to help optimize that connection.

When you're buying a new computer, whether it is a laptop or a server, one of your key decisions will be how it should be configured. VMs give you the capability and the flexibility to easily change that configuration without most of the constraints that the same changes would cause in a physical server.

Examining CPUs in a Virtual Machine

Virtual machines are configured to run with one or more processors, depending on the anticipated demand on the system. In the simplest case, a VM will have one CPU and, as you saw earlier, if you examine the hardware from the VM's standpoint, you will see that only one CPU is available. From the host's standpoint, what has been assigned is the virtual machine's ability to schedule CPU cycles on the host's available CPUs. In this case, illustrated in Figure 3.3, the single CPU VM can schedule a single CPU's worth of capacity. The host does not reserve a CPU solely for the use of a particular VM; instead, when the VM needs processing resources, the hypervisor takes the request, schedules the operations, and passes the results back to the VM through the appropriate device driver.

Screenshot of Virtual Machine Settings dialog box with the summary of devices with item Processors highlighted (left panel) and settings for processors and virtualization engine (right panel).

Figure 3.3 CPU settings in a VM

It is important to remember that usually the host has many more CPUs available than any one VM, and that the hypervisor is scheduling time on those processors on behalf of the VMs, rather than a VM actually having a dedicated CPU. One of the main reasons for virtualization in the first place was to gain more efficient use of the resources through consolidation, and a dedicated CPU would defeat that purpose. On another quick note, most servers today have multiple socket CPUs, and each one of those sockets contains one or more cores. For our purposes, a VM looks at a core as a single virtual CPU. As you learn more about virtualization, you will see that it is possible to create multi-CPU, multicore VMs, but that is outside the scope of this text. You will learn more about managing and configuring processor resources in Chapter 7, “Managing CPUs for a Virtual Machine.”

Examining Memory in a Virtual Machine

RAM (random-access memory), or memory resources, is probably the simplest to understand in the virtual environment. Just as in a physical machine, having enough memory resources in a virtual machine is often the difference between success and failure when evaluating an application's performance. As digital consumers, we are all aware of the value of adequate memory resources, whether it be for our smart phones, tablets, laptops, or other personal electronic devices. More memory is usually better, but there is a fine balance between enough memory and too much memory in a shared virtual environment. As with CPU utilization, hypervisor vendors have added sophisticated memory management techniques to obtain the best use from the available physical memory. As shown in Figure 3.4, a virtual machine is allocated a specific amount of memory, and that is all that it can utilize, even though there might be orders of magnitude more memory available on the physical machine. Unlike physical machines, when a virtual machine requires more memory, you can merely reconfigure the amount and the VM will have access to the added capacity, sometimes without even needing a reboot. You will learn more about managing and configuring memory resources in Chapter 8, “Managing Memory for a Virtual Machine.”

Screenshot of Virtual Machine Settings dialog box with the summary of devices with item Memory highlighted (left panel) and a meter of different memory available (right panel).

Figure 3.4 Memory settings in a VM

Examining Network Resources in a Virtual Machine

Like its physical counterpart, virtual networking provides a VM with a way to communicate with the outside world. Each virtual machine can be configured with one or more network interface cards, or NICs, that represent a connection to a network. These virtual NIC cards, however, don't connect with the physical NIC cards in the host system. The hypervisor supports the creation of a virtual network that connects the virtual NICs to a network that is composed of virtual switches. It is this virtual network that the physical NICs connect to, as shown in Figure 3.5.

Block diagram of a simple virtual network, where NICs in a virtual machine each connect to a virtual switch in a hypervisor layer. One virtual switch links to an NIC in the physical host.

Figure 3.5 A simple virtual network

This virtual network is also a vital tool in creating secure environments for the virtual machines that share a host. From a security standpoint, VM-to-VM communications can occur across a virtual switch and never leave the physical host. If a second VM's virtual NIC connects to a virtual switch, and that switch is not connected to a physical NIC, the only way to communicate with that VM is through the first VM, building a protective buffer between the outside world and that VM. If there were a third VM in the picture, unless it was connected to the same virtual switch, it too would have no way to access the protected VM. Figure 3.6 illustrates the virtual networking options for a virtual machine. You will learn more about managing and configuring network resources in Chapter 9, “Managing Networking for a Virtual Machine.”

Screenshot of Virtual Machine Settings dialog box with the summary of devices with item Network Adapter highlighted (left panel) and checklist for device status and options for network connection (right panel).

