• Abitanta, Jane N.
  • accredited investors
  • active investing
  • advisor corollaries
  • advisors
    • about
    • advisor‐investor relationship
    • alphabet soup credentials
    • conflicts of interest
    • cost staying in business
    • ethical standards
    • finding the right
    • firing. See firing advisors
    • gender diversity in
    • gender preferences for
    • hidden incentives
    • hiring. See hiring advisors
    • interviewing. See interviewing advisors
    • partnering with. See partnerships with advisors
    • principles of principal corollaries
    • requests women should make of
    • telling investors they’re wrong
    • trust considerations
    • values aligning with
    • weathering poor performance
  • affluenza
  • Against the Gods (Bernstein)
  • aging and financial investments. See retirement and financial planning
  • AIMR
  • algorithms
  • All the Single Ladies (Traister)
  • alpha star
  • Angelou, Maya
  • Angus, Patricia
  • annual spending in when do I run out of money? tool
  • Anthony, Susan B.
  • Are You My Mother? (Eastman)
  • Arnott, Robert
  • artificial intelligence (AI) technologies
    • about
    • algorithms and
    • index investing and
    • overall spending on
    • poker challenge
    • questions to ask about
    • robo‐advisors
    • singularity and
    • warnings against
  • Asness, Cliff
  • The Aspirational Investor (Chhabra)
  • assessment quiz
  • asset allocation
  • asset management firms
  • authenticity, fixing lack of
  • authentic listening


  • Barrat, James
  • beauty contest. See interviewing advisors
  • Benartzi, Shlomo
  • benchmarks
    • advisory corollary
    • importance of
    • outperforming
    • principle of principal
  • Bernstein, Peter
  • “best in breed,”
  • Beyer, Charlotte B.
  • The Big Short (film)
  • Bloomberg View
  • Bogle, Jack
  • Bohnet, Iris
  • born rich. See inherited wealth
  • BrokerCheck tool
  • brokers
  • Brunel, Jean
  • Buffett, Peter
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
  • business profitability versus ethical standards
  • Butte, Amy


  • Cain, Daylian M.
  • candor with advisors
  • Capital Without Borders (Harrington)
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX)
  • Certified Financial Analyst (CFA)
  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • CFA Institute
    • about
    • Financial Analysts Journal
    • The New Wealth Management
  • CFP Board
  • Charles Schwab survey
  • Chhabra, Ashvin B.
  • Children of Paradise (Hausner)
  • closed funds
  • Collier, Charles
  • Columbia University
  • Committee for the Fiduciary Standard
  • Common Sense on Mutual Funds (Bogle)
  • communication
    • advisor corollary
    • honesty in
    • inherited wealth and
    • principle of principal
  • conflict‐free advice
  • conflicts of interest
    • advisor corollary
    • conflict‐free advice and
    • cost of staying in business and
    • disclosing
    • ethical standard versus business profitability
    • fees and
    • hidden incentives and
    • how they arise
    • investor expectations and
    • open architecture solution and
    • principle of principal
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI)
  • control
    • assessing need for
    • Quadrants of Sophistication and Control
  • Corporate Insight report
  • cost considerations
    • for advisors
    • of free advice
  • Couch, Ethan
  • credentials, alphabet soup


  • Davey, Geoff
  • Davis, Chris
  • Debevoise, Nell Derrick
  • delaying firing advisors
  • disclosing
    • conflict of interest
    • range of fees in industry
  • Dobbin, Frank
  • Dog Whisperer (tv show)
  • do‐it‐yourselfers
    • assessment quiz
    • identifying
  • dollar, calculating buying power of
  • Dowling, Greg
  • Druckenmiller, Stanley
  • Drucker, Peter
  • due diligence
  • Duke, Doris
  • Dunn, Elizabeth
  • durable power of attorney


  • Eastman, P.D.
  • educating investors
    • assessing knowledge level
    • assessing need for control
    • assessing sophistication
    • five Ps exercise
    • identifying pet peeves
    • identifying vulnerabilities
    • on purpose of wealth
    • responsibility for
  • Edwards‐Pitt, Coventry
  • efficient market theory
  • Egon Zehnder executive search firm
  • Einstein, Albert
  • Ellis, Charley
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Emotional Intelligence (Goleman)
  • Enough (Bogle)
  • entitlement, attitude of
  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
  • estate planning. See inherited wealth
  • ethical standards
    • advisors and
    • business profitability conflict
    • credentials and
    • doctors and
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  • expectation of inheritance (hidden influence)
  • expectations of investors
    • advisor conflicts of interest and
    • advisor corollary
    • being concrete in
    • “best” of everything
    • principle of principal
  • expense ratio


