Selecting a note

When a note is selected, it becomes the context of the middle and right panes of the app--the text editor modifies its content, and the preview pane displays its formatted markdown. Let's implement this behavior!

  1. Add a new data property called selectedId that will hold the ID of the selected note:
      data () {
        return {
          content: localStorage.getItem('content') || 'You can write in         
**markdown**', notes: [], // Id of the selected note selectedId: null, } },
We could have created a selectedNote property instead, holding the note object, but it would have made the saving logic more complex, with no benefit.
  1. We need a new method that will be called when we click on a note in the list to select ID. Let's call it selectNote:
      methods: {

        selectNote (note) {
          this.selectedId =
  1. Like we did for the add note button, we will listen for the click event with the v-on directive on each note item in the list:
      <div class="notes">
        <div class="note" v-for="note of notes"         
@click="selectNote(note)">{{note.title}}</div> </div>

Now, you should see the ;updated selectedId data property when you click on a note.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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