Figure 3.6 Network resources in a VM

Examining Storage in a Virtual Machine

Virtual servers need storage to work with, and like the resources you've seen so far, what gets presented to the virtual machine and what the virtual machine believes it is seeing are very different. As shown in Figure 3.7, a virtual machine running Windows will see a C: drive, a D: drive, and maybe many more. In actuality, those “drives” are merely carved out regions of disk space on a shared storage device, and the hypervisor manages the presentation to the VM.

Schematic of VM storage, where a disk reader (virtual machine) links to cylinders labeled C: Drive 30GB and D: Drive 200GB. Another in hardware has a cylinder partitioned into 30GB and 200GB disk files.

Figure 3.7 Virtual machine storage

Figure 3.8 illustrates the virtual machine's view of storage resources. As a virtual machine talks to a virtual SCSI disk adapter, the hypervisor passes data blocks to and from the physical storage. That actual connection, from the host to the storage, whether it is local storage on the host or on a storage area network (SAN), is abstracted from the virtual machines. Virtual machines usually don't have to worry about whether they are connected to their storage resources via fibre channel, iSCSI, or Network File System (NFS) because that is configured and managed at the host. You will learn more about managing and configuring storage resources in Chapter 10, “Managing Storage for a Virtual Machine.”

Screenshot of Virtual Machine Settings dialog box with the summary of devices with item Hard Disk (SCSI)highlighted (left panel) and boxes listing capacity and disk information (right panel).

Figure 3.8 Storage resources in a VM

Understanding How a Virtual Machine Works

One way to look at how virtualization works is to say that a hypervisor allows the decoupling of traditional operating systems from the hardware. The hypervisor becomes the transporter and regulator of resources to and from the virtual guests it supports. It achieves this capability by fooling the guest operating system into believing that the hypervisor is actually the hardware. In order to understand how the virtual machine works, you need to look more closely at how virtualization works.

Without going too far under the covers, let's examine how a native operating system manages hardware. Figure 3.9 will help illustrate this process. When a program needs some data from a file on a disk, it makes a request through a program language command, such as an fgets() in C, which gets passed through to the operating system. The operating system has file system information available to it and passes the request on to the correct device manager, which then works with the physical disk I/O controller and storage device to retrieve the proper data. The data comes back through the I/O controller and device driver where the operating system returns the data to the requesting program. Not only are data blocks being requested, but memory block transfers, CPU scheduling, and network resources are requested too. At the same time, other programs are making additional requests and it is up to the operating system to keep all of these connections straight.

Block diagram of a simplified data request, where in a physical server, application layer links to NIC and storage drivers in OS to NIC and storage controller, respectively.

Figure 3.9 A simplified data request

Security and safety measures are built into the x86 architecture itself. This is to prevent both accidental and deliberate malicious system calls from co-opting or corrupting the applications or the operating system. The x86 processor's architecture provides protection in the form of four different levels on which processor commands can be executed. These levels are often referred to as rings. At the center, Ring 0 is the most privileged ring, where the operating system kernel works. Traditionally, Rings 1 and 2 are where device drivers execute, and Ring 3, the least-trusted level, is where applications run. In practice, Ring 1 and Ring 2 are rarely used. Applications themselves cannot execute processor instructions directly. Those requests are passed through the levels via system calls, where they are executed on behalf of the application, as in the simplified example, or they throw an error because the request would violate a constraint.

If a system program wants to affect some hardware state, it does so by executing privileged instructions in Ring 0. A shutdown request would be one example of this. A hypervisor runs in Ring 0, and the operating systems in the guests believe that they run in Ring 0. If a guest wants to issue a shutdown, the hypervisor intercepts that request and responds to the guest, indicating that the shutdown is proceeding so the operating system can continue through its steps to complete the software shutdown. If the hypervisor did not trap this command, any guest would be able to directly affect the resources and environment of all of the guests on a host, which would violate the isolation rule of Popek and Goldberg's definition, not to mention the difficulties that could ensue.

Like the native operating system that is managing concurrent program requests for resources, hypervisors abstract one layer further and manage multiple operating systems requests for resources. Figure 3.10 illustrates how application requests move in a virtual environment. In one sense, hypervisors decouple an operating system from the hardware, but they still ensure that resource demands are met in an equitable and timely manner. You might think that adding an extra layer of processing would have a significant impact on the performance of applications running in VMs, but you would be wrong. Today's solutions provide very sophisticated algorithms for dealing with this constantly changing and complex I/O flow from guest to hypervisor to host and back again without having to supply noticeable overhead for the hypervisor's needs. Just as in a physical environment, most time performance issues in a virtual environment still come down to correctly provisioning the necessary resources for the application workload.