  • failure, teaching
  • Family Balance Sheet
  • Family Wealth (Hughes)
  • The Family Wealth Sustainability Toolkit (Herz‐Brown and Lotery)
  • Fearless Girl statue
  • fees
    • about
    • all‐inclusive packages
    • comparing apples to oranges
    • conflict of interests and
    • disclosing industry range
    • expense ratio
    • in investment outcome calculation
    • phees element (five Ps exercise)
    • unbundling
  • Fein, Sandy
  • Fiduciary Institute
  • Fiduciary Path
  • Financial Analysts Journal
  • financial incentives. See hidden incentives
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
  • financial modeling
  • financial planners
  • firing advisors
    • delaying
    • discussing possibility of
    • knowing when
    • life after
    • re‐evaluating before
    • warning beforehand
  • Fisher, Gregg S.
  • Fitzgerald, F. Scott
  • five Ps exercise
    • about
    • in interview process
    • using with advisors
  • flexible hours stigma
  • free advice, cost considerations
  • freedom (hidden influence)
  • free lunch
  • Freud, Sigmund
  • fund managers


  • Gannon, Niall
  • Gates, Bill and Melinda
  • gender diversity in advisors
  • Gender Lens Investing (Quinlan and VanderBrug)
  • George Washington University
  • Gilbert, Thomas
  • Ginott, Haim
  • Glenn, John
  • Goals‐Based Wealth Management (Brunel)
  • Godfrey, Joline
  • The Golden Ghetto (O’Neill)
  • Goleman, Daniel
  • gross domestic product (GDP)
  • Grubman, James


  • Hale, Beatrice Forbes‐Robertson
  • Happy Money (Dunn and Norton)
  • Harari, Yuval Noah
  • hard skills of investing
  • Harrington, Brooke
  • Hauser, Barbara
  • Hausner, Lee
  • Hawking, Stephen
  • hedge funds
  • helicopter parents
  • Hemingway, Ernest
  • Herz‐Brown, Fredda
  • Hewlett, Sylvia Ann
  • hidden fees
  • Hidden Figures (film)
  • hidden incentives
    • advisors and
    • medical profession and
    • open architecture and
    • questions to ask about
  • hidden influences, acknowledging
  • high touch attention
  • hiring advisors
    • advisor corollary
    • assessing appropriateness of
    • principle of principal
    • strategy for
    • subtle signs of being fooled
    • trust considerations
  • Homo Deus (Harari)
  • honesty in relationships
  • Hughes, Jay


  • IBM
  • index investing, 40–41
  • Inflation Calculator
  • inflation rates
    • in investment outcome calculation
    • in when do I run out of money? tool
  • inheritance, expectation of (hidden influence)
  • inherited wealth
    • face of success for
    • finding a viable solution
    • individual identity and
    • informing about estate plan
    • philanthropy and
    • rearing children with
    • sense of entitlement and
    • stewardship and
    • teaching failure
    • through a child’s eyes
    • women and
  • Inspiring Capital organization
  • Institute for Private Investors (IPI)
    • about
    • educational programs
    • Family Performance Tracking survey
    • forum presentations
    • research on family offices
  • Integrated Wealth Management (Brunel)
  • Internet crash of
  • interviewing advisors
    • being candid while
    • bundled services
    • checking references
    • comparing apples to oranges
    • compatibility considerations
    • five Ps exercise for
    • hearing pitches
    • making your decision
    • questions to ask yourself
    • scoring system for
    • uniformity in presentations
  • Investing for a Lifetime (Marston)
  • Investing Strategies for the High Net Worth Investor (Gannon)
  • investment banking firms
  • Investment Company Institute (ICI)
  • Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA)
  • investment outcome calculation
    • about
    • advisor corollary
    • doing with advisors
    • Monte Carlo simulation
    • multi‐dimensional challenges
    • principle of principal
    • retirement and financial planning
    • risk assessment
    • when do I run out of money? tool
  • Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
  • IQ
  • Ivey, Rosamond


