© Alessandro Del Sole 2019
Alessandro Del SoleVisual Studio Code Distilledhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4224-7_9

9. Running and Debugging Code

Alessandro Del Sole1 
Cremona, Italy

Being an end-to-end development environment, Visual Studio Code offers opportunities that you will not find in other code editors. In fact, in Visual Studio Code, you can work with many project types and debug your code in several languages. This chapter explains how to scaffold projects supported in Visual Studio Code and how to use all the built-in, powerful debugging features.

Creating Applications

Visual Studio Code is independent from proprietary project systems and platforms and, consequently, it does not offer any built-in options to create projects. This means that you need to rely on the tools offered by each platform. In this section, I will explain how to scaffold projects based on .NET Core, but you can similarly create projects with the command line interface offered by other platforms.

It is also recommended to create a dedicated folder on disk for the next examples. With the help of the file manager tool on your system (Windows Explorer on Windows, Finder on macOS, and Nautilus on Ubuntu), create a folder called VSCode under the root folder, such as C:VSCode or ~/Library/VSCode. In this folder, you will shortly create new applications.

Creating .NET Core Projects

.NET Core is the cross-platform, open-source, modular runtime from Microsoft to build applications using C#, F#, and Visual Basic that run on Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions. With .NET Core, you can create different kinds of applications such as web applications, Web API REST services, Console applications, and class libraries. Plans are to support desktop technologies as well.

.NET Core ships with a rich command line interface, which provides many options to create different kinds of applications. Discussing all supported project types is not possible here, so you can refer to the official documentation available at https://dot.net .

In this section I will show an example based on an ASP.NET Core web application built upon the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. Creating a .NET Core application is accomplished via the command line. Open a command prompt or a terminal instance on the VSCode folder created previously, depending on your system.

Type the following command to create a new empty folder called HelloWeb:
> mkdir HelloWeb
Then, move into the new directory. On Windows and Linux, you can type
> chdir HelloWeb
On macOS, the command is instead cd. Next, type the following command to scaffold a new .NET Core web application using C#:
> dotnet new mvc
The mvc command line switch specifies that the new web application is based on the MVC pattern and the .NET Core SDK will generate all the plumbing code for some controllers and views. You could also use the web switch and create an empty web application, but having some autogenerated pages will help with describing the debugging features. Once the project has been created, .NET Core will automatically restore NuGet packages for the solution. You could also do this manually by typing the following command:
> dotnet restore

If you typed dotnet run, the application would run in the default web browser. However, the goal is understanding how to run and debug the application in Visual Studio Code. So, open the project folder with VS Code. You can also type code . to open Visual Studio Code from the command line. Thanks to the C# extension, VS Code will recognize the presence of the .csproj project file, organizing files and folders and enabling all the powerful code editing features you learned previously.

The next step is running the application. As a general rule, in Visual Studio Code you have two options:
  • Running the application with an instance of the debugger attached, where a debugger is available for the current project type. In the case of .NET Core, this ships with its own debugger that integrates with VS Code.

  • Running the application without an instance of the debugger attached.

Let’s start with the second option, and then the debugging features are described in detail in the next section. You can select DebugStart Without Debugging. Visual Studio Code will first start the default build task, and then it will start the application. Figure 9-1 shows the web application scaffolded previously.
Figure 9-1

The .NET Core web application running

ASP.NET Core web applications use an open-source development server called Kestrel ( https://github.com/aspnet/KestrelHttpServer ), which allows for independency from proprietary systems. By default, Kestrel listens for the application on port 5001, which means your application can be reached at http://localhost:5001. The default port setting can be changed inside a file called launch.json, which I will discuss more thoroughly in the next paragraphs.

With simple steps, you have been able to create and run a .NET Core project in VS Code that you can certainly edit as you need with the powerful C# code editing features.

