Binding attributes with v-bind

It would be helpful if a tooltip showed the number of notes we already had on the "Add note" button, wouldn't it? At least we can introduce another useful directive!

The tooltips are added with the title HTML attribute. Here is an example:

<button title="3 note(s) already">

Here, it is only a static text, though, and we would like to make it dynamic. Thankfully, there is a directive that allows us to bind a JavaScript expression to an attribute--v-bind. Like the v-on directive, it expects an argument, which is the name of the target attribute.

We can rewrite the preceding example with a JavaScript expression as follows:

<button v-bind:title="notes.length + ' note(s) already'">

Now, if you leave the mouse cursor over the button, you will get the number of notes:

Like the v-on directive, v-bind has a special shortcut syntax (both are the most used directives)--you can just skip the v-bind part and only put the : character with the attribute name. The example would look like this:

<button :title="notes.length + ' note(s) already'">
JavaScript expressions bound with v-bind will re-evaluate automatically when needed and update the value of the corresponding attribute.

We could also move the expression to a computed property and use it instead. The computed property could be as follows:

computed: {

  addButtonTitle () {
    return notes.length + ' note(s) already'

Then, we would rewrite the bound attribute, as follows:

<button :title="addButtonTitle">
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