  • jargon overload
  • Johnson, Katherine Goble
  • Jones, Meredith
  • Journal of Investment Consulting
  • Journal of Portfolio Management
  • Journal of Wealth Management
  • Jud, Gerald


  • Kahneman, Daniel
  • Kalev, Alexandra
  • Kinniry, Fran
  • Kiplinger financial advice
  • Kitces, Michael
  • Klarman, Seth
  • knowledge level
    • assessing
    • Quadrants of Sophistication and Control
  • KPMG accounting firm
  • Krawcheck, Sallie
  • Kurzweil, Ray


  • The Legacy Family (Hausner and Freeman)
  • legacy (hidden influence)
  • Levy, Ifat
  • Levy, Leon
  • Lewis, Michael
  • Life Is What You Make It (Buffett)
  • Liljenquist, Katie
  • The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (Bogle)
  • Lodge, Oliver
  • Lotery, Fran
  • Lowenstein, Roger
  • Lucas, Stuart E.


  • MacKinlay, A. Craig
  • Madoff, Bernie
  • Mandela, Nelson
  • Marcelo, Sheila Lirio
  • Marks, Howard
  • Marston, Richard C.
  • Marx, Groucho
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Maymin, Philip Z.
  • McCarthy, Kathryn
  • McKinsey & Company
  • McNabb, Bil
  • measuring outcomes
    • advisor corollary
    • principle of principal
    • retirement and financial planning
  • Mencken, H. L.
  • micromanagement traps
  • Millan, Cesar
  • The Mind of Wall Street (Levy)
  • Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)
  • Mommy, Are We Rich? (Hauser and Peterfriend)
  • Monday morning quarterbacking
  • Money Clarity data gathering
  • money managers
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • Morningstar investment research
  • multi‐family office
  • Munger, Charlie
  • Musk, Elon


  • National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP)
  • National Coalition of Girls Schools
  • National Woman Suffrage Association
  • Navigating the Dark Side of Wealth (Willis)
  • Neale, Margaret
  • The New Wealth Management (CFA Institute)
  • New York Times
  • Norton, Michael
  • NYSE


  • Objective Portfolio Theory. See Wealth Allocation Framework
  • OCIO firms
  • 100 Best Financial Advisors list
  • O’Neil, Cathy
  • O’Neill, Jessie
  • open architecture solution
  • Our Final Invention (Barrat)
  • outcome, investment. See investment outcome calculation
  • Outsourced Chief Investment Officer [OCIO]
  • overconfidence, dangers of


  • Parents & Teenagers (Ginott)
  • partnerships with advisors
    • about
    • balancing in
    • creating lasting
    • five traps and five tips for
    • following the rules
    • identifying good and mediocre performance
    • importance of benchmarks
    • Investment Policy Statement
    • need for honesty in
    • setting expectations
    • weathering tough markets
  • Partners of ’63
  • passive investing
  • Penta, Adrienne
  • people element (five Ps exercise)
  • perceived risk
  • performance (investment)
    • benchmarks and
    • element in five Ps exercise
    • expecting periods of poor
    • identifying good and mediocre
  • Perry, Ellen
  • Personal Financial Planning (PFP)
  • Personal Financial Specialist (PFS)
  • Peterfriend, Suzan
  • pet peeves
    • about
    • fixing jargon overload
    • fixing lack of authenticity
    • fixing too much selling
    • jargon overload
  • phees element (five Ps exercise)
  • philanthropy
  • Phillips, Katherine
  • philosophy element (five Ps exercise)
  • Poker played against AI
  • Pollina, Ann
  • Population Reference Bureau
  • power (hidden influence)
  • Preisser, Vic
  • pre‐nups
  • Preparing Heirs (Williams and Preisser)
  • presentations
    • ensuring uniformity in
    • listening to
  • principles of principal
    • advisor corollaries
    • listed
  • private banks
  • process element (five Ps exercise)
  • product placement
  • public securities markets
  • Purposeful Planning Institute
  • purpose of wealth


  • Quadrants of Sophistication and Control
    • about
    • advisor corollary
  • questions to ask
    • about hidden incentives
    • advisor client references
    • aging investors and
    • AI technologies
    • to know yourself better
    • when interviewing advisors
    • women investors and
  • Quinlan, Joseph


