Changing Language page

For now, nothing really changed in the app, so let's add the page that will allow us to select the language.

  1. In the src/router.js file, import the PageLocale component:
      import PageLocale from './components/PageLocale.vue'
  1. Then, add the locale route in the routes array, just before the last one (with the * path):
      { path: '/locale', name: 'locale', component: PageLocale },
  1. In the AppFooter.vue component, add this router link to the template:
      <div v-if="$ !== 'locale'">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'locale' }">{{ $t('change-lang') }}

As you can see in the preceding code, we use the $t provided by vue-i18n to display a translated text. The argument correspond to the key in the locale file. You should now see the link in the app footer:

The links takes us to the language selection page, which is already fully translated using vue-i18n:

You can look at its source code in the components/PageLocale.vue file.

When you click on a locale button, the corresponding translations are loaded if they aren't already. In the network pane of the browser devtools, you should see a request made to other chunks each time:

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