
We will create a separate component for the dashboard indicators, as follows:

  1. In the components folder, create a new ProductionIndicator.vue component.
  2. Declare a template that displays a progress bar, a title, and additional info text:
<div class="production-indicator">
<loading-progress :progress="value" />
<div class="title">{{ title }}</div>
<div class="info">{{ info }}</div>
  1. Add the value, title, and info props:
export default {
props: {
value: {
type: Number,
required: true,
title: String,
info: [String, Number],
  1. Back in our ProductionDashboard component, let's compute the average of the values and the rate of errors:
      computed: {
length () {
return this.measures.length

average () {
if (!this.length) return 0
let total = this.measures.reduce(
(total, measure) => total += measure.value,
return total / this.length

errorRate () {
if (!this.length) return 0
let total = this.measures.reduce(
(total, measure) => total += measure.error ? 1 : 0,
return total / this.length
In the preceding code snippet, we cached the length of the measures array in a length computed property.
  1. Add two indicators in the templates - one for the average value and one for the error rate:
<div class="production-dashboard">
<h1>Production Dashboard</h1>

<section class="indicators">
:value="average / 100"
:info="`${Math.round(errorRate * 100)}%`"
Don't forget to import ProductionIndicator into the component!

The indicators should look like this:

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