Creating Your Own Pedometer

In this project, we will attach an Adafruit Triple-Axis Accelerometer and a Pimoroni Scroll pHAT HD to our Pi Zero and write a Python program so that we can count the number of steps we take while wearing the Pi Zero. We will then scroll the current number of steps across our Scroll pHAT HD.

If you are using the same Pi Zero for this project as you did for the previous project, desolder the three cables which attach the Pi Zero to the Perma-Proto board, but leave your off switch and LED in place, as you may need to detach these from the case first. To deactivate the software running automatically, connect to your Pi Zero over SSH and issue the following command:

sudo systemctl disable ledBag.service

Once the command completes, you can shut down your Pi Zero by pressing the off switch for three seconds. Now, let's look at what we are going to cover in this chapter.

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