Creating Projects on Other Platforms

Obviously, .NET Core is not the only platform you will use with VS Code. Depending on the platform, you will use specific command line tools to scaffold a new project. For example, with Node.js you can use the Express generator which you install with the following command:
> npm install -g Express-generator
Next, you generate a project with the following line:
> Express ProjectName
You can then type code . to open the new project in Visual Studio Code. Similarly, you will do with other command line tools that allow for generating projects, such as the Yeoman generator, still available for Node.js, and that also allow for generating ASP.NET Core projects and VS Code extensions. For example, you could create mobile apps with the Apache Cordova framework ( https://cordova.apache.org ). Cordova is a JavaScript-based framework, and it works very well with Node.js. Apps you build with Cordova are based on JavaScript, HTML, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). First, you can install Cordova with the following command line:
> npm install -g Cordova
Then you can easily scaffold a Cordova project with the following line:
> cordova create MyCordovaProject

where MyCordovaProject is the name of the new project. Once you have a new or existing Cordova project, you can install the Cordova Tools extension for Visual Studio Code ( https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsmobile.cordova-tools ). This extension will add support for Cordova projects to the integrated debugger for Node.js, providing specific configurations to target Android and iOS devices, as well as simulators.


You will also need some additional specific tools for Cordova, depending on what system you intend to target. For iOS, you will need to install the tools described in the iOS Platform Guide from Apache Cordova ( https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/platforms/ios/index.html ). For Android, you will need to install the tools described in the Android Platform Guide from Apache Cordova ( https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/platforms/android/index.html ).

Debugging Your Code

The ability of debugging code is one of the most powerful features in Visual Studio Code and probably the one that makes it a step forward if compared to other code editors. Visual Studio Code ships with an integrated debugger for Node.js applications and can be extended with third-party debuggers. For instance, if you have .NET Core installed, the C# extension for Visual Studio Code detects the availability of a compatible debugger and takes care of attaching it to VS Code.

Let’s consider C# and .NET Core as the example on how debugging works, so reopen the HelloWeb folder created previously.


All the features discussed in this chapter apply to all the supported debuggers (both built-in and via extensibility), so they are not specific to C# and .NET Core.

The Debug view provides a way to interact with the debugger. Figure 9-2 shows how it appears at this point.
Figure 9-2

The Debug view

At the top of the view, you can see the DEBUG toolbar, which provides the following items:
  • The Start Debugging button, represented with the green play icon. By clicking this button, you will start the application with an instance of the debugger attached.

  • The configuration dropdown box. Here you can select a debugger configuration for running the application.

  • The settings button, represented with the gear icon and whose tooltip says Open launch.json (details coming shortly).

  • The Debug Console button, which opens the Debug Console panel where you see the output messages from the debugger.

After this quick overview, you will now learn about debugger configurations, and then you will walk through the debugging tools available in VS Code.

Configuring the Debugger

Before a debugger can inspect an application, it must be configured. For Node.js and for platforms like .NET Core, where an extension takes care of everything, default configurations are provided. If you take a look at Figure 9-2, you can see how there are two predefined configurations, .NET Core Launch (web) and .NET Core Attach.

The first configuration is used to run the application within the proper host, with an instance of the debugger attached. For an ASP.NET Core web application like in the current example, the host is the web browser. In the case of a Console application, the host would be the Windows’ Console or the Terminal in macOS and Linux. The second configuration can be instead used to attach the debugger to another running .NET Core application.


Actually, there is a .NET Core Launch configuration that is different for each kind of application you create with .NET Core. For example, the configuration for Console applications is called .NET Core Launch (Console). The concept to keep in mind is that a Launch configuration is provided to attach an instance of the debugger to the current project.

