Dynamic routes with parameters

The last component we will add in the application is Ticket, which display a detailed view of one ticket by its ID. It will show the title and description inputted by the user, plus the date and the status.

  1. Create a new Ticket.vue file and add this template with the usual loading animation and not found notice:
<div class="ticket">

<Loading v-if="remoteDataBusy"/>

<div class="empty" v-else-if="!ticket">
Ticket not found.

<template v-else>
<!-- General info -->
<section class="infos">
<div class="info">
Created on <strong>{{ ticket.date | date }}</strong>
<div class="info">
Author <strong>{{ ticket.user.username }}</strong>
<div class="info">
Status <span class="badge">{{ ticket.status }}</span>
<!-- Content -->
<section class="content">
<h3>{{ ticket.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ ticket.description }}</p>
  1. Then add an id prop to the component:
export default {
props: {
id: {
type: String,
required: true,
..................Content has been hidden....................

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