  • Raised Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise (Edwards‐Pitt)
  • Ratner, Bruce
  • references, checking potential advisors
  • relationships with advisors. See partnerships with advisors
  • remote intelligence
  • report cards
    • advisor corollary
    • principle of principal
  • Request for Proposal (RFP)
  • required risk
  • reset
    • advisor corollary
    • principle of principal
  • resilience, teaching
  • responsibilities of investors
  • retirement and financial planning
    • accessing outcomes
    • accommodating changes in
    • additional resources
    • asset allocation advancements
    • besetting sins of the elderly
    • breaking the silence on
    • discussing sensitive topics
  • retirement planning
  • returns
    • hidden incentives and
    • in investment outcome calculation
    • periods of time for
    • in when do I run out of money? tool
  • risk
    • benchmarks adjusting for
    • four components of
    • in investment outcome calculation
    • multi‐dimensional challenges of
    • overconfidence and
    • risk return perceptions
    • simplistic definitions of
  • risk capacity
  • risk tolerance
  • Ritholtz, Barry
  • Robbins, Tony
  • robo‐advisors. See artificial intelligence (AI) technologies
  • Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA)
  • Roosevelt, Teddy
  • Rothstein Kass accounting firm
  • rules of relationships
  • Russell, Bertrand


  • SalesForce
  • scoring system for interviews
  • Scorsese, Martin
  • second‐guessing decisions
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    • on accredited investors
    • additional resources
    • on fiduciary reform
    • on financial professional designations
    • Office of Investor Education and Advocacy
    • researching interviewees through
  • security (hidden influence)
  • self‐assessment quiz
  • self‐awareness
    • advisor corollary
    • principle of principal
  • self‐disclosure, authentic listening and
  • self‐interest, balancing
  • self‐sufficiency
  • Sherrerd, Katrina F.
  • Simons, James
  • singularity
  • The Singularity Is Near (Kurzweil)
  • smart beta
  • soft skills of investing
  • sophistication
    • assessing
    • Quadrants of Sophistication and Control
  • S&P Dow Jones Indices
  • S&P index fund
  • S&P Indices versus active funds (SPIVA) scorecard
  • standard deviation (volatility)
  • Stanton, Elizabeth Cody
  • stewardship
  • Strangers in Paradise (Grubman)
  • Stratton Oakmont sales pitch
  • StubHub
  • suckerdom
    • about
    • alphabet soup initials
    • insurance against
    • overconfidence and
    • promise of closed funds
  • suffrage movement
  • Summers, Larry
  • Swenson, David


  • tax rate in when do I run out of money? tool
  • Thaler, Richard
  • The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI)
  • Thinking Fast and Slow (Kahneman)
  • Top 100 Brokers list
  • Traister, Rebecca
  • transparency. See conflicts of interest
  • The Trustee Primer (Angus)
  • trusting advisors
    • difficulties in
    • importance of terminology
    • vulnerabilities in
  • Trusts & Estates magazine
  • Turnkey Asset Management Program (TAMP)


  • unbundling fees
  • Unconventional Success (Swenson)
  • University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • U.S. dollar, calculating buying power of
  • U.S. Inflation Calculator


  • values (advisors)
    • aligning with
    • learning more about
  • VanderBrug, Jackie
  • volatility (standard deviation)
  • vulnerabilities, identifying


  • Wall Street Journal, 52
  • Wall Street scandals
  • Warnick, John
  • Wealth Allocation Framework (WAF)
  • Wealth (Lucas)
  • wealth management
    • advisor corollaries in
    • advisory choices in
    • principle of principal
    • programs on
    • terminology considerations
    • treating as a business
  • A Wealth of Possibilities (Perry)
  • Weapons of Math Destruction (O’Neil)
  • Welch, Jack
  • Wellner, Karl
  • Westover School (Connecticut)
  • The Wharton School
  • What Do Women Want (Hale)
  • What It Takes (Ellis)
  • What Works (Bohnet)
  • when do I run out of money? tool
  • When Genius Failed (Lowenstein)
  • “Why Diversity Programs Fail” (Dobbon and Kalev)
  • Williams, Roy
  • Willis, Thayer
  • The Wolf of Wall Street (film)
  • women and investing
    • about
    • gender diversity in advisors
    • girls’ math skills
    • requests to make of advisors
    • slow pace of change
    • stepping up
  • Women of the Street (Jones)
  • women’s work
  • Wursthorn, Michael


  • Yale endowment


  • Zephyr charts
  • Zweig, Jason
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