Block diagram of a simplified data request in a virtual environment, where arrows depict interaction to and from a guest application to a disk, passing through several layers.

Figure 3.10 A simplified data request in a virtual environment

Working with Virtual Machines

Virtual machines exist as two physical entities: the files that make up the configuration of the virtual machines and the instantiation in memory that makes up a running VM once it has been started. In many ways, working with a running virtual machine is very similar to working with an actual physical server. Like a physical server, you can interact with it through some type of network connection to load, manage, and monitor the environment or the various applications that the server supports. Also like a physical server, you can modify the hardware configuration, adding or subtracting capability and capacity, though the methods for doing that and the flexibility for doing that are very different between a physical server and a virtual machine.

We'll defer the “working with a running VM” discussion until the next chapter and focus for now on understanding why the fact that VMs exist as data files is a key enabler in managing and maintaining them. Since the inception of the computer, files have been the method of storing information. Because of that history and knowledge, managing files is routine. If someone needs to move a spreadsheet from one place to another, she moves the file. If she needs to back up a document, she copies that file and moves the copy to another device for archiving. If someone builds a presentation that will serve as a base for many other presentations, he write-locks that presentation and allows other people to duplicate it for their use. By leveraging these same file properties, you can do some remarkable things with virtual machines.

Understanding Virtual Machine Clones

Server provisioning takes considerable resources in terms of time, manpower, and money. Before server virtualization, the process of ordering and acquiring a physical server could take weeks, or even months in certain organizations, not to mention the cost, which often would be thousands of dollars. Once the server physically arrived, additional provisioning time was required. A server administrator would need to perform a long list of chores, including loading an operating system, loading whatever other patches that operating system needed to be up-to-date, configuring additional storage, installing whatever corporate tools and applications the organization decided were crucial to managing their infrastructure, acquiring network information, and connecting the server to the network infrastructure. Finally, the server could be handed off to an application team to install and configure the actual application that would be run on the server. The additional provisioning time could be days, or longer, depending on the complexity of what needed to be installed and what organizational mechanisms were in place to complete the process.

Contrast this with a virtual machine. If you need a new server, you can clone an existing one, as shown in Figure 3.11. The process involves little more than copying the files that make up the existing server. Once that copy exists, the guest operating system only needs some customization in the form of unique system information, such as a system name and IP address, before it can be instantiated. Without those changes, two VMs with the same identity would be running in the network and application space, and that would wreak havoc on many levels. Tools that manage virtual machines have provisions built in to help with the customizations during cloning, which can make the actual effort itself nothing more than a few mouse clicks.

Screenshot of My Computer window displaying how to clone a VM, from the drop-down menu of Manage menu in a right-click menu on a selected OS.

Figure 3.11 Cloning a VM

Although it may only take a few moments to request the clone, it will take some time to enact the copy of the files and the guest customization. Depending on a number of factors, it might take minutes or even hours. But, if we contrast this process with the provisioning of a physical server, which takes weeks or longer to acquire and set up, a virtual machine can be built, configured, and provided in mere minutes, at a considerable savings in both man hours and cost. We'll work more with VM clones in Chapter 11, “Copying a Virtual Machine.”

Understanding Templates

Similar to clones, virtual machine templates are another mechanism to rapidly deliver fully configured virtual servers. A template is a mold, a preconfigured, preloaded virtual machine that is used to stamp out copies of a commonly used server. Figure 3.12 shows the Enable Template Mode checkbox to enable this capability. The difference between a template and a clone is that the clone is running and a template is not. In most environments, a template cannot run, and in order to make changes to it (applying patches, for example), a template must first be converted back to a virtual machine. You would then start the virtual machine, apply the necessary patches, shut down the virtual machine, and then convert the VM back to a template. Like cloning, creating a VM from a template also requires a unique identity to be applied to the newly created virtual machine. As in cloning, the time to create a virtual machine from a template is orders of magnitude quicker than building and provisioning a new physical server. Unlike a clone, when a VM is converted to a template, the VM it is created from is gone.