Debugger configurations are stored inside a special file called launch.json. Visual Studio Code stores this file inside the .vscode subfolder, exactly like for tasks.json. This special JSON file contains the markup that instructs Visual Studio Code about the output binary that must be debugged and about the application host. The content of launch.json for the current .NET Core sample looks like the following:
   // Use IntelliSense to find out which attributes exist for C# debugging
   // Use hover for the description of the existing attributes
   // For further information visit
   // https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/blob/master/debugger-launchjson.md
   "version": "0.2.0",
   "configurations": [
            "name": ".NET Core Launch (web)",
            "type": "coreclr",
            "request": "launch",
            "preLaunchTask": "build",
            // If you have changed target frameworks, make sure to update the program path.
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/helloweb.dll",
            "args": [],
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart",
            "launchBrowser": {
                "enabled": true,
                "args": "${auto-detect-url}",
                "windows": {
                    "command": "cmd.exe",
                    "args": "/C start ${auto-detect-url}"
                "osx": {
                    "command": "open"
                "linux": {
                    "command": "xdg-open"
            "env": {
                "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development"
            "sourceFileMap": {
                "/Views": "${workspaceFolder}/Views"
            "name": ".NET Core Attach",
            "type": "coreclr",
            "request": "attach",
            "processId": "${command:pickProcess}"
As you can see, the syntax of this file is similar to the syntax of tasks.json. In this case you have an array called configurations. For each configuration in the array, the most important properties are
  • name, which represents the configuration friendly name.

  • type, which represents the type of runtime the debugger is running on.

  • request (launch or attach), which determines whether the debugger is attached to the current project or to an external application.

  • preLaunchTask, which contains any task to be executed before the debugging session starts. Usually, this property is assigned with the default build task.

  • program, which represents the binary that will be the subject of the debugging session.

  • launchBrowser, where operating system-specific properties contain the command that will be executed to start the application.

  • env, which represents the environment. In the case of .NET Core, a value of Development instructs VS Code to run the Kestrel development server.

If you wanted to implement custom configurations, launch.json is the place where you would add them. Because these two configurations, and more generally default configurations, are enough for most of the common needs, custom configurations will not be covered in this book. The documentation provides additional details about this topic ( https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/debugging#_add-a-new-configuration ).


If you click the Add Configuration command in the configuration dropdown box, you will be able to select from a built-in list of configurations that you can add to launch.json. This can be useful especially in those cases where VS Code should detect a project type and its configuration, but actually doesn’t.

Managing Breakpoints

Before starting a debugging session, it is useful to place one or more breakpoints to discover the full debugging capabilities in VS Code. You place breakpoints by clicking the white space near the line number. For instance, place a breakpoint on line 19 of the Startup.cs file, as shown in Figure 9-3.
Figure 9-3

Adding breakpoints

You can remove a breakpoint by simply clicking it again, or you can manage breakpoints in the Breakpoints area of the Debug view (see Figure 9-4).
Figure 9-4

Managing breakpoints

Here you can see the list of files that contain any breakpoint and the line numbers. You can also cause the debugger to break on user-unhandled exceptions (default) and on all exceptions. You can click the Add Function Breakpoint (+) button. Instead of placing breakpoints directly in source code, a debugger can support creating breakpoints by specifying a function name. This is useful in situations where source is not available but a function name is known.

Debugging an Application

Now it is time to start a debugging session, so that you will be able to see in action all the debugging tools and make decisions when breakpoints are hit. In the Debug view, make sure the .NET Core Launch (web) configuration is selected, then click the Start button or press F5. Visual Studio Code will launch the debugger, and it will display the output of the debugger in the Debug Console panel.

It will also break when it encounters an exception or a breakpoint, like in the current example. Figure 9-5 shows Code hitting a breakpoint and all the debugging instrumentation.
Figure 9-5

The debugging tools while a breakpoint is being hit

Notice how the status bar becomes orange while debugging and how the Debug Console window shows information about the debugging process. On the left side, the Debug view shows a number of tools:
  • VARIABLES, which shows the list of variables that are currently under the debugger control and that you can investigate by expanding each variable.

  • WATCH, a place where you can evaluate expressions.

  • CALL STACK, where you can see the stack of method calls. If you click a method call, the code editor will bring you to the code that is making that call.