Screenshot of Virtual Machine Settings dialog box in Options tab with the summary of settings (left panel) and options for process properties and other settings (right panel).

Figure 3.12 Creating a VM from a template

Templates are used to do more than just deliver “empty” virtual machines, servers that are composed of the configured virtual machine with an operating system installed; they can deliver VMs that have applications installed and configured as well. When users need their programs to be loaded, a VM created from a prebuilt template can deliver that application or suite of applications to users, ready for immediate use. In fact, many application vendors are beginning to deliver those applications in the form of virtual machine templates that can be downloaded and then deployed in a minimum amount of time. We will look more closely at templates in Chapter 11.

Understanding Snapshots

Snapshots are pretty much just what they sound like, a capturing of a VM's state at a particular point in time. They provide a stake in the ground that you can easily return to in the event that some change made to the VM caused a problem you'd like to undo. If you have ever played any adventure games, the concept of a save point is analogous to a snapshot. Figure 3.13 is a basic illustration of how snapshots work. A snapshot preserves the state of a VM, its data, and its hardware configuration. Once you snapshot a VM, changes that are made no longer go to the virtual machine disk. They go instead to a delta disk, sometimes called a child disk. This delta disk accumulates all changes until one of two things happens, another snapshot or a consolidation, ending the snapshot process. If another snapshot is taken, a second delta disk is created and all subsequent changes are written there. If a consolidation is done, the delta disk changes are merged with the base virtual machine files and they become the updated VM.

Schematic of a snapshot disk chain, from an original disk to first snapshot (changes from original) to second snapshot (changes since first snapshot).

Figure 3.13 A snapshot disk chain

Finally, you can revert back to the state of a VM at the time when a snapshot was taken, unrolling all of the changes that have been made since that time. Snapshots are very useful in test and development areas, allowing developers to try risky or unknown processes with the ability to restore their environment to a known healthy state. Snapshots can be used to test a patch or an update where the outcome is unsure, and they provide an easy way to undo what was applied. Snapshots are not a substitute for proper backups. Applying multiple snapshots to a VM is fine for a test environment but can cause large headaches and performance issues in a production system. We'll work closer with snapshots in Chapter 11.

Understanding OVF

Another way to package and distribute virtual machines is using the Open Virtualization Format (OVF). OVF is a standard, created by an industry-wide group of people representing key vendors in the various areas of virtualization. The purpose of the standard is to create a platform and vendor-neutral format to bundle up virtual machines into one or more files that can be easily transported from one virtualization platform to another. Put another way, this offers a way to create a VM on a Xen-based system, export it to the neutral OVF standard, and then import in into a VMware or Hyper-V environment. Most virtualization vendors have options to export virtual machines out to OVF format, as well as have the ability to import OVF formatted VMs into their own formats.

The OVF standard supports two different methods for packaging virtual machines. The OVF template creates a number of files that represent the virtual machine, much as the virtual machine itself is composed of a number of files. The OVF standard also supports a second format, OVA, which will encapsulate all of the information in a single file. In fact, the standard states, “An OVF package may be stored as a single file using the TAR format. The extension of that file shall be .ova (open virtual appliance or application).”

Understanding Containers

While containers are not virtual machines, they are close enough in functionality and prevalent enough in application development and business computing that they are worth including here. Like virtual machines, containers offer a platform-independent package to bundle, deliver, and deploy applications. Unlike virtual machines, containers do their abstraction at the operating system level, rather than the hardware level. This means containers can wrap up multiple workloads in a single receptacle, usually supporting a single application.

Although containers do provide great portability and lower resource overhead than virtual machine infrastructure, they do have some limitations. The container model, because it abstracts at the operating system level, has a limitation that all of the workloads in a container must run the same operating system or kernel where a hypervisor can support virtual machines or various operating systems side-by-side. The isolation between workloads in a container is also not nearly as robust as what hypervisors and virtual machines provide.

In certain use cases, containers can offer more rapid deployment and lower overhead than virtual machines. Many of Google's services run in their Let Me Contain That For You (lmctfy) technology. Another popular open-source container technology is Docker ( Working with other like-minded companies, Docker has done a lot to develop standardization within containers in addition to providing numerous other tools and related management technologies to legitimize containers as a mainstream solution.

Much the way virtual machines and virtualization disrupted traditional computing, container technologies are disrupting virtualization and cloud computing. We'll investigate containers again in Chapter 14, “Understanding Applications in a Virtual Machine.”

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