  • BREAKPOINTS, where you can manage breakpoints.

At the top of the window, also notice the debugging toolbar (see Figure 9-5) called Debug action pane, made of the following commands (from left to right):
  • Continue, which allows continuing the application execution after breaking on a breakpoint or an exception

  • Step Over, which executes one statement at a time except for method calls, which are invoked without stepping into

  • Step Into, which executes one statement at a time, including statements within method bodies

  • Step Out, which executes the remaining lines of a function starting from the current breakpoint

  • Restart, which you select to restart the application execution

  • Stop, which you invoke to stop debugging

These commands are also available in the Debug menu, together with their keyboard shortcuts. If you hover a variable name in the code editor, a convenient popup will make it easy to investigate values and property values (depending on the type of the variable), as shown in Figure 9-6 where you can see a popup showing information about the Configuration variable. You can expand properties and see their values, and you can also investigate properties in the VARIABLES area of the Debug side bar.
Figure 9-6

Investigating property values at debugging time

Evaluating Expressions

You have an option to use the Watch tool to evaluate expression. While debugging, click the Add Expression (+) button in the Watch box, then type the expression you want to evaluate. For instance, if you type Configuration != null, the Watch tool will return true or false depending if the object has an instance or not. Figure 9-7 shows an example.
Figure 9-7

Evaluating expressions

The Call Stack

The debugger also offers the Call Stack feature, which allows stepping through the hierarchy of method calls. When you click a method call in the stack, the code editor will open the containing file, highlighting the method call (see Figure 9-8).
Figure 9-8

Walking through method calls

The code editor can highlight method calls only if it is part of the source code, but this feature is very useful especially when you encounter errors and you need to step back through the code.

The Debug Console Panel

The Debug Console is certainly the place where VS Code shows the debugger output but, as the name implies, it is also an interactive panel where you can evaluate expressions. You can type the expression near the > symbol and then press Enter.

Figure 9-9 shows an example that evaluates if the Configuration variable is not null.
Figure 9-9

Evaluating expressions in the Debug Console panel

Supporting Azure, Docker, and Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft has made many investments in the last couple of years to add to Visual Studio Code support for the most modern technologies and development scenarios. In fact, Microsoft has developed several extensions that allow for integrating with Microsoft Azure, Docker, and artificial intelligence services.

About Azure, you might want to consider the following extensions:
  • Azure Functions, which allows for developing Azure functions in VS Code and publishing to Azure directly from the environment

  • Azure App Service, which allows for deploying and scale web and mobile apps to Azure directly from VS Code

  • Azure CLI Tools, which provides interaction with the Azure command line interface from Visual Studio Code

Obviously, you need an active Azure subscription to use these extensions. Not limited to this, Microsoft has developed a Docker extension, which not only brings syntax highlighting for Docker files but that also adds commands and support to create and publish containerized applications to Azure. As you can understand, Azure is at the core of Microsoft’s business, and this includes artificial intelligence services available on the cloud. For this reason, Microsoft has also developed an extension called Visual Studio Code Tools for AI, which allows for building, testing, and deploying deep learning and other AI solutions. For developers using Python, this extension also makes it easier to consume AI services with this language. The official documentation provides detailed tutorials that help address these particular development scenarios, more specifically you can read

Visual Studio Code, with its extensibility model and being independent from proprietary systems, can target an incredible number of development scenarios, from web to mobile to cloud.


The power of Visual Studio Code as a development environment comes out when you work with real applications. With the help of specific generators, you can easily generate .NET Core projects using C# or Node.js projects. This chapter described how you can leverage a powerful, built-in debugger that offers all the necessary tools you need to write great apps, such as breakpoints, variable investigation, call stack, and expression evaluators.

You finally saw how VS Code can target advanced scenarios such as deploying applications and functions to Azure, packaging Docker images, and consuming artificial intelligence services.

By completing this chapter, you have walked through all the most important and powerful features you need to know to write great cross-platform applications using Visual Studio Code.

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